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Malaysian court rules use of "Allah" exclusive to Muslims

So that next time some random Christian might not use Allah word for the concept of trinity. Since Allah is one and the supreme. He doesn't need anyone's help. He doesn't share His authority with anyone.

They have avoided unwanted blasphemy issues in there country. And that's the rational in all this story.

And would Muslims be swayed by terms like "Trinity"? Are you saying that Muslims are weak and fragile? From all accounts, you may be right.
It's a dumb ruling if you ask me. But what is the exact rational for not allowing Christians in Malaysia to use the term?

:rofl: :rofl:

Simply put it, God is actually a power. A metaphysical entity of infinite power, time, and intelligence. At least, that is what The Koran implies.

Yes and his physical attributes may be many or none at all but we refrain from attributing human characteristics onto him.

Idk why Malay christians would use Allah for Jesus anyway, it makes since for Christian arabs but for malays it makes little sense. Then again I don't really have a problem with it because us Muslims know we do not worship who they worship, regardless of what they want to call him.

If these are the reasons and your understanding of what idol worship is then you dont even know what idol worship is in Hinduism.

And then it makes sense, how Muslims in Pakistan are ridiculously ill informed of everything including other's religion in the madrassas.

You may worship your idol for different reasons but if you say that all hindus follow your form of worship then you are fooling yourself, anyway idols are a no in Islam and it doesn't matter how you try to twist idol worship. Its still just a stone for us.

And would Muslims be swayed by terms like "Trinity"? Are you saying that Muslims are weak and fragile? From all accounts, you may be right.

Yes, Muslims of today are weak and fragile. We think little things can really damage us, it is pitiful.
Stupid decision by an emotionally unstable judge. Allah Ta'ala himself says he's the lord of all mankind. How can you restrict him to muslim only? Iss mulla ko I mean judge to sharam ani chaiyay aur jakay Qur'an khol ke paray.
You may worship your idol for different reasons but if you say that all hindus follow your form of worship then you are fooling yourself, anyway idols are a no in Islam and it doesn't matter how you try to twist idol worship. Its still just a stone for us
All Hindus follow a simple understanding of what they worship in the idol.

Idols might be a no in Islam, but if those are the reasons your local mullah taught you, as to why idol worship is a no in Islam, then your local Mullah deserves lashing for disrespect to my religion - which would have happened were he in India.

Understand before commenting, otherwise dont comment.
All Hindus follow a simple understanding of what they worship in the idol.

Idols might be a no in Islam, but if those are the reasons your local mullah taught you, as to why idol worship is a no in Islam, then your local Mullah deserves lashing for disrespect to my religion - which would have happened were he in India.

Understand before commenting, otherwise dont comment.

Apparently not since many hindus worship the idol and not what in it, whatever that may be. Sorry there are no local mullahs here in the states just hindus who I see doing what I state, now like I said you may approach your idols differently but not all hindus follow your methods whatever they may be and regardless idols are a no in Islam. If you must you can come here and lash them for "doing it wrong". End of discussion.
Yes and his physical attributes may be many or none at all but we refrain from attributing human characteristics onto him.

Metaphysical as in The Universe perhaps? Anyhow, this is beyond our scope.

Idk why Malay christians would use Allah for Jesus anyway, it makes since for Christian arabs but for malays it makes little sense. Then again I don't really have a problem with it because us Muslims know we do not worship who they worship, regardless of what they want to call him.

I've spent quite sometime in South East Asia. Met all kinds of people. I've never seen any Indonesian, Singaporean, Taiwanese, Thai, Chinese or Burmese Christian use the term. Nor were there any major incidents with Muslims as far as using the term goes. Because they never use it.

It is indeed unusual for Malaysian Christians to use it. Maronites, and other Christian missionaries from the Middle East are almost nonexistent over there. Almost all are missionaries from Western countries. We never know, it may be different in Malaysia.

This case gets more baffling. Perhaps any Malaysian here can clarify this?
Apparently not since many hindus worship the idol and not what in it, whatever that may be. Sorry there are no local mullahs here in the states just hindus who I see doing what I state, now like I said you may approach your idols differently but not all hindus follow your methods whatever they may be and regardless idols are a no in Islam. If you must you can come here and lash them for "doing it wrong". End of discussion.

There is a very basic understanding of what Hindus worship when idol worshiping. Nearly ALL Hindus are aware of it.
Instead of merely seeing and deciding what it is, you ought to have asked them what they are doing and the philosophy behind it.

Next time, before telling us what your opinion of why idol worshiping is a no in Islam - those reasons you stated, understand what idol worshiping is, What exactly it is that the Hindus do.

Else you come dangerously close to coming across as a typical bigoted and crass Muslim - that sadly is way too common in this part of the world.
why would a court interfere in a matter of faith.

Malaysian courts do.

There was once a case long ago in which a Malay Hindu man, and Malay Muslim woman wanted to marry one another. However, the court didn't allow it. The only condition for the marriage being that the Hindu must convert to Islam. Malaysian courts are extremely reluctant to let Muslims leave Islam.
Metaphysical as in The Universe perhaps? Anyhow, this is beyond our scope.

I've spent quite sometime in South East Asia. Met all kinds of people. I've never seen any Indonesian, Singaporean, Taiwanese, Thai, Chinese or Burmese Christian use the term. Nor were there any major incidents with Muslims as far as using the term goes. Because they never use it.

It is indeed unusual for Malaysian Christians to use it. Maronites, and other Christian missionaries from the Middle East are almost nonexistent over there. Almost all are missionaries from Western countries. We never know, it may be different in Malaysia.

This case gets more baffling. Perhaps any Malaysian here can clarify this?

Evangelical missionaries are notorious for using local terms to try and gain converts.
There is a very basic understanding of what Hindus worship when idol worshiping. Nearly ALL Hindus are aware of it.
Instead of merely seeing and deciding what it is, you ought to have asked them what they are doing and the philosophy behind it.

Next time, before telling us what your opinion of why idol worshiping is a no in Islam - those reasons you stated, understand what idol worshiping is, What exactly it is that the Hindus do.

Else you come dangerously close to coming across as a typical bigoted and crass Muslim - that sadly is way too common in this part of the world.

I have spoken to hindus here, just because you do not like what they were doing does not change the fact that they were doing it nor do I care either way. Besides in my first post I was speaking about idols in general and not hindu idols anyway so you brought up hinduism yourself for whatever reason and I only commented on hindu practices I noticed after that fact.

Anyway there are many types of idol worship that do not involve stones or statues that are also banned in Islam, I only gave one example of idol worship.
:rofl: :rofl:

First of all that is not the case. It does not denote material, it denotes neutrality and you have to read the verses to really understand so even if it says He or She it is only for reference and not telling of the gender. We do not give Allah swt anthropomorphic characteristics and consider it blasphemy to do so unlike I guess in Hinduism as your gods look human albeit with a elephant head or many arms or something.

We consider idol worship blasphemous for a few simple reasons-

1- Idols are made by the hands of men and hence an idol is a creation whereas God aka Allah swt is the creator.
2- Idols are imperfect and a simple drop can break an idol, our God is omnipotent, what kind of God cannot protect himself?
3- God is everywhere and we do not need a physical idol created by our own hands to feel closer to him as he is never away from us and many verses say as much.

You are forcing me to believe that no gender means "it". But in our society shemale or transgenders (no disrespect) are not regarded as "it or that". Regarding the Idols this is what Hinduism believes

-We agree that idols are not perfect. but humans which are the creation of god are also not perfect. No human or animal can be claimed to be perfect. What dose it imply? Is god perfect? Because its the god who created the imperfect creatures in the form of humans and animals?
Now honestly compare your first point by replacing "idol" by "human" and "human" by "God".

-Term "Idols" itself means they are representation. A "Idol" can be representation of anything be it human or animal or God. When you create the idol of a human and it breaks up, does it mean that human also dies? when you create hundreds of idols of a human and start breaking them one by one, Is that human is to be blamed whose idols were made and then later destroyed? same is with the God.

-Gods are everywhere, but can you feel them by any of your senses? How can you acknowledge them when you can not sense them? For any human, to show some respect towards anything at least it should be sensed. In Hinduism, Just to have a sense of supernatural power, idols are made which are the representation of Almighty. It really does not matter how it looks like, it make be look like the keyboard on which you are typing. What really matters is your feelings which you show towards Almighty threw the medium which is "idol" in this case. This is why idols are needed.

Regarding Islam still I can't understand below

-Why humans are regarded as better creation than other living beings while both are created by Almighty?
-Why it is consider good to kill the innocent herbivorous animals. Are'nt you destroying a creation of God?
-Why to take life of innocent being while you can not give it back. After all that innocent being was not came to this world just to become halal in the name of human religion!!
@BJP* true but we do not call transgenders as such because they themselves find it offensive. When it comes to God, Allah swt says in the Quran that some questions will remain unanswered because they have no bearing on whether it will make you a better Muslim or not. Like it does not matter if God turns out to be a male, female, no gender, all gender because these are human dimensions that we cannot attribute to the Supreme and it won't make a difference on your faith whether you believe or not.

Humans are considered the best of creation because despite our many faults we can rise above them. Other animals have a limited scope in their lives and cannot even accomplish a tenth of what we humans have already done. We are the apex predators of this planet, it is what it is.

You can only kill them for sustenance killing for sport is forbidden. Some animals are herbivores others are carnivores, humans are omnivores so we eat both. While some vegetarians forgo meat all together that has a negative effect on their nutrition, if you go to a nutritionist they can expand on that. There are some things only available through animals that we humans need. Besides take a look in the mirror at your teeth, we were designed to be able to eat both meat and plants.
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I support this judgement. I don't understand the insistence of the Malaysian Christians to use the word 'Allah' in reference to God. Allah is Arab Islamic word for their God's name. The Arabic word for God is 'Ilah'. The word Allah predates Mohammed. Allah was one of the 360+ stone gods in pre-Islamic Kaaba in Mecca, who was the preferred god for the tribe of Quresh to which Mohammed belonged to. The other Arab tribes of pre-Islamic times prayed to the other stone gods in the Kaaba..
The Malaysian Christians could use many other words to address God, and stop using the word Allah..

Any more conspiracy theories? :pop: :pop:

Christians believe in Jesus being the son of God. The word Allah negates that notion as the explanation of it in 'Surah Ikhlas' blatently states that 'Allah is not begotten nor does Allah beget'.
It does not matter where the name came from.

Allah would be just as benign if called by another name.

Why should the courts restrict others from using his name is the question.

The court's verdict is wrong, the word is Allah IS exclusive to the Holy Quran but Allah the Lord is not a 'copyrighted patent' of Muslims.

^It's some people who happen to be muslims have a problem,not Islam.

I don't have an issue with anyone using the word Allah. Allah is not our exclusive property as Allah describes itself as 'Rab al alimeen' [Lord of all humanity/worlds] not 'Rab al Muslimeen' [Lord of the Muslims]. The concept of Allah in Islam is inclusive not exclusive and no, we don't have copyrights on it, so the verdict is outright stupid.
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