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Malaysian court rules use of "Allah" exclusive to Muslims

I agree its not fair to use the name Allah for idols...

Muslims have special value for name Allah that should be respected.

but seriously banning a newspaper from using Allah is silly.. hee hee.. I can't stop laughing.

You see, your claim goes against everything rational.

This is the idol of the original Allah,



The above image was discovered in southern Arabia in the site of an ancient temple. The symbols of the crescent moon and no less than 21 inscriptions with the name Sîn were also found in this temple.

And this is how he was worshiped,


Muslims today worship the same moon god without realizing it. They even Fast upon its (the crescent moon) sighting and break their fast when they see the new moon (of Ramadhan).
I know many Pakistan people who call God as Bhagwan :) :P

Bhagwan is a generic term and not name of any Hindu God.

Bhagwan, God, AllMighty are same words. So you should not call Allah as God also!!

what is difference between God and Bhagwan? one is English word and other is Hindi word. that's all. both otherwise refer to God/Bhagwan in general terms.

So you cannot use the word GOD anymore. :P

if using Bhagwan is unacceptable, then using God is also unacceptable. Look at yor post, you just committed lot of sins by calling Allah as God in above post !!

:P yeh many men in Pakistan specially in Punjab calls their wives "ari bhaag waan idhar to aa" so obviously you are right .

as far as bhagwan well how many people other than Hindus use this term for God??? :)

not many its nothing like only linguistic issue its more about the belief.

I know many Pakistan people who call God as Bhagwan :) :P

Bhagwan is a generic term and not name of any Hindu God.

Bhagwan, God, AllMighty are same words. So you should not call Allah as God also!!

what is difference between God and Bhagwan? one is English word and other is Hindi word. that's all. both otherwise refer to God/Bhagwan in general terms.

So you cannot use the word GOD anymore. :P

if using Bhagwan is unacceptable, then using God is also unacceptable. Look at yor post, you just committed lot of sins by calling Allah as God in above post !!

:P yeh many men in Pakistan specially in Punjab calls their wives "ari bhaag waan idhar to aa" so obviously you are right .

as far as bhagwan well how many people other than Hindus use this term for God??? :)

not many its nothing like only linguistic issue its more about the belief.
On a separate note, some might find it interesting to know the ancient arabic name of the Moon God was 'Suen' and the Rig Vedic name of the Moon god was 'Som'.
:P yeh many men in Pakistan specially in Punjab calls their wives "ari bhaag waan idhar to aa" so obviously you are right .

as far as bhagwan well how many people other than Hindus use this term for God??? :)

not many its nothing like only linguistic issue its more about the belief.

and you cannot call Allah as God or Almighty. God/Bhagwan/Almighty are same words.
Yea Allah!! oops is that contempt of the court?:whistle:

Ohh wait, I am not Malaysian citizen.. Why should I care??:undecided:
When Allah says he is the God of Christians and Jews, when Quran tells stories about Jews and Christians praying to same God we call Allah then what is the problem with Malaysian Judges. The only reason I can think for this judgement is because Christians may use Allah for Jesus which would be blasphemous for Muslims

now is time to close this thread before our wisdom gets out of control
When Allah says he is the God of Christians and Jews, when Quran tells stories about Jews and Christians praying to same God we call Allah then what is the problem with Malaysian Judges. The only reason I can think for this judgement is because Christians may use Allah for Jesus which would be blasphemous for Muslims

now is time to close this thread before our wisdom gets out of control

Dude get your facts straight before commenting something stupid like this.. We never consider Jesus as God but son of God..
same question to you how do you know the gender ??? :)

we don't say god we use God with capital the only one.

Anyway yeh sure ban we would like to use the word Allah/Rabul Alameen.

to christians mostly arab christians Allah means the supreme, the creator of universe,he is the father of jesus christ ,we respect allah more than u muslims thats why we bless ourselves saying the father(allah) the son(jesus) and the holy spirit.... muslims all across globe Vent their anger against christians by killing them forcefull conversion etc and etc but stoping them from calling their god by name Allah just because muslims feel it will lead to more conversion of muslims to christianity is preposterous,its like muslims have already patented their god name Allah in international council of patents...

THE WORD ALLAH WAS USED BY CHRISTIANS YEARS BEFORE ISLAM ORIGINATED The corresponding Aramaic form is ʼĔlāhā ܐܠܗܐ in Biblical Aramaic and ʼAlâhâ ܐܲܠܵܗܵܐ
I can understand why Pakistan fiddle with Islamization. Malay Muslim need to go that far. The big joke is Malay elites are all secular, rotten and corrupt, graduated from fancy western universities. They understand 100% that radical Islamism are bad. Unfortunately, that does not prevent Malay Muslim elites on doling out radical ideology.

Not even Pakistan or Iran deprive the word Allah to Christian. Malay broke the world record.

On one hand, Malay Muslim bully minorities. On the other hand, when minorities cried out being bullied, the Malay Muslim will brandish sword and sabre, telling the minorities that they have "hurt" the "sensitive" feelings of Muslim.

And they continue to threaten violence against minorities, claiming Muslim to be victim. Malay Muslim according to many research are dangerously radicalized. Worst, they are full of self-victimization, even though they are 100% bully. They always think that their minorities going against Islam, but on the contrary, its the Muslim forever stabbing the minorities.

The self-victimization of Malay Muslim today, are non-paralled, and maybe even worse than the worst feminist.
Simple solution, if christians or anyone else want to worship Allah they simply can covert and do so. No one has hold them back.
to christians mostly arab christians Allah means the supreme, the creator of universe,he is the father of jesus christ ,we respect allah more than u muslims thats why we bless ourselves saying the father(allah) the son(jesus) and the holy spirit.... muslims all across globe Vent their anger against christians by killing them forcefull conversion etc and etc but stoping them from calling their god by name Allah just because muslims feel it will lead to more conversion of muslims to christianity is preposterous,its like muslims have already patented their god name Allah in international council of patents...

THE WORD ALLAH WAS USED BY CHRISTIANS YEARS BEFORE ISLAM ORIGINATED The corresponding Aramaic form is ʼĔlāhā ܐܠܗܐ in Biblical Aramaic and ʼAlâhâ ܐܲܠܵܗܵܐ
the God of Islam and Christianity are different. that is the truth. if you delve deep into this. The God of Judaism and Christianity are the same YAHWEH. Allah is not the corruption of Aramaic word for God.
QUESTION: Do people of other religions worship the same God as Christians?

WARREN: Of course not. Christians have a view of God that is unique. We believe Jesus is God! We believe God is a Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Not 3 separate gods but one God. No other faith believes Jesus is God. My God is Jesus. The belief in God as a Trinity is the foundational difference between Christians and everyone else. There are 2.1 billion people who call themselves Christians... whether Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Pentecostal, or Evangelical... and they all have the doctrine of the Trinity in common. Hindus, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Unitarians, and everyone else do not accept what Jesus taught about the Trinity.

Since both Islam and Christianity are monotheistic, what would be wrong with claiming that Christians and Muslims worship the "same" God?

There are two reasons why we should refrain from agreeing to this claim: respect for truth and respect for the freedom of religious belief.

The first, and most important, reason is that Islam denies a fundamental truth that is necessary for the claim that Christians and Muslims worship the "same" God to be true. One of the basic axiomatic truths of Christianity is that God is Triune. While this can be a difficult doctrine to understand, almost all Christians would agree that Jesus is not a "part" or "attribute" of God but is one of three persons in the Trinity. A Christian cannot speak of "God" without including Christ.

When we claim that we worship the "same" God we are essentially saying that Jews and Muslims worship Christ but they just don't know it. By taking this position we are either denying the validity of our belief in Christ or dismissing the Muslims' belief that Jesus is not divine. In essence we are claiming either that (1) despite their denials to the contrary, Muslims recognize Jesus is God, or (2) that it is possible to know and worship God and yet deny that Christ is God.

The FAQs: Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? – The Gospel Coalition Blog
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