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Malaysian court rules use of "Allah" exclusive to Muslims

One would expect more maturity from Judges.....
How can these judges rule such ruling when the very source of Islam (i.e. Quran) says that non-muslims use the name "ALLAH" to refer to The Creator (ooopar Waalaaa)

Q:39:38: ... And if you asked them, "Who created the heavens and the earth?" they would surely say, " Allah ." Say, "Then have you considered what you invoke besides Allah ? If Allah intended me harm, are they removers of His harm; or if He intended me mercy, are they withholders of His mercy?" Say, "Sufficient for me is Allah ; upon Him [alone] rely the [wise] reliers."

the God of Islam and Christianity are different. that is the truth. if you delve deep into this. The God of Judaism and Christianity are the same YAHWEH.

As you be pleased. We Muslims worship The Creator of universe. So if you worship sth else as you just said urself, then you worship someone other than The Creator of Universe. Feel free to worship humans(Eesa) & spirits(holy-ghost) and idols. We'll stick to worshiping the Creator Almighty.

to christians mostly arab christians Allah means the supreme, the creator of universe, ............... he is the father of jesus christ ,we respect allah more than u muslims thats why we bless ourselves saying the father(allah) the son(jesus) and the holy spirit....

It is a disrespect to say that The Creator of universe had a son (or daughter for that matter). Equating superior being (The Creator) with a much lower being(human) is similar to equating superior being(human) to a somewhat lower being(dog) by calling someone son-of-a-bit** ... That human is offended when u equate him with a dog. And u equate THE MOST SUPREME with a lowly human being. THAT is disrespect.

Q:19:88-92:And they say: "The Most Gracious (Allâh) has begotten a son (or offspring or children) [as the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allâh, and the Christians say that He has begotten a son ['Īsā (Christ) A.S.], and the pagan Arabs say that He has begotten daughters (angels, etc.)]." (88) Indeed you have said a terrible thing. (89) Whereby the heavens are almost torn, and the earth is split asunder, and the mountains fall in ruins, (90) That they ascribe a son (or offspring or children) to the Most Gracious (Allâh). (91) But it is not suitable for (the Majesty of) the Most Gracious (Allâh) that He should beget a son (or offspring or children).

Q:2:116:They say: "Allah has begotten a Son". Pure is HE!(from such) His is what the heavens and the earth contain; all things are obedient to Him. Creator of the heavens and the earth! .....

You claim you respect ALLAH (The Creator) more.! If you did then you would have taken advice of Jesus(Eesa) whom you claim to be followers of: Jesus worshiped The Creator and never asked anyone to worship him. Son of God was metaphor for messenger-of-God/ godly person, that you took literally.



One would expect more maturity from Judges.....
How can these judges rule such ruling when the very source of Islam (i.e. Quran) says that Arab non-muslims use the name "ALLAH" to refer to The Creator (ooopar Waalaaa)

Q:39:38: ... And if you asked them, "Who created the heavens and the earth?" they would surely say, " Allah ." Say, "Then have you considered what you invoke besides Allah ? If Allah intended me harm, are they removers of His harm; or if He intended me mercy, are they withholders of His mercy?" Say, "Sufficient for me is Allah ; upon Him [alone] rely the [wise] reliers."
alah is not god thats why god is not alah.shiva vishnu brahma are the true gods.

God is supreme and reigns alone. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipotent. Those three you mentioned are none of those things and man made out of stone.
the God of Islam and Christianity are different. that is the truth. if you delve deep into this. The God of Judaism and Christianity are the same YAHWEH. Allah is not the corruption of Aramaic word for God.

The FAQs: Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? – The Gospel Coalition Blog

You are retarded pagan, Jews worship the same God as Muslims. Allah is derived from its Aramaic root and Elohim is the Aramaic rendition of Yahweh for Jews. Christian Arabs say Allah is God as well but they say Jesus PBUH IS Allah swt (nauzbillah) and so when they say Allahu Akbar it is not the same as when Muslims say it.

Jews admit only Muslims worship the same God as them as we do them.

Do Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
This site shows the differences, you will see Muslims and Jews are identical while Christians are not.

This is yahoo answers but a Jewish member gave the perfect answer summing it up and most agreed with him.

Jews will laugh if you say they worship Jesus like Christians do.
Our religion is for human not animals neither in our religion animals are above human.

why will I call a monkey as my god in the first place or a boar?

if I want to name my pet as hunuman will that set well with you???

Uncle you got it all wrong in the first place hindus do have gender based perishable gods we don't have.

Allah/God is one and supreme and does not have a gender.

and oh BTW the word "We" is not plural we but the commanding note and only Allah can be commanding supreme for us Muslims.

For Hindus of india anything can be god that's not our headache but don't try to cross limit with our God :)

Here actually a valid and logical question is asked. Why you consider only 'he' as respectable but not 'she' ??

no one is crossing limit here just asking the reason and logic?
to christians mostly arab christians Allah means the supreme, the creator of universe,he is the father of jesus christ ,we respect allah more than u muslims thats why we bless ourselves saying the father(allah) the son(jesus) and the holy spirit.... muslims all across globe went their anger against christians by killing them forcefull conversion etc and etc but stoping them from calling their god by name Allah just because muslims feel it will lead to more conversion of muslims to christianity is preposterous,its like muslims have already patented their god name Allah in international council of patents...

:rofl: Christians arabs say Jesus IS Allah and make no difference between the two. Anyway no one bothers them when they do say as such but everyone knows the difference. I have many Lebanese maronite friends who say Allah as well. It is no big deal but we are not worshiping the same thing.
Here actually a valid and logical question is asked. Why you consider only 'he' as respectable but not 'she' ??

no one is crossing limit here just asking the reason and logic?

In the Quran when God is referenced the pronouns used are Hu or Huwa which people translate as him or he but the real translation is It or That giving God gender neutrality. The same is true for Hiya which is the female equivalent pronoun in Arabic often translated as Her or she but also denotes gender neutrality. So Muslims do not believe God is male or female rather we believe we do not know enough to make a valid assumption.
It's a dumb ruling if you ask me. But what is the exact rational for not allowing Christians in Malaysia to use the term?

You are retarded pagan

:rofl: :rofl:

In the Quran when God is referenced the pronouns used are Hu or Huwa which people translate as him or he but the real translation is It or That giving God gender neutrality. The same is true for Hiya which is the female equivalent pronoun in Arabic often translated as Her or she but also denotes gender neutrality. So Muslims do not believe God is male or female rather we believe we do not know enough to make a valid assumption.

Simply put it, God is actually a power. A metaphysical entity of infinite power, time, and intelligence. At least, that is what The Koran implies.
In the Quran when God is referenced the pronouns used are Hu or Huwa which people translate as him or he but the real translation is It or That giving God gender neutrality. The same is true for Hiya which is the female equivalent pronoun in Arabic often translated as Her or she but also denotes gender neutrality. So Muslims do not believe God is male or female rather we believe we do not know enough to make a valid assumption.

by going to your post and use "It or That" for god, you are comparing it with material. By language, it or that can either be used for material or for any animal. If it is ok to use 'it or that' for god then why it is such a hue and cry over idol worship?
You see, your claim goes against everything rational.

This is the idol of the original Allah,



The above image was discovered in southern Arabia in the site of an ancient temple. The symbols of the crescent moon and no less than 21 inscriptions with the name Sîn were also found in this temple.

And this is how he was worshiped,


Muslims today worship the same moon god without realizing it. They even Fast upon its (the crescent moon) sighting and break their fast when they see the new moon (of Ramadhan).

What you have said is total cr@p and bullsh!t. At least try to get proper knowledge of Islam before commenting over it. Or read Quranic verses or read Islamic history so you would know that Islam is pretty clear about the concept of God and that concept has nothing to do with this pagan god you mentioned.

Quran explicitly rejects worshiping sun or moon or any other planet or star and we don't believe in any such pagan god.

"And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not bow down (prostrate) to the sun nor to the moon, but only bow down (prostrate) to "Allah" Who created them, if you (really) worship Him."
[Noble Quran 41:37]

For more read this:

It's a dumb ruling if you ask me. But what is the exact rational for not allowing Christians in Malaysia to use the term?

So that next time some random Christian might not use Allah word for the concept of trinity. Since Allah is one and the supreme. He doesn't need anyone's help. He doesn't share His authority with anyone.

They have avoided unwanted blasphemy issues in there country. And that's the rational in all this story.
Actually Malaysian ruling party did this for self-survival, but they have gone too far. I take Pakistan as an example. Pakistan faces secessionist problem and identity crisis. The only way to remain as an unitary state is to fiddle with radical Islam, walking a tight rope of balance. Papa Jinah is an ultra secular genius and he knew 100% that radical Islam only bring Pakistan into shitt. Unfortunately, Pakistan today still cannot find a way out of its centrifugal forces.

We can forgive Pakistan for that. Look at Manipur and Sikhim and this will be the fate of Pakistan if she got fragmented.

But Malaysia ruling party has no reason for going this far.
by going to your post and use "It or That" for god, you are comparing it with material. By language, it or that can either be used for material or for any animal. If it is ok to use it or that for god they why it it is such a hue and cry over idol worship?

:rofl: :rofl:

First of all that is not the case. It does not denote material, it denotes neutrality and you have to read the verses to really understand so even if it says He or She it is only for reference and not telling of the gender. We do not give Allah swt anthropomorphic characteristics and consider it blasphemy to do so unlike I guess in Hinduism as your gods look human albeit with a elephant head or many arms or something.

We consider idol worship blasphemous for a few simple reasons-

1- Idols are made by the hands of men and hence an idol is a creation whereas God aka Allah swt is the creator.
2- Idols are imperfect and a simple drop can break an idol, our God is omnipotent, what kind of God cannot protect himself?
3- God is everywhere and we do not need a physical idol created by our own hands to feel closer to him as he is never away from us and many verses say as much.
You see, your claim goes against everything rational.

This is the idol of the original Allah,



The above image was discovered in southern Arabia in the site of an ancient temple. The symbols of the crescent moon and no less than 21 inscriptions with the name Sîn were also found in this temple.

And this is how he was worshiped,


Muslims today worship the same moon god without realizing it. They even Fast upon its (the crescent moon) sighting and break their fast when they see the new moon (of Ramadhan).

Again mental farts by a pagan. Maybe you did not know but the crescent moon is not a symbol of Islam and was actually a symbol of Ottoman imperial supremacy which was then adopted by many Muslim states. No Arab country uses crecent moon symbol. Secondly these were the gods of pre islamic arabia.

Arabian mythology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Manaf (Arabic: مناف‎) was a god related to women and menstruation.[3]
Wadd (Arabic: ود‎) was a god of love and friendship. Snakes were believed to be sacred to Wadd.[3]
Amm (Arabic: أم‎) was a moon god worshipped in ancient Qataban. He was revered as in association with the weather, especially lightning.
Ta'lab (Arabic: طالب‎) was a god worshipped in southern Arabia, particularly in Sheba and also a moon god. His oracle was consulted for advice.

Dhu'l-Halasa (Arabic: ذو الحلاس‎) was an oracular god of south Arabia. He was venerated in the form of a white stone.
Al-Qaum (Arabic: القوم‎) was the Nabataean god of war and the night, and also guardian of caravans.
Dushara (Arabic: ذو الشرى‎) was a Nabataean god, his name meaning "Lord of the Mountain"

Note the bold, those were the names of the moon gods of Arabia. Lastly so what if us Muslims use the lunar calender? We also use the gregorian calender as does much of the rest of the world, which is based on the SUN, does that mean everyone worships the sun God ? :rofl: :rolleyes:

Also Allah as moon god was a lie spread by evangelicals and even they do not say as such anymore and only pagan hindus still bring it up.

Allah as Moon-god - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also here is another list of lunar deities from the world over, again no Allah. List of lunar deities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We consider idol worship blasphemous for a few simple reasons-

1- Idols are made by the hands of men and hence an idol is a creation whereas God aka Allah swt is the creator.
2- Idols are imperfect and a simple drop can break an idol, our God is omnipotent, what kind of God cannot protect himself?
3- God is everywhere and we do not need a physical idol created by our own hands to feel closer to him as he is never away from us and many verses say as much.

If these are the reasons and your understanding of what idol worship is then you dont even know what idol worship is in Hinduism.

And then it makes sense, how Muslims in Pakistan are ridiculously ill informed of everything including other's religion in the madrassas.
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