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Martyrdom in Hinduism

@asad71 Please go through the Kurukshetra war in Mahabharata , there are rules to follow when doing war.

The spirit of the Kuruskhetra warriors, the valor of the Rajput soldiers and the gallantry of the Rajbanshi chiefs have all been nullified and thrown into the gutter by introducing the Arthasastra in the various echelons of the Indian military and security forces.
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The spirit of the Kuruskhetra warriors, the valor of the Rajput soldiers and the gallantry of the Rajbanshi chiefs have all been nullified and thrown into the gutter by introducing the Arthasastra in the various echelons of the Indian military and security forces.

Arthasastra not evil, But the about truths on how to run a kingdom.
The bold part is one of the cornerstone difference between Hinduism and Abrahamic religions. The Hindu's is required to fight for the defense and protection of 'Dharma' and against 'Adharma'. But the problem arises when protecting Dharma also means protecting the Religion.

Without the existence of Hindu religion, how will Dharma be defined ? Without the Hindu scriptures to define the path of 'Dharam', people will start concocting their own version of Dharam.

Comments by Hindus in PDF itself shows how they have defined their own 'personal' version of 'Dharam' to include everything they find convenient. That includes eating beef, to sex outside marriage to consumption of Alcohol and related evils. :disagree:

Without the definition of Dharma, what is one fighting to defend ?

Man Dharma is for whole Humanity and religion is for cast, creed , community or believes. That is why you won't find anything that say that you do this and that to one who is not believers. Such as Kill the Kafirs.

For example Dharma will tell you do defend certain principles such as truth, protection of pallid, protection and respect of women etc. You should fight for this principles. Where other sects will say that protect the one who believe in that religion though they are doing wrong.
Arthasastra not evil, But the about truths on how to run a kingdom.

'Arthshastra' is made up of two words. "Artha" means economy, "Shastra" means texts. "Arthshastra" means texts on economy.
I have not studied Arthshastra but just breaking up the name it is easy to guess waht would be the topic of the book
Arthasastra not evil, But the about truths on how to run a kingdom.

'Arthshastra' is made up of two words. "Artha" means economy, "Shastra" means texts. "Arthshastra" means texts on economy.
I have not studied Arthshastra but just breaking up the name it is easy to guess what would be the topic of the book
The first and foremost condition of being a martyr(no matter what religion or law you follow) is getting killed by the enemy while you are trying to kill them.Blowing yourself up is the same as shooting yourself after shooting other people.What's the point of heroism if you can't even face an enemy??

The concept of 'martyr' is unique to Abrahamic faiths. Hindus have no concept of martyr.

A Hindu is supposed to defend Dharma. There is no 'special' reward or name for doing your duty. It is what you do.

Heroism starts when you face you own personal demons much before you face an external enemy. In Hinduism the first enemy you have to face and defeat is yourself. Once that is achieved, facing outside enemies is a piece of cake.
'Arthshastra' is made up of two words. "Artha" means economy, "Shastra" means texts. "Arthshastra" means texts on economy.
I have not studied Arthshastra but just breaking up the name it is easy to guess what would be the topic of the book

Its not like that my brother, Its more of Political Science and Public Administration book than economics...
Arthasastra not evil, But the about truths on how to run a kingdom.

'Arthshastra' is made up of two words. "Artha" means economy, "Shastra" means texts. "Arthshastra" means texts on economy.
I have not studied Arthshastra but just breaking up the name it is easy to guess what would be the topic of the book
Man Dharma is for whole Humanity and religion is for cast, creed , community or believes. That is why you won't find anything that say that you do this and that to one who is not believers. Such as Kill the Kafirs.

For example Dharma will tell you do defend certain principles such as truth, protection of pallid, protection and respect of women etc. You should fight for this principles. Where other sects will say that protect the one who believe in that religion though they are doing wrong.

But you are wrong.

There is a clearly defined path of Dharma which tells you what is right and what is wrong. The implication is 'do not Do something that is wrong'. So in a sense, it does tell you what to do and not do.

There is also a clearly defined path that asks those who follow Dharama to prevent those following 'Adharma' from destroying the ways of dharma or the Dharmic way of life. The clear directions to stop the 'Asuras'.

Protecting the people who practice Dharam is what protecting Dharma is all about. Without the people to practice Dharma, what use is Dharma ?
The spirit of the Kuruskhetra warriors, the valor of the Rajput soldiers and the gallantry of the Rajbanshi chiefs have all been nullified and thrown into the gutter by introducing the Arthasastra in the various echelons of the Indian military and security forces.

You do realize that Arthasastra is NOT a Hindu religious text, Right ?

Arthasastra is a book on Political Science and Economics. It is a collection of Real Politik practices that is supposed to serve as a guide to a King. It is not for the general populace.
The Quran does not ask to kill unarmed people either, the orders to battle is against armed enemies and suicide is haram ergo suicide bombings are also haram and no martyrdom is awarded to suicide bombers.

You need to explain this to fellow Muslims who are blowing up all over the world instead of Hindus who could not care less as long as the Muslims dont combust in Indian territory.
Actually when you are binding this "Dharma" to a written set of rules then you proving Hinduism to be similar to Abrahamic religions. According to Vedas, the "Dharma" is defined by the "yug" that you are living in. One thing may be "Dharmic" in one yug and could be "Adharmic" in another. So Hinduism is more of a directive principles rather than laws and are not binding.

Other than that, Hinduism promotes a person to go out and seek the truth himself/herself and define his own paths. The concept of attaining "Gyan" is nowhere to be found in any religion. The "Aghoris", one of the sect of shaiviks beliefs, practice all kinds of acts and rituals to attain this "Gyan", which includes things like eating half burnt pyres, feces and even menstrual fluids. The concept of animal sacrifice is also followed, they drink, eat meat, they fornicate with anyone and yet they are considered one of the most devout practitioners of Hindu religion.

So you can never define Hinduism with just vedas and upanishads. The structure of hinduism is such that it can assimilate anything. And as rightly pointed out the Supreme Court on India .. its more of a way of living than a religion defined by a book.
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