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  1. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    No, Apart from central leadership, now states have been integrated with each other and are dependent on each other in such a way that their own existence will come into question if they disintegrate from union. Ex, UP is totally dependent on UK and center for electricity similarly UK is...
  2. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    These type of people existed in India right from 1947. several times India was on verge of breaking, at that time situation was dangerous because central govt didn't had enough resources or power to control people. Even all the foreign newspapers predicted breaking of Indian union by 1965. I...
  3. BJP*

    Targeting Sri Lankans brings India shame

    Well Hindus regard Buddhism as a branch of Hinduism, and Buddha was regarded as one of the Avatar of Vishnu.
  4. BJP*

    Chinese Defence Minister gifts Rs. 1 lakh to Indian Air Force pilots

    CD consider and reply to only selective posts and then say Indians do not like chinese :lol:
  5. BJP*

    Chinese Defence Minister gifts Rs. 1 lakh to Indian Air Force pilots

    Mate !! Gifts are indeed sensitive issue for our culture. It is not "gift" any thing to any one. If you intend to gift something to someone, first look if you are eligible to gift that person, then look at the gift if it is eligible for that person, then consider the feelings of the person to...
  6. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    at least there is some Indian who can say wrong to wrong. ^^ thanks mate :)
  7. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    Ok.. will not judge on this even though the gap between both the posts is one month apart, yet he writes the same line. And no one from the "Elites" Tamils have condemn him for his posts. You can search my posts history, I have not written any thing anti-India or anti-Tamil ever. If you love...
  8. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    You cant insult me either I am not that emotional about my state (UP). Whenever you wish to abuse the politicians of UP I will be first to abuse them...
  9. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    So!!!! Did I contradicted the your statement? I have no special emotions attached to UP. Between you are still here, you should be get lost by now.
  10. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    we do care for them we are not turning back to India and want to do betrayal like Ashokdeiva and neuro. though these two have never been condemned by any of Tamils. I will open my gun to any one if one is going to post like this Showing sentiments is one thing but national betrayal is another..
  11. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    I know you don't have any answer.. look having sympathy is one thing but declaring that "I will be chinese agent and want to work against India" is another thing. That is what we called national betrayal. Thats what we call social problems not national betrayal. There is difference in both. I...
  12. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    no one is looking down on any one, we respect them that they are proud of their culture. We just have some differences in thoughts. like I had a fight with my sister yesterday, Does it mean I really hate her?? even thought she is much intelligent than me!! My locking horns with Tamils is just...
  13. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    I agree with you Tamils are really more patriotic than any one else, now can you explain the posts below and here is the golden one at least Khaps do not demonstrate anti-national feeling... they even try to work with govt. Can you explain the posts which I have posted just now
  14. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    Khaps hav not done any thing wrong... I know the actual story. The English media portray bad image for khaps by providing limited story. If they are so bad why they are still existing :azn: Neither state govt nor the central can do anything of khaps. Khaps are not made by govts. they have much...
  15. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    We understand dear, clearly he has no respect to females. What to say more he is having Indian flag in his avatar and want independence for TN. I wonder why these B*st*rds even speak for India. Heck I will care the people of such state. to whom will you advice this?? people of Punjab, UP...
  16. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    come down to earth.... you have enough embarrassed Indians on PDF. Why do you even have the flags of India on your avatar
  17. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    I meant anti Indians by thoughts not by actions. Consider the following posts..
  18. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    if not absolute majority at least few people think like them? I want to to meet Indians which are anti-Indians, means I can find them in Tamil nadu. Right? understandable??? what understandable? Tamils are emotional for the people living in other country, who would never become Indians, who are...
  19. BJP*

    Sushma Swaraj gets hauled over the coals over Sri Lanka

    I like that ^^ we have two ashokdievas now.... I have never met tamils , is this really what they think??
  20. BJP*

    China's no.1 ally is?

    India is a non aligned country, we dont believe in building alliance or having pets
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