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  1. BJP*

    Pakistan VS India Series 2012: Updates, Gossips and Discussions

    So why didnt it helped pakistan in world cup??? If you go by the pattern, the more people shout Inshallah, more matches are lost by pakistan!!! just go and check it out!!! ;)
  2. BJP*

    Pakistan VS India Series 2012: Updates, Gossips and Discussions

    Really!!! many of you also said "Inshallah" in Indo-pak recent world cup match but .............. :bounce: :victory::bunny::yahoo::what:
  3. BJP*

    Sri Lanka defends China presence in Indian Ocean

    At that time India didn't knew china's true colors. We thought china is also peaceful country like India. We ignored the swallowing of peaceful nation of Tibet by china. Suggestion to china : stay away from South Asia including IOR otherwise we will make sure about "Peace" in south sea.
  4. BJP*

    Delhi boysssssssss

    'Madarasan' slams 'Delhi Boy' in open letter The South Indian stereotype is not isolated to New Delhi alone. We've made movies about it, written books about it and even made songs about it. But a blogger, presumably a South Indian female living in Delhi, has launched a scathing attack on the...
  5. BJP*

    Delhi boysssssssss

    ha ha ha me too Delhi boy!!!! :) :)
  6. BJP*

    Thousands Protest China's Rule, Seek UN Action

    He is not Indian but he is national guest of India. He enjoys all the facilities which are provided to any visiting head of state of foreign country. 'Dalai Lama is honored guest to India', Manmohan Singh tells Wen Jiabao | Asian Tribune
  7. BJP*

    Israel wants to take India ties to next level

    welcome back.. how was your tour to India?? please share your experience
  8. BJP*

    Israel wants to take India ties to next level

    from where did you get this figure of 35% ??? According to Last census(2011) 81% are Hindus, 8% are Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains and rest are abrahimic religions. It simply means around 90% of Indian population follows Dharmic religions
  9. BJP*

    RSS accuses Bangladeshis of influencing NE politics

    that is why I said work should be done on ground level rather than giving interviews to Times of India
  10. BJP*

    RSS accuses Bangladeshis of influencing NE politics

    Yes it should be regularly updated and Bangladeshis should be sent back to Bangladesh and seal border.
  11. BJP*

    How to order Pizza from Pizza Hutt in Lahore ?

    I dont like pizza hut... Dominos is best Domino's medium farmhouse with extra cheese and double burst + coke = Yuuuummmyyy :man_in_love:
  12. BJP*

    RSS accuses Bangladeshis of influencing NE politics

    We will welcome actions of RSS on ground level.
  13. BJP*

    Indian Wipro is going to buy an american company

    I have not chest thumped just posted a news report, now showing mirror to an american. Do you believe these people have positive view of you?? :lol: Indians are already poor, smelly, lacking toilets, wearing saries, survived because of mercy of west in view of these people.
  14. BJP*

    Indian Wipro is going to buy an american company

    we were enemy before your 9/11. We are here because of our reforms, not because of you. get out of delusion. Our economy is agriculture driven not because of jobs in US. it hardly matters to us. Do you believe we will be interested in becoming your friend/ally after seeing what you have done to...
  15. BJP*

    Indian Wipro is going to buy an american company

    US reached hear in about 300 years. they got independence in 1800s while we got independence in 1947 and we have reached hear in just 60 years accuring now american companies. your smart people took 300 years to bring you here ours have done only in 60 years and still doing. There is no doubt...
  16. BJP*

    UFO Crashes Off Okinawa, Japanese Navy Secures Area

    thats not exactly the description of nuclear war
  17. BJP*

    UFO Crashes Off Okinawa, Japanese Navy Secures Area

    There is no mention of nuclear war in our texts. Though Gods have special powers. I wonder where they will fit in story of Isro2222. There is no mention of Greek gods in our texts and no mention of our Gods in Greek texts.
  18. BJP*

    UFO Crashes Off Okinawa, Japanese Navy Secures Area

    how will govts arround the world will be benefited if they hide this from their own people.
  19. BJP*

    UFO Crashes Off Okinawa, Japanese Navy Secures Area

    interesting stuff................. I wonder where do Indian gods fit in the scenario. Indian Gods were no less powerful than Greek Gods. And in some cases more powerful than Greek gods
  20. BJP*

    Indian Wipro is going to buy an american company

    Look at the date of OP and my last post is from yesterdays news. The point is the stature of Indian companies is growing around the world. For you this may be very small deal, but the indications are very big. If US does not wake up now, it may not remain top economy say in next 30 years.
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