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Israel wants to take India ties to next level

Well i some what accept ur this post ... i have did both my DME & B.E in a Christian institution ... so most of my Friends r Christians specially Malayalis...

The Marthoma's r very extereme like the Pentacost ... who seek for converts ... they call themselves Syrian but they have nothing to do with it apart from just that they preach in there way & all the Gouns & Dresses of there priest come from Syria ...

Most of my Friends whom i call bro r RC's of Kerala... they r really cool people ... & evangelical movement supported by the Vatican is seen as a threat more by RC's & Saint Thomas Christian then average Hindus like us... they wanna convert everyone even the christians belonging to other denomination...

Nair you hit the nail on the head. Those other Christian organizations are concerned with destroying and watering down my people's heritage (knanya). Its based on customs brought long before you and I were born. Their problems arises from the fact that we do not convert not a singl person nor do intermarry with them. And this has upset many of them to the point of doing very UNCHRISTIAN ACTS. Thats why I said religion is organized BS. Look at CHristianity.....Indians are so dumb they never question the realities. The center of Christian faith was neve the Vatican but Constantinople. When the Turks arrived, the Vatican did very little to help coz it was not in their best interest. It has always been about control. The Roman Empire converting to Christian Empire was to control the masses. The Portuguese and other colonists interfered greatly with malabar Churches and practices. So, when you look at the big pic.....the British were better than all at least they interfered the least but looted the most.
To show a retard that you are so patriotic....................You have painted Marthoma,CSI are funded by Vatican...................This shows your ignorance & Lack of Knowledge about Christians from Kerala................I am a Marthomite and we call our selves Syrian Christians................Converted to Christianity by St Thomas....................And for Your Information Marthomite Sabha is competent to look after herself without external help.................
My Fathers Uncle worked with INA in Singapore, my father is retired from IAF (participated in 65&71 wars)...........so what Patriotism is this Nair talking about

No You are correct but your Churches are the ones pushing for hidden agendas. You guys actively engage in conversion but the biggest culprit is the Latin Rite Churches, they are clearly supported and funded by the Vatican. They have an agenda for all of us to follow their Latin rite which is alien to India for 2000 yrs. The priests are so corrupt in India and US. They think and act like they are demi gods.......I give them a good lashing every chance I get ....let reality sink in their narrow close minded hearts.
Nair, you seem to be a born retard. change your name please dont spoil the name of the other nairs, many of whom are my best friends.

If you listened to what trinity was talking about, instead of acting like an adolescent girl, it would all make sense. Syrian christian Knanayas are famous for preserving their jewish blood for centuries. they are what is called Messianic christians. Due to the "blood of abraham" effect they should be able to get a citizenship or at least some kind of link to israel. why do i feel strongly about this? because i am one myself, except that i am not knanaya, so not pure jewish origin. I have talked about it here http://www.defence.pk/forums/general-images-multimedia/214160-indians-pictures-40.html#post3533245
But still Israel is the land where majority of my ancestors came from and we would like to have some sort of connection to it. This is just like how NRIs try to preserve their link to their home country. does not mean they hate their current country

Thank you.....I have nothing against any group. India communal harmony is very delicate so that is why I deplore anyone of us converting ppl. Let ppl make their own informed decision. Like Ambedkar, I prefer if Indians convert to Buddhism....I think in the end it will be more beneifical for India as a whole. What we don;t realize is that Ambedkar was a brillant man but as treated like crap due to his caste. yet, he took the time and made the effort to analyze the pro;s and con;s of all religions which is why he settled on Buddhism. I wish I got a chance to meet and chat with him.
It doesn;t look like that at all. You can read what I wrote a thousand times and I see no desperation. I was merely asking a Jew about a matter that concerned me. Got it? You act as if my ppl are not patriotic when you don;t even know anything about us? We don;t go glorifying waht we do and did. We just keep on doing it....we don;t care for cheap publicity. You assume we are not proud INDIANS BASED on what exactly? Parsi's practice the same **** you idiot. The only difference is the state of Iran today. When and If Iran sheds its ideological govt, then you will see another side of Parsi's maybe. And there is nothing wrong with that. It will help both nations to prosper and develop closer bonds. Getting citizenship doesn;t mean you are going to leave the land. Look at Cochin Jews...who have Israeli citizenship....they still maintain their property in Kerala. So, read a bit more and stop assuming something that is not what I wrote....You and your friends are really proving KATJU correct

:) Example in front of us..... tells volume about your mindset. BTW I am done with this offtopic issue. Won't reply to you anymore about this.
:) Example in front of us..... tells volume about your mindset. BTW I am done with this offtopic issue. Won't reply to you anymore about this.

Exactly what I thought about you. Cant reply back to a point that shows what you are really all about. Thanks for proving Mr. Katju analysis correct! Its funny how you guys get easily offended by terms like stupid and idiot yet cannot even comprehend what I have written and then take the step to incorporate lies to my statement. Don;t reply back coz you and your friends have clearly shown how you guys think and act.

Think about this the Ganges is a very holy river for all Hindus, why cant we all donate 10 ruppes to clean it up? You knock the West and other nations but fail to see how their ppl will unite for a common cause. You got to give credit where credit is due. If you analyzed Katju properly, his msg is very clear.......sometimes ppl need to shove the cold hard truth in your face till you finally get the msg and act. And easily go onto Change.org and fundraise to clean the Ganges but when will Indians. loosen up their purse to help their own ppl and country?
Israel wants to take India ties to next level

As it is, despite India's support for the Palestinian cause, New Delhi and Tel Aviv have a wide-ranging relationship encompassing defence, economic cooperation, agriculture, food security and scientific cooperation.
however it is better for india to note that there has never been any reciprocal support for india from the PLO in any international forum preferably OIc on the issue of jammu & Kashmir.India must always remember when calibrating its relationships between Israel & the worthless PLO.
Exactly what I thought about you. Cant reply back to a point that shows what you really all about. Thanks for proving Mr. Katju analysis correct! Its funny how you guys get easily offended by terms like stupid and idiot yet cannot even comprehend what I have written and then take the step to incorporate lies to my statement. Like I said, don;t reply back coz you and your friends have clearly shown how you guys think and act.

Let me ask you something, the Ganges is a very holy river for all Hindus, why cant you all donate 10 ruppes to clean it up? You knock the West and other nations but fail to see how their ppl will unite for a common cause. You got to give credit where credit is due. If you analyzed Katju properly, his msg is very clear.......sometimes ppl need to slap the cold hard truth till you finally get the msg and act.

Very true. I am offended and thats why you are resorting to personal attacks. What logic :cheesy:

Question for you: Who told you I am an Hindu? How can you be so sure?
Nair, you seem to be a born retard. change your name please dont spoil the name of the other nairs, many of whom are my best friends.

If you listened to what trinity was talking about, instead of acting like an adolescent girl, it would all make sense. Syrian christian Knanayas are famous for preserving their jewish blood for centuries. they are what is called Messianic christians. Due to the "blood of abraham" effect they should be able to get a citizenship or at least some kind of link to israel. why do i feel strongly about this? because i am one myself, except that i am not knanaya, so not pure jewish origin. I have talked about it here http://www.defence.pk/forums/general-images-multimedia/214160-indians-pictures-40.html#post3533245
But still Israel is the land where majority of my ancestors came from and we would like to have some sort of connection to it. This is just like how NRIs try to preserve their link to their home country. does not mean they hate their current country

Mate, I am a Syrian Christian myself, but our ancestors left the middle east 2000 years ago... so many things happend. Who knows if you have north Indian, Chinese, African or European blood in you since Kerala was a busy trade post.

Nair you hit the nail on the head. Those other Christian organizations are concerned with destroying and watering down my people's heritage (knanya). Its based on customs brought long before you and I were born. Their problems arises from the fact that we do not convert not a singl person nor do intermarry with them. And this has upset many of them to the point of doing very UNCHRISTIAN ACTS. Thats why I said religion is organized BS. Look at CHristianity.....Indians are so dumb they never question the realities. The center of Christian faith was neve the Vatican but Constantinople. When the Turks arrived, the Vatican did very little to help coz it was not in their best interest. It has always been about control. The Roman Empire converting to Christian Empire was to control the masses. The Portuguese and other colonists interfered greatly with malabar Churches and practices. So, when you look at the big pic.....the British were better than all at least they interfered the least but looted the most.
The bolded part is the word i hate the most... I want Indians of all caste & religion to intermarriage each other but offcorse it should not be one sided, it should be mutual ... & uniform civil code must be applied scraping the Hindu , Muslim , Christian Marriage act etc...

But i am against the Love Jehad & all of that kind which is practiced in Kerala by certain mental retards ... i am Hindu Nationalist it doesnt mean i am Against Non-Hindus ... i am against that elements who dont recognize themselves as Indian First & wanna Hurt Hindu culture by bringing some Middle eastern barbaric Law & practices here...

u accept it or not but the fact remains that India will be a Secular & tolerant country only Until Hindus r in majority ... once that is lost India is lost...
Some people on this forum are fools, India and Israels friendship is already on the next level and had been that way for about 20 years now.

Why do you guys think there are so many Israelite kids in India, many of them go to India as soon as their military service is finished, they love India and they feel safe and welcome there.

welcome back.. how was your tour to India?? please share your experience
from your posts i can clearly understand that you are a false flagger who is hell bent to bash India:azn:!well it doesn't matter if you are an India basher,as long as you remain out of our motherland:coffee:!U.S.A. is a perfect place for guys like you who generally love to back stab the nation in which your ancestors lived and died:disagree:(considering you as an Indian though i am really sceptic about that).
whether you accept it or not it doesn't change the reality that Israel has dominated the ME region for the past 6 decades and by the grace of the God they will surely do that in the future also!good going Israel:tup:

please stop lying in an international forum!muslims count for 15-16% of the Indian population and most of them have no problem with Israel(well a few of them do suffer from the "Arab" identity syndrome though:chilli:).and yes we Indians are secular in nature,thats why we support Israel against its war on terrorism(read:p:alestinian terrorism)!and for your information Nair community isn't a minority instead they are the majority(considering that more than 80% of the Indians follow Hinduism)!got it mate!:azn:

i won't wake you up from you wet dream mate after all its your dream!:rofl:

Only idiots not the secular ones would wish that.. Indians in general are not attached to Palestinian issue at all and they consider Israel a friend. Only a few muslims who still believe in the Umaah keep on crying and this is when they forget that the ones among them who crossed to border to end up in land of pure are still called Muhajirs to this day. Also, the Shias among them are the worst off no body cares for them but still the illogical Ummah love for the one and all, in far off places, remains which is quite surprising. You guys really need to get real!!

and since when Muslims became 35% in India. did you get the new census numbers?

Welcome idiot teri hi kami thi

Only Internet hindus like israel and like to be treated like puppy .

138,188,240. number of muslim in 2001 government census

As reported by the 2001 Census of India, there are 138,188,240 Muslims in India, which corresponds to 13.4% of the total population. Indian Muslims constitute the second largest religious group in the country, preceded only by Hindus, and followed by Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains
Number*of*Muslims*in*India | Number Of | How Many

From above figure if we just consider 5 crore couple capable of parentwood then average kid in muslim household is 3 kids so in just 11 year we have 15 crore kids +10 crore parent + grand parent 5crore = 30 crore this is just a rough estimate .and Minus death rate but still lots of people don't want to wake up from their wet dream .

The Light Reloaded Pt. 22 (Rise Of Islam In Europe) - YouTube

If we just consider average house of a muslim couple you will see minimum 3 kids
138,188,240. number of muslim in 2001 government census

As reported by the 2001 Census of India, there are 138,188,240 Muslims in India, which corresponds to 13.4% of the total population. Indian Muslims constitute the second largest religious group in the country, preceded only by Hindus, and followed by Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains

in eleven year how many new born muslim ,you know how muslim reproduce they are like factory and you also know how you poor sick hindus reproduce and may be one or two and that also around when you guys reach 40

The proportion of Hindus has in the population shrunk from 83.4 percent in 1961 to 80.5 percent according to the 2001 census. This trend matches with an almost equivalent proportional rise among the Muslims — from 10.7 percent to 13.4 percent from 1961 to 2001 (and for this reason we also restrict our study to a comparative analysis between these two religions). A declining proportion of Hindus means either that the growth of Hindus is declining or that of other communities is rising. Or, as in this case, a combination of both. Decadal growth in the Hindu population has fallen to 19.3% compared with 23.8% in 1961, as per our estimates based on data from the National Minorities Commission and the Census of India 2001. In comparison, the growth in the Muslim population accelerated from 30.6% in 1961 to 34.6% in 2001. (Figures for religious demography in 2011 are yet to be made available.

Hindu Jagega To Desh Bachega :rofl:

from where did you get this figure of 35% ??? According to Last census(2011) 81% are Hindus, 8% are Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains and rest are abrahimic religions.

It simply means around 90% of Indian population follows Dharmic religions
Don't act like an uneducated mullah and go figure out the numbers in 2011 census.. But then it is no point explaining that to you as you believe in your own fairy tales.

Indian govt is in full fledged relation with Israel did you go blind not to see all that? Umaah lover can cry as much as they want but the relationship between India and Israel will only go stronger..
Hey listen I can write a book about it. You pick and choose whatever wish. Fine by me. But you cannot deny the fact that the groups I mentioned engage in active conversion practices? Now am I wrong about that? The Vatican granted us a special status accepting our history and what we stand for. All these groups I mentioned have lobbied hard to get rid of that status that was granted in the past saying it is against Christian beliefs. You guys and your type are so angry and jealous for what we stand. Why? I got nothing against you....but Im telling you the reality whether you like it or not. Marthoma is not as competent as you think buddy.....the Vatican sends numerous funds to support you guys. Look at Syro Malabar and read why we are forced to join them. Marthoma can marry anyone they like....calling yourself Syrian Christian has nothing to do with blood got it? It has to do with history and following rites. I think you really need to read up what Knanya's are. You think nobody n my family has not conrtibuted heavily to India;s freedom and military? I don't want to even get into this coz I'l;l start listing various positions which will make your head spin

You keep you **** pure blood with you ......................i don't care ...................but to show that you are the choosen one and your love to Israel as Nair mentioned its better you migrate to Israel......................But i pity at you at your ignorance towards other Christian sects in Kerala...................And Mind you, Monetarily, Marthomites are Clearly ahead of all others in Central Tranvacore................
Ya i can imagine u crying out rivers then drowning in that... Hahaha poor Child Labour ...:P

I am much more Mature than you......................because age teaches every thing......................So i never prefer to abuse any one personally................
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