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Israel wants to take India ties to next level

Some people on this forum are fools, India and Israels friendship is already on the next level and had been that way for about 20 years now.

Why do you guys think there are so many Israelite kids in India, many of them go to India as soon as their military service is finished, they love India and they feel safe and welcome there.
Nair, you seem to be a born retard. change your name please dont spoil the name of the other nairs, many of whom are my best friends.

If you listened to what trinity was talking about, instead of acting like an adolescent girl, it would all make sense. Syrian christian Knanayas are famous for preserving their jewish blood for centuries. they are what is called Messianic christians. Due to the "blood of abraham" effect they should be able to get a citizenship or at least some kind of link to israel. why do i feel strongly about this? because i am one myself, except that i am not knanaya, so not pure jewish origin. I have talked about it here http://www.defence.pk/forums/general-images-multimedia/214160-indians-pictures-40.html#post3533245
But still Israel is the land where majority of my ancestors came from and we would like to have some sort of connection to it. This is just like how NRIs try to preserve their link to their home country. does not mean they hate their current country

U & ur pure blooded kids of Abharams can take the smell of Israeli A$$ who even after that wont accept u as one among them...

Get over ur Pure Blood Superiority Complex... Israeli blood line my foot when u have facial features sames as that of most Indian & along with same brown colored Skin which all Indians have...ur ignorance is ur bliss ... Just please migrate from our sacred Motherland to ur desert...

& Nair doesnt mean Retard ... Nair means Courage, Valor, one who loves his Motherland more then himself , his religion & even his Family... u may never understand that for that u should have a minimum love for the country where u all eat , sleep & $hit everyday...
my Hand will pluck Jack fruit....................Don't tell me all these things.................and if i get Serious then you cannot imagine what i can do.......................
Ya i can imagine u crying out rivers then drowning in that... Hahaha poor Child Labour ...:P
from where did you get this figure of 35% ??? According to Last census(2011) 81% are Hindus, 8% are Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains and rest are abrahimic religions.

It simply means around 90% of Indian population follows Dharmic religions

2011 census religion results are out ?

can you post the link ?
U & ur pure blooded kids of Abharams can take the smell of Israeli A$$ who even after that wont accept u as one among them...

Get over ur Pure Blood Superiority Complex... Israeli blood line my foot when u have facial features sames as that of most Indian & along with same brown colored Skin which all Indians have...ur ignorance is ur bliss ... Just please migrate from our sacred Motherland to ur desert...

& Nair doesnt mean Retard ... Nair means Courage, Valor, one who loves his Motherland more then himself , his religion & even his Family... u may never understand that for that u should have a minimum love for the country where u all eat , sleep & $hit everyday...

Pure blood superiority complex? :hitwall: you are more retarded than i gave you credit for. talking sense with you is senseless
Pure blood superiority complex? :hitwall: you are more retarded than i gave you credit for. talking sense with you is senseless
What ever u think about me is non of my concern... U Brown skinned self proclaimed Israeli with Indian Facial features...
Elected governments in your neighboring countries, to the mass of the people that wants to change things for the future for example, because that would be a way to a solution. You are completely generalising and especially looking only to the past, so does the radical muslims in these countries too, but they are not the mass and this kind of thinking will not lead to a solution. Any bombings from thei side will just create more hate in your country, while any provocation or killings from your side, will only spread more hate in their countries.
There is no doubt that you have the right for self defence, but you have done this for decades now and the situation remains the same. Today things are changing in your neighborhood, some for the better, some possibly not, but Israel must react on these changes with a proactive policy and not only with beeing suspicion and military power.

I see. We should appease terrorists and their supporters for the possibility that they will desire to kill us less?
I`m sorry but we do not appease terrorists, we kill terrorists.
To show a retard that you are so patriotic....................You have painted Marthoma,CSI are funded by Vatican...................This shows your ignorance & Lack of Knowledge about Christians from Kerala................I am a Marthomite and we call our selves Syrian Christians................Converted to Christianity by St Thomas....................And for Your Information Marthomite Sabha is competent to look after herself without external help.................
My Fathers Uncle worked with INA in Singapore, my father is retired from IAF (participated in 65&71 wars)...........so what Patriotism is this Nair talking about

Hey listen I can write a book about it. You pick and choose whatever wish. Fine by me. But you cannot deny the fact that the groups I mentioned engage in active conversion practices? Now am I wrong about that? The Vatican granted us a special status accepting our history and what we stand for. All these groups I mentioned have lobbied hard to get rid of that status that was granted in the past saying it is against Christian beliefs. You guys and your type are so angry and jealous for what we stand. Why? I got nothing against you....but Im telling you the reality whether you like it or not. Marthoma is not as competent as you think buddy.....the Vatican sends numerous funds to support you guys. Look at Syro Malabar and read why we are forced to join them. Marthoma can marry anyone they like....calling yourself Syrian Christian has nothing to do with blood got it? It has to do with history and following rites. I think you really need to read up what Knanya's are. You think nobody n my family has not conrtibuted heavily to India;s freedom and military? I don't want to even get into this coz I'l;l start listing various positions which will make your head spin
Israel bad time is just beginning and so is your kind too. Israel technology is good we should used it to make toilet .so people like you can sh$t inside and we can control open defecation.
Poor Nair don't have ek rupia for Sulabh Sauchalaya(The Low Cost Indian Toilet System).
from your posts i can clearly understand that you are a false flagger who is hell bent to bash India:azn:!well it doesn't matter if you are an India basher,as long as you remain out of our motherland:coffee:!U.S.A. is a perfect place for guys like you who generally love to back stab the nation in which your ancestors lived and died:disagree:(considering you as an Indian though i am really sceptic about that).
whether you accept it or not it doesn't change the reality that Israel has dominated the ME region for the past 6 decades and by the grace of the God they will surely do that in the future also!good going Israel:tup:
Not all indian like you(israel) specially Muslim and for your kind information 35% of indian population is muslim so get ready for a shock .people like Nair are in minority most indian are very secular and we always supported palestinian and will support them for their freedom struggle because we know how is life in occupation.

We just need one person(Hitler) to make you guys sh$t in your pants.
please stop lying in an international forum!muslims count for 15-16% of the Indian population and most of them have no problem with Israel(well a few of them do suffer from the "Arab" identity syndrome though:chilli:).and yes we Indians are secular in nature,thats why we support Israel against its war on terrorism(read:p:alestinian terrorism)!and for your information Nair community isn't a minority instead they are the majority(considering that more than 80% of the Indians follow Hinduism)!got it mate!:azn:
if we have the community leader you should know what will happen and about quota in few year you will be asking for it.
i won't wake you up from you wet dream mate after all its your dream!:rofl:
Hey listen I can write a book about it. You pick and choose whatever wish. Fine by me. But you cannot deny the fact that the groups I mentioned engage in active conversion practices? Now am I wrong about that? The Vatican granted us a special status accepting our history and what we stand for. All these groups I mentioned have lobbied hard to get rid of that status that was granted in the past saying it is against Christian beliefs. You guys and your type are so angry and jealous for what we stand. Why? I got nothing against you....but Im telling you the reality whether you like it or not. Marthoma is not as competent as you think buddy.....the Vatican sends numerous funds to support you guys. Look at Syro Malabar and read why we are forced to join them. Marthoma can marry anyone they like....calling yourself Syrian Christian has nothing to do with blood got it? It has to do with history and following rites. I think you really need to read up what Knanya's are. You think nobody n my family has not conrtibuted heavily to India;s freedom and military? I don't want to even get into this coz I'l;l start listing various positions which will make your head spin
Well i some what accept ur this post ... i have did both my DME & B.E in a Christian institution ... so most of my Friends r Christians specially Malayalis...

The Marthoma's r very extereme like the Pentacost ... who seek for converts ... they call themselves Syrian but they have nothing to do with it apart from just that they preach in there way & all the Gouns & Dresses of there priest come from Syria ...

Most of my Friends whom i call bro r RC's of Kerala... they r really cool people ... & evangelical movement supported by the Vatican is seen as a threat more by RC's & Saint Thomas Christian then average Hindus like us... they wanna convert everyone even the christians belonging to other denomination...
U & ur pure blooded kids of Abharams can take the smell of Israeli A$$ who even after that wont accept u as one among them...

Get over ur Pure Blood Superiority Complex... Israeli blood line my foot when u have facial features sames as that of most Indian & along with same brown colored Skin which all Indians have...ur ignorance is ur bliss ... Just please migrate from our sacred Motherland to ur desert...

& Nair doesnt mean Retard ... Nair means Courage, Valor, one who loves his Motherland more then himself , his religion & even his Family... u may never understand that for that u should have a minimum love for the country where u all eat , sleep & $hit everyday...

Listen Nair...I know some nairs who black like ****. Nothing against that but you should know that there are quite a few Knanyas who look very different from other Malus...and then there are some who look just like Malus. I have a few uncles and aunts with red hair, not using heena. I have family members who look like white ppl. Nairs may mean courage but allowing only a few to practice such fighting arts while suppressing others doesn;t seem like something to be very proud of. Like I said before, those Shudra and Dalits who were repressed ended becoming ferocious warriors when they were given a chance and a philiosophy of equality.

Well i some what accept ur this post ... i have did both my DME & B.E in a Christian institution ... so most of my Friends r Christians specially Malayalis...

The Marthoma's r very extereme like the Pentacost ... who seek for converts ... they call themselves Syrian but they have nothing to do with it apart from just that they preach in there way & all the Gouns & Dresses of there priest come from Syria ...

Most of my Friends whom i call bro r RC's of Kerala... they r really cool people ... & evangelical movement supported by the Vatican is seen as a threat more by RC's & Saint Thomas Christian then average Hindus like us... they wanna convert everyone even the christians belonging to other denomination...

To me it doesn; matter. I don;t care for religion once you achieved a certain mental aptitude you realize this all organized BS.....Im not a athetist but Agnostic a big difference. For me, India can only achieve greatness if we shy away from religion and focus on development. Ill even accept Buddhism as a religion I am willing to follow to a great degree.
What practices you follow is none of my concern Come to think of it India is a democracy and you are free to practice whatever religion/ rituals, etc. you want to. But at the same time, it looks like an act of desperation when people come to an international forum and say I belong to X category, our ancestors have lived for 1000 years peacefully but we are 'pure' (you stated "Yet, my family thru endogmay has kept our blood pure even though we don;t practice Judaism" ) so can we get citizenship of my ancestral country? So how the heck you are an Indian if given a chance you are ready to leave the land?

Look at Parsis. They are always a proud bunch of INDIANS no matter what the cultural discussions are. Living in Mumbai, I have atleast a dozen Parsi friends who still have relatives back in Iran but they are as much proud to be an Indian as I am.

It doesn;t look like that at all. You can read what I wrote a thousand times and I see no desperation. I was merely asking a Jew about a matter that concerned me. Got it? You act as if my ppl are not patriotic when you don;t even know anything about us? We don;t go glorifying waht we do and did. We just keep on doing it....we don;t care for cheap publicity. You assume we are not proud INDIANS BASED on what exactly? Parsi's practice the same **** you idiot. The only difference is the state of Iran today. When and If Iran sheds its ideological govt, then you will see another side of Parsi's maybe. And there is nothing wrong with that. It will help both nations to prosper and develop closer bonds. Getting citizenship doesn;t mean you are going to leave the land. Look at Cochin Jews...who have Israeli citizenship....they still maintain their property in Kerala. So, read a bit more and stop assuming something that is not what I wrote....You and your friends are really proving KATJU correct
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