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Israel wants to take India ties to next level

Only idiots not the secular ones would wish that.. Indians in general are not attached to Palestinian issue at all and they consider Israel a friend. Only a few muslims who still believe in the Umaah keep on crying and this is when they forget that the ones among them who crossed to border to end up in land of pure are still called Muhajirs to this day. Also, the Shias among them are the worst off who cares for them but still the illogical Ummah love for them remains which is quite surprising.

and since when Muslims became 35% in India. did you get the new census numbers?
I think he even Counted his Ummah brothers in... lol Mathematically challenged ... :rofl:
I am no friend of any Arab cause, and everyone on this forum will attest to that, however, I feel as if Israel is being really unilateral in whatever it does. Arrogance is not a virtue, and one day you have to pay back all the bad karma!
India should Invite their Prime Minister and openly show our friendship. We should not hide anything, they are great country of brilliant mind and brave souls. I would invite him with full guard of honors.
Israel has done nothing wrong, they are attacked by terrorist like we are attacked. They have the right to live peacefully end of story.
no they'd just find other labourers to replace them...it would be a bigger loss to india since there would be fewer expat earnings and fewer families making it above poverty line

as for the living conditions -- yes often times they are absolutely appalling and i would expect more countries to come forward and demand that working conditions be improved drastically and that policies/practices like confiscating passports etc. are deemed illegal. It's a WHOLE other subject, but i had to make that earlier point as a response to a silly post

Its the lower middle class who mainly go to the middle east, so raising people about the poverty line has nothing to do with it.

..sad truth is Islam has sanctified slavery so the Arabs think little of treating people badly and confiscating passport to make virtual slaves of emigrants. I dont see this mindset changing anytime soon.

Arabs have tried finding other laborers but Indian are very very hard to replace.......even now Muslim job seekers get more preference over Christian and then Hindu job seekers in the Middle East.
Point proved Get lost from my Country... will u... This is our Land not urs...

Who gave you this authority...................You can live in Fools Paradise as you wish......................But don't mess with others.......................That will be not good for our country...................
Not all indian like you(israel) specially Muslim and for your kind information 35% of indian population is muslim so get ready for a shock .people like Nair are in minority most indian are very secular and we always supported palestinian and will support them for their freedom struggle because we know how is life in occupation.

We just need one person(Hitler) to make you guys sh$t in your pants.
from where did you get this figure of 35% ??? According to Last census(2011) 81% are Hindus, 8% are Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains and rest are abrahimic religions.

It simply means around 90% of Indian population follows Dharmic religions
Improve relations with who, exactly?

Elected governments in your neighboring countries, to the mass of the people that wants to change things for the future for example, because that would be a way to a solution. You are completely generalising and especially looking only to the past, so does the radical muslims in these countries too, but they are not the mass and this kind of thinking will not lead to a solution. Any bombings from thei side will just create more hate in your country, while any provocation or killings from your side, will only spread more hate in their countries.
There is no doubt that you have the right for self defence, but you have done this for decades now and the situation remains the same. Today things are changing in your neighborhood, some for the better, some possibly not, but Israel must react on these changes with a proactive policy and not only with beeing suspicion and military power.
Kid @trinity i am telling u again go & read ur past post ... No patriotic Indians will ever like the post that u have written regarding ur Pure Blood line etc etc to a Israeli ...

I am Nair of a descendant of Warrior Family but many of my relatives have married to other castes High as well as low caste... even recently my cousin has married a Christian Marthoma... & i myself am in a relationship with a Proper pala Nasrani Syrian Christian girl ( which u can confirm with some of my FB PDF friends like JAJAWEED) ...

But no one ever said that we r pure race etc etc... that really hurts ... Posts like this r the main reason y Hindu Nationalist like me dont trust Indians of Non-Dharmic religion ...

I dont consider myself a Kshatriya as i dont wear a Yajnopavitam poonool... & neither did the thread ceremony ... so i am myself a Sudhra ...i am now equal to all my Indian brothers in caste...

Not for me, but for the sake of other Secular Indian unlike a Hindu Fanatic like me ( which u claim ) please delete that post...

Nair.....you know I love India more than anything but you went out of your way to make it seem I don;t which is completely false based on my statement. As you know since you are from Kerala, we Knanyas never engaged in conversion practices like Marthotoma, Pente and CSI. Those groups are funded by th Vatican and have much more infuence with the Pope than our group coz they actively engage in conversion practices. I suggest you read about Knanya history. Did you know true Christianity followed the Eastern Orthodox/Syrian Rite? The Vatican via the Portgual forced us to sign to sign and join them. Do you know if anyone in Knanaya marries outsiders, we get kicked out? This practice is called endogamy. Im not suggesting it is pure race but it is what it is. Do I believe it 100%......no but we are thought that. I myself am marrying a martho girl.....but I have no problems marrying Hindu or Muslim. I simply asked Ptex coz I wanted to know. I have no intention of converting into Judaism.....in fact I like bits and parts of all religions.

Im sorry man...the last thing I want to do is divide us over stupidity which cannot be verified 100%. Accept my apologies....and you need to lay off the bashing of minorities. I mean call it when a wrong has been committed...then everyone regardless of religion will support such realities regardless of faith.
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@ Trinity
Any Indian (patriotic I may say) will agree with Nair Saab with regards to that post of yours. What you are basically saying is like if people from UP/ Hyderabad starts claiming they are pure race and have not intermingled with Indians (as if Indians are impure) and they be provided Pakistani citizenship. The funny part is that this same 'impure' land India has accepted all of the non-dharmic people with open arms for hundreds of years.

Again what Katju pointed is evident in your post. Plz explain where the did say or infer anything about any other group of ppl in India? I never did and that is a fact. I was merely speakin of the group we belong to. I neve stated India is "impure" you did.
The difference with UP/Hyderbad is that they don;t practice endogamy, while we still do to this day. You need to comprehend English better...
What practices you follow is none of my concern Come to think of it India is a democracy and you are free to practice whatever religion/ rituals, etc. you want to. But at the same time, it looks like an act of desperation when people come to an international forum and say I belong to X category, our ancestors have lived for 1000 years peacefully but we are 'pure' (you stated "Yet, my family thru endogmay has kept our blood pure even though we don;t practice Judaism" ) so can we get citizenship of my ancestral country? So how the heck you are an Indian if given a chance you are ready to leave the land?

Look at Parsis. They are always a proud bunch of INDIANS no matter what the cultural discussions are. Living in Mumbai, I have atleast a dozen Parsi friends who still have relatives back in Iran but they are as much proud to be an Indian as I am.
Who gave you this authority...................You can live in Fools Paradise as you wish......................But don't mess with others.......................That will be not good for our country...................
Dont make me laugh kid ... if i get serious i would bash u at ur weakest spot...
Dont make me laugh kid ... if i get serious i would bash u at ur weakest spot...

Nair, you seem to be a born retard. change your name please dont spoil the name of the other nairs, many of whom are my best friends.

If you listened to what trinity was talking about, instead of acting like an adolescent girl, it would all make sense. Syrian christian Knanayas are famous for preserving their jewish blood for centuries. they are what is called Messianic christians. Due to the "blood of abraham" effect they should be able to get a citizenship or at least some kind of link to israel. why do i feel strongly about this? because i am one myself, except that i am not knanaya, so not pure jewish origin. I have talked about it here http://www.defence.pk/forums/general-images-multimedia/214160-indians-pictures-40.html#post3533245
But still Israel is the land where majority of my ancestors came from and we would like to have some sort of connection to it. This is just like how NRIs try to preserve their link to their home country. does not mean they hate their current country
Dont make me laugh kid ... if i get serious i would bash u at ur weakest spot...

my Hand will pluck Jack fruit....................Don't tell me all these things.................and if i get Serious then you cannot imagine what i can do.......................
Nair.....you know I love India more than anything but you went out of your way to make it seem I don;t which is completely false based on my statement. As you know since you are from Kerala, we Knanyas never engaged in conversion practices like Marthotoma, Pente and CSI. Those groups are funded by th Vatican and have much more infuence with the Pope than our group coz they actively engage in conversion practices. I suggest you read about Knanya history. Did you know true Christianity followed the Eastern Orthodox/Syrian Rite? The Vatican via the Portgual forced us to sign to sign and join them. Do you know if anyone in Knanaya marries outsiders, we get kicked out? This practice is called endogamy. Im not suggesting it is pure race but it is what it is. Do I believe it 100%......no but we are thought that. I myself am marrying a martho girl.....but I have no problems marrying Hindu or Muslim. I simply asked Ptex coz I wanted to know. I have no intention of converting into Judaism.....in fact I like bits and parts of all religions.

Im sorry man...the last thing I want to do is divide us over stupidity which cannot be verified 100%. Accept my apologies....and you need to lay off the bashing of minorities. I mean call it when a wrong has been committed...then everyone regardless of religion will support such realities regardless of faith.
To show a retard that you are so patriotic....................You have painted Marthoma,CSI are funded by Vatican...................This shows your ignorance & Lack of Knowledge about Christians from Kerala................I am a Marthomite and we call our selves Syrian Christians................Converted to Christianity by St Thomas....................And for Your Information Marthomite Sabha is competent to look after herself without external help.................
My Fathers Uncle worked with INA in Singapore, my father is retired from IAF (participated in 65&71 wars)...........so what Patriotism is this Nair talking about
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