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Israel wants to take India ties to next level

Stop cooking up theories ...LOL kid ur talking to a Genuine Nair ... seriously throw a stone on the head of ur History teacher ... that Dump just made u a Zero...

Bunts & Nairs share same blood line ... we migrated to south India from North India to protect the Nambothiris Brahmins ... we belong to the same race ... our festivals & traditions even marriage r similar ...

yes we r a very Brave race equal to Rajputs , Jatts , Marathas (who r Chandravanshi Kshatriays) we fought british & Mughals with tooth & Nail ... Nairs in Kerala while Bunts Karnataka ...

Nair....Brahmin....Bunt....all made up class bullshit. Power is the key word. You guys divided yourselves up and that sadly led to your demise when you met a real power. Think about it....Muslims many who converted from the Shudra and Dalit classes became your toughest opponents cause of all the mistreatment they put up with ......They acted on pure revenge and still never thought you guys a lesson on humility. You think they were all forced to convert in Malabar?

This is why Katju was 200% correct....90% of India are f-king idiots...so communal, so emotional, so stupid.....I had a hard time proving why his assessment was correct but thanks to guys you just handed the answer to me.
Ur knowledge of History is Zero... u a kid... debating with u is like arguing with a kids... first learn History from senior Members like Spark & Marxist ...

Kerala can be removed from Nairs History but without Nairs Kerala has no History ...

Not a bad thing kid.....being a part of Tamil Nadu would have been in our best interest.....at least their rulers were smart to allow all classes to engage in practicing martial arts. Let me ask you something...you talk about Kalaripattu...have you seen how it is a watered down version of what it may have once been? The British banned it along all other martial arts....but you idiots couldn;t keep practicing in secret in order to preserve it? Some of you idiots even refused to teach ppl who wished to learn based on sheer stupdity. Like I said before. .....Indians are smart but when it came to warfare.....we really lacked strategic vision

Obviously you lack historical knowledge....coz your comeback speaks volumes
Nair....Brahmin....Bunt....all made up class bullshit. Power is the key word. You guys divided yourselves up and that sadly led to your demise when you met a real power. Think about it....Muslims many who converted from the Shudra and Dalit classes became your toughest opponents cause of all the mistreatment they put up with ......They acted on pure revenge and still never thought you guys a lesson on humility. You think they were all forced to convert in Malabar?

This is why Katju was 200% correct....90% of India are f-king idiots...so communal, so emotional, so stupid.....I had a hard time proving why his assessment was correct but thanks to guys you just handed the answer to me.
wrong again ... Kid i have decided to teach u history today ...

Most convert during Tips invasion of Malabar where Nairs Childrens & Women who where forcibly converted after death of the Nair men in the sudden unprepared war... & other converts where Nasranis ...

Tips didnt convert any Sudhras as most of them lived in distance farms & forests ...

& its another thing Nairs again defeated Tipu in malabar & even marched till the door steps of Mysore which made him Cr@p in his pants & made sign deal with British to contain us ...

where Nasranis proactively supported the British even though it was Us who protected them...

& the Dalits & Shudras converts came to christianity Using same the same technique which is still used in tribal areas Yasu Prasadam & Money...
Not a bad thing kid.....being a part of Tamil Nadu would have been in our best interest.....at least their rulers were smart to allow all classes to engage in practicing martial arts. Let me ask you something...you talk about Kalaripattu...have you seen how it is a watered down version of what it may have once been? The British banned it along all other martial arts....but you idiots couldn;t keep practicing in secret in order to preserve it? Some of you idiots even refused to teach ppl who wished to learn based on sheer stupdity. Like I said before. .....Indians are smart but when it came to warfare.....we really lacked strategic vision

Obviously you lack historical knowledge....coz your comeback speaks volumes
the bolded part is correct & that point taken ...
Israel's Nuke will protect it from any major wars and no amount of diplomacy or 'being part of the solution' will stop terrorist attack on Israel. Israel knows how to deal with the situation far better than India.

India should focus on being 'part of the solution' in its immediate neighborhood and if possible with the Maoist as well.

India is doing much better than Israel in this regard, look at our relations to Bangladesh, Myanmar, look at the success of the look East policy, look at the improvemed relations to nearly all arab countries, or how we are regarded from Afghanistan today. Look at the situation in Kashmir today and 5 to 10 years back, even the Maoist problems seems to be slowing down, although this is more of an internal problem than a terrorist issue from a foreign country. And how did we do it? Mainly with good foreign policy and a higher focus on dealing with each other (economically for example) and not only with military power!
Point proved Get lost from my Country... will u... This is our Land not urs...

Eh Nair Kya tune tharra marra hai ,jiyada chad gaye hai .you don't belong here ,your motherland is germany remember .
Against very less capable opponents, with full western political back up, but consider an issue with Turkey, a NATO alley, an economically emerging country, financially independent, with much stronger forces, that are rapidly modernising and soon not controlable for the EU or the US anymore, unlike many other countries in the area.

However, my point was that Israel should start to be part of the solution and not be just part of the problem and that's what's many of the western countries don't see as well. When you have the feeling that you don't have many allies, you should not loose the others also right? Especially at the moment, when many countries in the area are trying to find new ways, you are only giving reasons to radical muslims to get into power (Egypt possibly), instead of those parts of the people, that might want a change. This is actually the time to improve the foreign relations and to show that Isreal is not the country that solves any issue with military power only, because that's what many people in the region thinks and what they fear. So opening up to the youth in these countries would be not only more beneficiary for your relations with the neighbors, but you would earn more respect from your allies too, because they see that you want a solution too!

Improve relations with who, exactly? Anti-semetic Europe? The Jew-hating, Sharia loving Arabs? The Ottoman Erdogan?
Open up to the youths? The same youth which has been breastfed that they are superior to everyone else and all their problems are because of the Jews, US and Israel?
You make it sound as if it's all Israel's fault that the peace process isn't going to candyland on the fast track.

What about Abbas with his glorifying suicide bombers, his ministry paying suicide bomber's families each month, or perhaps him calling for peace while calling murderers heroes? Where does that come into your equation?
Where does the hatred that hundreds of millions feel for Israel come into your equation? Where does the 2000 year European persecution of Jews come into your appeasement?

You are an idealist, speaking of a situation which does not exist. The solution is when the Arabs stop blaming everyone else, especially the US, Israel and India, for all their problems. But until that happens, there will be no peace and Arab oil will keep on buying the "support" for the "Palestinian cause".
Kid @trinity i am telling u again go & read ur past post ... No patriotic Indians will ever like the post that u have written regarding ur Pure Blood line etc etc to a Israeli ...

I am Nair of a descendant of Warrior Family but many of my relatives have married to other castes High as well as low caste... even recently my cousin has married a Christian Marthoma... & i myself am in a relationship with a Proper pala Nasrani Syrian Christian girl ( which u can confirm with some of my FB PDF friends like JAJAWEED) ...

But no one ever said that we r pure race etc etc... that really hurts ... Posts like this r the main reason y Hindu Nationalist like me dont trust Indians of Non-Dharmic religion ...

I dont consider myself a Kshatriya as i dont wear a Yajnopavitam poonool... & neither did the thread ceremony ... so i am myself a Sudhra ...i am now equal to all my Indian brothers in caste...

Not for me, but for the sake of other Secular Indian unlike a Hindu Fanatic like me ( which u claim ) please delete that post...
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@ Trinity
Any Indian (patriotic I may say) will agree with Nair Saab with regards to that post of yours. What you are basically saying is like if people from UP/ Hyderabad starts claiming they are pure race and have not intermingled with Indians (as if Indians are impure) and they be provided Pakistani citizenship. The funny part is that this same 'impure' land India has accepted all of the non-dharmic people with open arms for hundreds of years.
This is India you are talking about ...not pakistan. Our countrymen leave their jobs in India and Indian companies and go to Middle east cause the pay there is better

which is the EXACT same reason why many from Pakistan go as well :what:

If they gulf nations decide to deport them back to India our GDP would actually grow faster and the Middle East economy would flat line :lol:

no they'd just find other labourers to replace them...it would be a bigger loss to india since there would be fewer expat earnings and fewer families making it above poverty line

as for the living conditions -- yes often times they are absolutely appalling and i would expect more countries to come forward and demand that working conditions be improved drastically and that policies/practices like confiscating passports etc. are deemed illegal. It's a WHOLE other subject, but i had to make that earlier point as a response to a silly post
India Supporting Palestinian Issue is like axing our own Leg...

BTW... have this Palestinian supporting Secular Bi**tches ever met a Palestinian in person... many of my relatives have been working in Middle east who told me there first hand experience about them...

Palestinian r the biggest Back stabbing , untrustworthy barbaric people in ME... so as that even Emrities & Saudis themselves dont believe them...

my bro who is in dubai have seen Palestinian fathers selling there Daughters for prostitution ... Palestinians & Lebanese r the worst creatures on Earth...

Nair stop your BS ,have you ever been outside of kamati pura where you sell your women ,i am from mumbai their are lots of brahmin prostitute and they are cheap too.and i feed them cow meat they love it .
Nair stop your BS ,have you ever been outside of kamati pura where you sell your women ,i am from mumbai their are lots of brahmin prostitute and they are cheap too.and i feed them cow meat they love it .
Hahaha Look Palestinian supporter strated whining ... Did i just step on ur Beard Mullah ... :rofl:

& Brahmin Prostitute non of my concern ... lol
ya i knew it ... really man Palestinian people r low life creatures dont deserve a place on earth ... Hope Israelis Crush them

Israel bad time is just beginning and so is your kind too. Israel technology is good we should used it to make toilet .so people like you can sh$t inside and we can control open defecation.
Poor Nair don't have ek rupia for Sulabh Sauchalaya(The Low Cost Indian Toilet System).
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