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  1. Ozturk10

    Syria: Thirty Army and Law-Enforcment Forces Martyrs Laid to Rest

    What childish dream is this? I didn't want to comment on anything to do with the Syria situation because it inevitably leads to a thread derailment. But that news article is a joke. 1. Please try to use credible news sources. 2. 49 agents in one swoop? I find it highly unlikely that if...
  2. Ozturk10

    US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

    You didn't understand my quesation. I was asking if Pakistan has done anything similar. I am aware of what Iran has done.
  3. Ozturk10

    US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

    Quick question. Have there been any instances where PAF jets have been scrambled due to these (illegal) incursions into Pakistani airspace by US drones?
  4. Ozturk10

    Saudi Arabia BUSTED

    Baseless and unfounded. Dismissed the article as soon as I saw the source. Will believe if reported by credible and established news stations.
  5. Ozturk10

    Iranian scientist wins world award for best cancer research

    Congratz Iran :tup: In my book any medical breakthrough should be congratulated regardless of where the scientist is from. Be he Iranian/ Isreali/ Turkish/ Pakistani/ Indian etc.
  6. Ozturk10

    PM Erdogan: Green light for 2500Km Ballistic Missile.

    As someone pointed out in another forum developing long range missiles will be very beneficial to our ambitions for indigenous satellite launch capability. On a side note, even though I don't agree on all points with Mr Erdogan I have to concede that since he has come to power the Aerospace &...
  7. Ozturk10

    PM Erdogan: Green light for 2500Km Ballistic Missile.

    Quote from article: 'HEDEF: Birkaç yıl içinde 1000 kilometre menzile ulaşabilecek füze teknolojisi elde etmek. Sonraki hedef ise 10 bin kilometre menzilli kıtalararası füze yapmak.' ;) Translation - 'TARGET: To aquire [in the next few years] missile technology...
  8. Ozturk10

    Have you ever seen a celebrity in real life ?

    I met Johnny Depp at the premier of Pirates of the caribbean. Really nice guy.
  9. Ozturk10

    Top military body to discuss long-range missile purchase

    Saithan your absolutely right. Hopefully the procurement timeline for T-LORAMIDS will become clear ASAP. I think its imperative that we acquire long range SAM capability. We've been lacking in air defence for a long time. And before I hear the 'But our air force is more then capable of...
  10. Ozturk10

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    BBC News - Iran shows film of captured US drone BBC news confirms Iran has released a video showing the captured drone.
  11. Ozturk10

    Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

    Someone needs to calm down. India may be getting stronger but it wasn't so long ago when you were colonized by a small Island Nation. Just keep that in mind. ;)
  12. Ozturk10

    Top 10 Most Powerful Countries In 2011

    Not a good list. Turkey is getting stronger every year but i don't think we're quite in the top ten yet.
  13. Ozturk10

    Turkey to buy its first heavy-lift army copters

    Good point. Gokturk 1 & 2 should be able to help us achieve this goal. I'm just looking forward to the day when our Satellites pinpoint the location of the terrorists for our Anka-Bs to come in and take them out :yahoo:
  14. Ozturk10

    Turkey to buy its first heavy-lift army copters

    Anyone else think that we need more then 6 chinooks? I mean, look at the size of our armed forces. I know we're going to get the t-70s but heavly lift capability is extremely important for any modern army.
  15. Ozturk10

    Club football discussions

    Any Arsenal fans on the forum????? Its a shame Fabregas has gone. We should buy Cahill from Bolton as i've got no faith in koscielny at the moment. Also need to buy Mata as well. Theres no way we're winning the league this year but i'm sure we can scrape it into the CL (as we always do) :) Up...
  16. Ozturk10

    London riots: Violence erupts for third day

    I'd guess that 75% of the rioters don't care about Cameron's policies. They are mostly 16-19 year olds looking to loot a few stores, using the whole joblessness/ economic climate as an excuse.
  17. Ozturk10

    London riots: Violence erupts for third day

    Update: I work in Hackney, East London. Our building of 700 people just got evacuated. Apparently gangs of youths are gathering in a nearby park to start the riots again. Reports of people being violently mugged. Anyone on PDF in different areas of London who could give an update?
  18. Ozturk10

    Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and the Turks

    I think the Haradrim is more likely. "Men from the south". The Haradrim also used "Mumakil" (more commonly known as elephants) in battle. Apart from the racism the book rocked! :)
  19. Ozturk10

    Most of foreign mercenaries killed in Chechnya are Turks

    There's no need for the intolerance. He asked you a question. If you don't have a valid rebuttal don't resort to petty remarks.
  20. Ozturk10

    HMS Invincible has reached Turkey

    Ship will be dismantled for scrap metal. But i'm sure the ship will be thoroughly examined. I've heard rumours that we're looking to build/acquire a Heli carrier in the future.
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