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Syria: Thirty Army and Law-Enforcment Forces Martyrs Laid to Rest

IDK, if it was rumors i would think Turkey would have denied it at least?

No, if there were any rumors the reporters would hear about it and ask the government immediatly and government AFTER that would denie or accept, but there is no such thing at all.
The national committee tasked with preparing the draft Constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic has finished its work.

The Committee, according to a statement received by SANA would submit the draft Constitution to President Bashar al-Assad to complete the reasons for its issuance according to the constitutional measures.

On October 15th, President Bashar al-Assad issued presidential decision No. 33 on forming the national committee for preparing a draft Constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic to be issued later according to the constitutional principles.

According to the decree, the Committee must complete its mission within a period not exceeding four months from the date of issuing the decree and it has the right to consult whoever it finds appropriate to accomplish the mission.

The committee chairman is Mazhar al-Anbari and the members are Abdel Karim Oudi, Dr. Kamal Sharaf, Muhram Tayyareh, Dr. Adel Jamous, Mumtaz Fawakheri, Dr. Aziz Shukri, Dr. Abboud al-Saraj, Dr. Fuad Deib, Dr. Sam Delleh, Dr. Said Nehayli, Dr. Mikhael Nacol, Dr. Farouk Basha, Qadri Jamil, Nizar Skeif, Ahmad Eido, Abdel Rahman al-Zakahi, Dr. Jasem Zakariya, Dr. Mohammad Kheir Akkam, Dr. Kinda al-Shammat, Dr. Abdel Hai al-Sayyed, Dr. Jamileh Sharbaji, Dr. Amal Yazji, Ahmad Saleh Ibrahim, Omran al-Zoubi, Nabih Jalahej, Ismat Anabri, Mahmoud Younes and Ahmad Kazbari.
Those gulf countries who pretend to be Arabs will regret it, soon[/QUOTE

They are Pawns of the Americans even with their advanced armies the gulf sheiks were running to Uncle sam when Saddam F-d them, Saudi Forces would be defeated if they attempted anything on syria.
The sad part is that Persian gulf countries are dictatorships, suppressing people in Bahrain and want democracy in Syria.This is the price Syria pays for not joining those Arabs
You Alawites will pay dearly for every Sunni Syrian kid and the civilians you killed in Homs and other areas. You think you got some breathing room because of Russian and Chinese Veto. But I have news for you Alawite thugs. The noose is tightning around your neck and the payback time is fast approaching. Mark my words and i hope you will come back to this forum when Assad is dragged out of his sewer pipe like Qaddhafi and killed like a dog.

Alright your posts have gotten out of hand. You're close to calling for genocide here. Post reported.
Ankara-A National Movement Party (MHP) deputy asked Turkish foreign minister and National Security Organization (Mit) head to explain about 49 arrested Mit officials who are supposed to be in Syria.
“We have been handed some documents that shows 40 Mit officers have been imprisoned in Syria. They are accused of exciting and stimulating people against Bashar Assad regime,” said Kocali province deputy Lotfi Turkan.
He added; “we have also been informed that a Turkish delegation has been sent to Syria to have negotiations with Damascus foreign and defense ministry to bring the Mit officiers back, but all was in vain”.
None of Foreign Ministry or Mit has answered the allegations.
Kurdpress News Aganecy - 49 Mit officers are jailed in Syria, MHP says Mit officers are jailed in Syria, MHP says%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09

What childish dream is this?

I didn't want to comment on anything to do with the Syria situation because it inevitably leads to a thread derailment. But that news article is a joke.

1. Please try to use credible news sources.
2. 49 agents in one swoop? I find it highly unlikely that if intelligenace agents infiltrated into Syria they would all be travelling together.
3. Capturing 49 foreign intelligance agents would be a major coup and a morale boost for government troops. The Syrian regime would surly parade them on the state run media organisation (in this case SANA).

If proof is provided i will retract all my above objections.

On a side note - RIP to the soldiers
We will not let Assad fall, Syria wont become another playground for NATO/US
i think its time for the IRGC to get involved and smash these terrorists back into the ground. We stand beside Syrian government,army
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