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  1. Commander T

    the liar DG rangers exposed by Supreme court on 19,000 NATO container case

    I have no hatred against MQM, infact i like it in some cases but i cannot rejects the up rising questions from this post... can you please explain the following... 1:MQM is not a Nice guy.....MQM should take DG Ranger to court...... 2: Even standing in SC....... DG Ranger told that he cannot...
  2. Commander T

    Islamism ???

    1: Jiziya was supposed to be payed by those people who were captured after war,or who were in muslim protection(not those who were in agreement with muslims).... If you say that jews of madina payed jaziya when in agreement with muslim....provide proof...i challenge... 2: I challenge prove...
  3. Commander T

    Possible Solution to Kashmir Issue

    Lolx..... Joke of the century......Its like A cate saying that she is looking after chicken when she is around her
  4. Commander T

    Islamism ???

    nothing wrong in it.....Islam is a way of life, a complete set of rules to develop a society....but problem is, are you following Islam or a set of rules developed my Mullah in order to achieve it political goals....... ? Islam Guides personal, social and political life......offcource it...
  5. Commander T

    Disgusting police...

  6. Commander T

    Spotflux claims its service is being 'actively blocked' in Pakistan

    :enjoy: Well, it seems like ISI,s newly built 13 billion Rs Data and Information center is in working now :lol:
  7. Commander T

    Possible Solution to Kashmir Issue

    1:Answer for point number 1 is.....This is what i call defeated mentality, If you say that pakistan cannot militarily capture kashmir in immideate future, then i can agree to some extent....but if you say pakistan can never do that then i will say that you seriously need learn about General...
  8. Commander T

    Pakistani Emperor’s Grave In Myanmar

    Are indians a race? no man......if indians are a race then Usa is a race too.......bacause india (if you are talking about subcontinent india) has historically been invaded by foriegners, and those inveders later on setteled in those areas, like when Alexander came to invade most of his...
  9. Commander T

    Pakistani Emperor’s Grave In Myanmar

    If a boy of pakistani parent born in USA, what will you call it...... an american Pakistani....right? .....and yes you are right, one can say that OVER THE TIME mughals became Indians as their generations after generations were born in india......but i like it when Hindus rejects them to be...
  10. Commander T

    Pakistani Emperor’s Grave In Myanmar

    Were Mughals Indian? :laughcry: tell this to BJP and RSS, and the first thing that modi will so after becoming PM is to start roits in your area so that DISTURBANCE can be neutralized TO ITS ROOTS:lol:......in any case mughals were muslims and hence between indian and pakistan, only pakistan can...
  11. Commander T

    Hilarious Obama conspiracy theories

    American president F****d by a pakistani guy.....:rofl:
  12. Commander T

    Russian designers may develop new aircraft carrier by 2023

    >Paisa bolta he mere bhai :azn:
  13. Commander T

    I left the US because of their hatred towards Muslims… this is my story

    go to afghanistan, you ill know your value......may be 1 million or so :D..... and then you will know how much usa government loves you....
  14. Commander T

    Radical Hindus attacked Pakistani Sufi Band

    Then pakistan should allow Hafiz Saeed to protest in responce, Although his way of protest is a lil bit Different :partay:
  15. Commander T

    Iraq to buy weapons from Iran

    Yes, you are not allowed, untill and unless someone found your weapons "highly efficient". or untill it is out of knowledge of USA:p:
  16. Commander T

    I left the US because of their hatred towards Muslims… this is my story

    the purpose of religion is to build society not country, once you build a society you can build a country...... 1000000% religion should be kept seperate from state.......if religious scholars are honest then there is no need to interfere in the state matters, because the excuse that today,s...
  17. Commander T

    I left the US because of their hatred towards Muslims… this is my story

    Problem is not that ahmadi mosques have been bombed, problem is when ahmadiyya mosques are bombed or an ahmadi is killed, nobody takes action against it, when a Sunni or shia mosque is bombed people hates those terrorist in retaliation, it becomes an issue in talk shows, politicians condemn it...
  18. Commander T

    TTP conditions for peace deal

    I hope this time Pak army will do HALAL BOMBING on Taliban. Which will will be MEHRAM to Taliban symphathisers too, So there is no sharai logic left behind..... I think US should too introduce HALAL BOMBING like ISLAMIC banking
  19. Commander T

    British pensioner facing three years in Pakistan jail after being tricked into reading the Koran in

    "Any person of the Qadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves 'Ahmadis' or by any other name), who directly or indirectly, poses himself as a Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites others to accept his faith, by words...
  20. Commander T

    British pensioner facing three years in Pakistan jail after being tricked into reading the Koran in

    these are 2 different cases, one is ahmadi, who has been charged of Reading Quran and other person is Non-ahmadi/sunni/shia anybody, who said that he is prophet Muhammad PBUH..................a GENIUS Molvi has tried to mix it up so that it may look like that an ahmadi has claimed to be...
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