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Possible Solution to Kashmir Issue

Kashmir's hate hindu's

If they were so inclined to be a indian state they wouldnt have run out the Pandits.

The treatment of the Pandits was because they were hindu & they supported the indian army rather then the Kashmiri people

Currently you have a few greedy people in occupied kashmir who think they can have it both ways, keep Kashmir a muslim/islamic state whilst implementing muslim and kashmiri culture and at the same time rip india off with millions in subsidies and hand outs for not shouting independence

Indian could hand out billions but it wouldnt matter, convincing a biased muslim kashmiri population would be impossible
Just like Pakistan should do, wise Indians already know the consequences of military action to solve the issue, it is already difficult for India to maintain peace in Indian Kashmir without a large presence of armed forces, if they make some military success in other part of Kashmir, there might be far more violent reaction from people opposed to Indian rule. Really an amicable solution to the problem is the only way out for both countries and Kashmiris, and probably none of these three parties can have it totally like they would wish.

Before strategies, gains(both political and millitary) and interests(national as well as personel) your humanitarian basis are nothing.. If humanity is the base, there will be no war,no poverty , no discrimination etc.etc in the world...

Our nation divided based only on "RELIGION" (stupid 'two nation theory).. This division was really based on political gains not humanitarian..

Now consider Kashmir.. Pakistan millitary uses this issue to maintain its dominance in pak politics.. It became the biggest institution in Pakistan.. Its generals ruled the country for almost 30 years.. Even they can now hide their inability to maintain peace in the country is masking by anti India propagandas ..

India's strategy is more nationalistic.. That is "containment" of incompatibility between two newly formed nations of same origin [ eg- incompatibility of south north koreas, germany's and vietnam's in past etc etc...].. Here the incompatibility is more because we divided by religiön.. Here containment is the same strategy used by China in 1962 war.. By that war they fully secured Tibet n Aksai chin and contained all issues on Arunachal Pradesh... Here India trying to containing by claiming the whole Kashmir.. Also India will never start a war for pak occupied Kashmir (chance of wars is based on terrorist attacks in other parts of country like parliament and mumbai attacks).. That is Kashmir is an integral part of India..

Picture from Jammu and Kashmir
It does not look that there will be a solution to the Kashmir issue. No one is willing to compromise. In aoother 10 years people will still be trying to argue about kashmir issue. Pakistan and India will still have the same issues to deal with. Its a waste of time to discuss. Peace talks are a waste of time.
I really feel sorry for this kid. Having a Pak flag is one thing. But the gun in hand is scary. I sincerely hope by the time he grows up he does not meet an untimely death. Old men(read Geelani, Hafeez Sayids) preach. But people like these die. :cry:
you must be proud of that pic. Isn't it?
@Zarvan - Your son?
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India need not do anything from its end. Let the status quo continue for another 25 years, no one would dare to call Kashmir a problem.
Most probably a pic taken in AJK. Idiots who promote child soldiers are nothing more than dark age barbarians unworthy of existing in the modern era
Yeah bro. Sad part is that all big bosses of terrorists never send their own children for 'Jihad' and give them best education possible but these innocent and Jahil/Gawar people are caught in their trap without thinking.
Best example is this 'Sayeed Salahudin' guy, chief of Hizbul Mujahideen. He has got 5 sons and all are Doctors and Engineers and many are working in Jammu and Kashmir and with even Govt departments(Hypocricy at best?).
Sayeed Salahudeen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1: The reason for this suggestion is that Pakistan can never militarily conquer Indian Kashmir,
2: Asking Kashmiris and others to go across the border and fight is more shortsighted and this myopic approach will result in more militancy in our society,

3: if we continue to follow the current status quo in which armies are ready to fight on a short notice, there will be no solution to the problem and people of both countries, especially Pakistanis will suffer.
1:Answer for point number 1 is.....This is what i call defeated mentality, If you say that pakistan cannot militarily capture kashmir in immideate future, then i can agree to some extent....but if you say pakistan can never do that then i will say that you seriously need learn about General millitary history and history of most powerful nations on earth.....they were all weak at one time....Germany capture half of Russia within a year or 2, which was atleast 100-150 times bigger than the size of germany, size or number of weapons does not always make you win the war........
2: You can ask anybody for fighting for you, but you cannot force anybody fighting for you....kashmiris are fighting for themselves, nobody force kashmiris to participate in rallies of hundreds of thousand which motive is to convey messege, KASHMIR BANE GA PAKISTAN.........pakistan just appreciate them.. ...
3: Nomatter how peacefull you may be...........one thing is for sure, Hindu india will try its best to intigrate you in itself , socially (By Film,Dramas,mediawarefare), Phscycologically (By Introducing hindu life trends and way) or by Millitarily (which is immpossible) because its the part of their religion, you think that leaving a state of alert will motivate india to leave state of allertness in their army, actually its them who should leave the state of allertness, because they have 3-4 times bigger than our millitary and size.....but they don't instead they are getting latest weapons and their ambitions are growing everyday, forcing pakistan to be a part of Arms race. .....So please stop living in fool,s heaven and face the reality,What do you want pakistan to be ....a "NICE Guy"..?.... Inida will never give kashmir so easily, Pakistan will have to do something but we should wait for the right time....

Why Not Pakistan Leave AJK and India leave IOK.. Let them be a Country where both Pakistanis and Indian can go for vacations :(

May be then we can see good relation in both the countries too...
this is a good opinion but simply immpossible, Its planet earth, not heaven my dear.......human lives here
It is very simple: recognize status-quo as International Borders and move on...
Everbody knows who is getting bankrupt and who is asking fo aids from IMF.......:lol::lol:

Even it would have been on your list you could have done nothing.

Don't be off topic retard IMF has nothing to do with Kashmir and funny coming from an Indian whose country has 1/3 of the worlds poor in its border.
kashmir rahega Hindustan

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