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Possible Solution to Kashmir Issue


Nov 8, 2013
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Many people say that Kashmiri blood has become very cheap, which might be true but inviting people to fight or attempts at military solution will make the blood even cheaper, and possibly far more cheaper than we can naiively imagine.

Kashmir problem has to be solved on the following lines.
1. Kashmiris get maximum say in running their own matters within the jurisdiction of countries they currently lie in. Pakistan already has a separate government run by Kashmiris in Pakistani Kashmir.

2. Kashmiris, and those with Kashmir domicile would be allowed to cross the border freely, unarmed and since the transfer of goods/trade concerns both countries, they could be inspected by security institutions of the larger countries.

3. Both countries demilitarize Kashmir to normal extent, meaning army deployed in both parts of Kashmir to defend that part, must not increase a limit considered 'normal' in ordinary peacetime environment.

4. The military could only be increased beyond a certain minimum in both parts only if asked by their respective Kashmiri governments, or some other extraordinary circumstances decided by their larger countries if they see that this arrangement is in peril.

The reason for this suggestion is that Pakistan can never militarily conquer Indian Kashmir, and India cannot easily do any similar action. Asking Kashmiris and others to go across the border and fight is more shortsighted and this myopic approach will result in more militancy in our society, which we will later proudly solve by doing military action on our own people and calling other people who want to show relative restraint for their own population as traitors. Better understand to do nothing of the sort right at the start that will breed evil everywhere including in our own society without a possibility of achieving any intended goal.

Better compromise is to let Kashmiris, Muslim or Hindu, do everything as freely as they can, including but not limited to, practicing their religion and running their own domestic government affairs.

If peace follows any such settlement, the benefit to people of both countries will be truly huge. But if we continue to follow the current status quo in which armies are ready to fight on a short notice, there will be no solution to the problem and people of both countries, especially Pakistanis will suffer.
If at all India ever(?) wants to take some decision on the lines of above steps you mentioned, GOI should do following things 1st -

1. Make Majority Hindu Jammu a separate state and guard it.
2. Make majority Budhists Ladhak a separate state and guard it.

Then they can allow free access b/n Azad Kashmir and Indian Kashmir Valley only. Before any steps taken Jammu and Ladhk should be protected from militants and terrorists by forming separate states.
I'm no expert on Kashmir Issue. . . but as far as i can understand. . . things has gone beyond repair. . can be sorted out upto some extent . . . . .but cant be solved completely.

trade, free border crossing, demilitarization or anything else need a sense of trust. . which lacks on both sides.

Any solution is not possible in the near future . :coffee:
If at all India ever(?) wants to take some decision on the lines of above steps you mentioned, GOI should do following things 1st -
1. Make Majority Hindu Jammu a separate state and guard it.
2. Make majority Budhists Ladhak a separate state and guard it.
Then they can allow free access b/n Azad Kashmir and Indian Kashmir Valley only. Before any steps taken Jammu and Ladhk should be protected from militants and terrorists by forming separate states.

That is why I suggested that there will be enough army to maintain peace and transfer of any goods will be inspected at the border crossings to not allow any weapons inside the other country, and no tolerance for terrorism will be maintained by a reasonable infrastructure as considered appropriate by the respective countries. In Hindu majority areas, you could restrict some movements at the start, and if things go well, they could be included to allow people to go there as in rest of the Kashmir in general. Of course those districts would be administered by government bodies and by law enforcing agencies that would probably have roughly similar representation of different religions as in the general population of different districts, so Hindu majority areas will have more hindu majority police.
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Both the countries have lived under half a century old mistrust and taking jab on each other on almost every issues. After the events of 1999 It is quite unlikely that Demilitarization is a possible or practical solution.
Indians are greedy and colonials.
Indians are greedy and colonials.

WOW !!

Such a detailed and balanced analysis from a R&D guy.. . .:sarcastic:

Yes we are greedy. . just like everyone else in this world. . . .yes Kashmir is an important Strategic location for us. . . and i bet its for Pakistan as well ( matter of ego too ) .

But thread is about the possible solution for this problem and not some blame game.

Thank you :tup:
Kashmir is a dead horse. Nothing is gonna happen in near future and things will be as it is. India has its own plan once Jihad-2 is over.
Since both Nations claim the region in it's entirety, any treaty to freeze the LOC and make it an IB is also beyond practicality. No Government, that too a multi-party Democracy, can take such a call and lose popularity back home.

Safe to say that unless there is decisive military for either India or Pakistan, the issue will remain deadlocked. The best solution to Kashmiris is if Pakistan agrees to end support for militancy and India agrees to withdraw it's Armed Forces from the region, a semblance of normalcy can return in both halves.
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