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British pensioner facing three years in Pakistan jail after being tricked into reading the Koran in

Stone age barbaric laws

implemented in the name of a beautiful religion.


But so many educated Pakistanis have their eyes closed, deaf ears

repeating like parots, Islamism is great
Islamism is great
there is nothing wrong with blindly following Mullahs of Saudis and Ayatullahs of Iran.

Everything is good
just when I think the psycho Mullahs cant get dumber, they go out of their way to prove me wrong......
The irony here is Pakistan was created in the name of Islam and most of the things which malign Islam are traced back here ( Faisal shezad , Anjem Chowdhary , bali/london/mumbai bombers etc) .

Something terrible has happened to Pakistan who was regarded as tiger economy of Asia and was competing with Korea , leaving India far behind in sixties . Now it has become abode of all religious nutjobs and cracks . Not to mention Mirpuri lot in U.K . If there was a competition on who is the most retarded Pakistani-expatriate community they will win by a huge margin .
British pensioner facing three years in Pakistan jail after being tricked into reading the Koran in public

An elderly British man faces up to three years in a Pakistani prison after he was tricked into reading the Koran in public.

Masud Ahmad, 72, belongs to the minority Ahmadiyya sect, who under Pakistani law are banned from calling themselves Muslim, with Amnesty International saying he was deliberately tricked into reading the holy book in Lahore by figures linked to a right-wing religious group.

The case comes just a week after Mohammad Asghar, a 69-year-old alleged paranoid schizophrenic from Edinburgh, was sentenced to death in Pakistan for apparently claiming to be the Prophet Mohammad in letters he wrote to government officials.


Banned: Masud Ahmad belongs to the minority Ahmadiyya sect, who under Pakistani law are not allowed to call themselves Muslim or read the Koran in public. His family say he was duped into doing so

It is believed Mr Ahmad was secretly filmed reading from the Koran in November last year by two men posing as patients at the homeopathy clinic he ran in Lahore.

Amnesty International say he was maliciously targeted because of his religion.


Every year dozens of Ahmadi Muslims are charged with breaching Pakistan's strict blasphemy laws simply for practicing Islam, while they and other minority groups are also at risk of sectarian violence.

Speaking to The Independent, Mr Ahmad's son Abbas, 39, said: 'We are concerned he will never see his nine grandchildren but we are concerned with his life. We know what happens [in] these sort of cases.'

Abbas Ahmad said his father had been released on bail ahead of a trial and is currently in secure accommodation.

He added: We want to bring him back to Britain... In Pakistan there is no justice. Someone has made a false case and they have sent him to prison for nothing'.

Until he returned to Pakistan in 1982 for an operation to remove a tumour, Mr Ahmad had lived in London for 22-years working as a photographer.


Strict: Scores of people have been arrested in Pakistan under the country's harsh blasphemy laws. Every year dozens of Ahmadis are punished by strict religious courts

His case echoes that of Mohammad Asghar - the mentally ill man from Edinburgh who was sentenced to death in Pakistan last week after he allegedly claimed to be the Prophet Mohammad.

Mr Asghar was arrested in 2010 in Rawalpindi, near the capital Islamabad, for making the claims in letters he sent to various government officials.

But a lawyer who defended Mr Asghar said and the case was really a property dispute and that his 69-year-old client is currently in very poor health facing death for a crime that was never committed.

Amnesty International's deputy Asia Pacific director Polly Truscott said: 'Mohammad Asghar is now facing the gallows simply for writing a series of letters. He does not deserve punishment. No one should be charged on the basis of this sort of conduct.

David Cameron spoke out against the verdict in the week, saying he was 'deeply concerned' that the Pakistani court had failed to include medical evidence in Mr Asghar's trial.

British pensioner facing three years in Pakistan jail after being tricked into reading the Koran in public | Mail Online
these are 2 different cases, one is ahmadi, who has been charged of Reading Quran and other person is Non-ahmadi/sunni/shia anybody, who said that he is prophet Muhammad PBUH..................a GENIUS Molvi has tried to mix it up so that it may look like that an ahmadi has claimed to be Muhammad PBUH............failed

There is no law who bound you to not read holy books of other religions and I am not talking against him.
may be you would like to see this...
298-C. Person of Qadiani group, etc., calling himself a Muslim or preaching or propagating his faith:

"Any person of the Qadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves 'Ahmadis' or by any other name), who directly or indirectly, poses himself as a Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites others to accept his faith, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, or in any manner whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine."

Ordinance XX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
may be you would like to see this...
298-C. Person of Qadiani group, etc., calling himself a Muslim or preaching or propagating his faith:
"Any person of the Qadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves 'Ahmadis' or by any other name), who directly or indirectly, poses himself as a Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites others to accept his faith, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, or in any manner whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine."
Ordinance XX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I've read constitution too. Tell me it is written somewhere in constitution that a man is not allowed to read other religion's book except his religion's holy book?
This thread says that the man was arrested because he was reading Quran.

Are you serious? This thread contains the case of an Ahmadi convicted of "acting" like a muslim only because he was reading the holy Qur'an and now you say there is no law like that? Are you ok?
Qadiani people are not allowed to call them self Muslim, call their worship place a mosque. But I don't see anywhere that a man can't read holy book of any other religion. That's what I am trying to say all the time. Don't know why you are going mad on it.
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But is it true whether I want it to be or not. I prefer it wasn't. Unlike your fellow co-religionists, I don't fantasize about beheading and torturing people to get to heaven. And yes it's old news, persecuting minorities in Pakistan is so old news, Pakistanis prefer the latest round of conspiracy theories thrown out by frenzied mullahs.
neither do i fancy a person who died a death of......... ''well a cockroach''

I wouldnt like a debate to be like that but the bolded part in yr post is an insult.

All Mighty has given us brains to analyse who is who and what is what....I would rather die or behead someone then calling and following a person who died so shamelessly or to become a western tout.

Anyways like Talon said it was for property disputes as his son said it himself! not the other way around that yr claiming to be ''true''.

Bye Bye Kiddo........This forum is for pakistanis.
If there is any dumbest nation on earth, its us. And we cheer it to show we are dumb!
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My ego is not as big as yours...please stick to the thread title I am trough with you people! No matter what I will say it will be a :tup: for you so here you go :tup:

It is better you leave them be and ignore their arguments, I already beat them in one of the threads posting their own fake mangod, fake continuum prophet and messiah proving from their own not so holy books/passages written by their mangod/messiah about their drama queenie..guess what all ran away. Just ask them for evidence just ask them to come to Pakistan and protest and go to supreme court why won't they? how about press UK government no? that's because most of the news pop up every now and then to malign Pakistan. Our media is dirty but I would like to see clip about that 72 year old man and if media made any hoopla...non...
I've read constitution too. Tell me it is written somewhere in constitution that a man is not allowed to read other religion's book except his religion's holy book?
This thread says that the man was arrested because he was reading Quran.
"Any person of the Qadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves 'Ahmadis' or by any other name), who directly or indirectly, poses himself as a Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites others to accept his faith, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, or in any manner whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine."
One cannot even pose like a muslim in ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN..........and he did this by reading Quran........ and the rest of the thing is done by Lawyers and RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION, they know this very well how to use this point.... if you know very basics of LAW then you should know that this line prohibts ahmadis to do anything that a muslim can do.......in short Islam Copyrighted..... and the line "whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims" says that anybody can do anything against ahmadis even if they get even EMOTIONALLY HURT by ahmadis saying even ASALAM O ALIKUM........
"Any person of the Qadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves 'Ahmadis' or by any other name), who directly or indirectly, poses himself as a Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites others to accept his faith, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, or in any manner whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine."
One cannot even pose like a muslim in ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN..........and he did this by reading Quran........ and the rest of the thing is done by Lawyers and RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION, they know this very well how to use this point.... if you know very basics of LAW then you should know that this line prohibts ahmadis to do anything that a muslim can do.......in short Islam Copyrighted..... and the line "whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims" says that anybody can do anything against ahmadis even if they get even EMOTIONALLY HURT by ahmadis saying even ASALAM O ALIKUM........

Why are you wasting your time and energy with Pakistani momineen. Leave them to be. Some of them already said Ahmadis have it coming and some believe we invent news to get sympathy.

The degenerate takfiris have destroyed Pakistan. Remember Zia said he would make Ahmadis poor and like beggers. Ahmadis have contiuned to grow in numbers and we never accept any aid from any Country but where is Pakistan today? Begging to Japan, USA, Turkey, Germany, UK for money. Pakistan'e leaders go around the world with their latest suits and watches to beg for Pakistan.
His defense, who submitted his health records in the case, say his illness explains the allegations that he told a tenant, who was renting a piece of property he owned in Pakistan, that he was the Prophet Mohammed.

May be he was framed by his tenant for the sake of grabbing his property & used the blasphemy law to his advantage.
neither do i fancy a person who died a death of......... ''well a cockroach''

I wouldnt like a debate to be like that but the bolded part in yr post is an insult.

All Mighty has given us brains to analyse who is who and what is what....I would rather die or behead someone then calling and following a person who died so shamelessly or to become a western tout.

Anyways like Talon said it was for property disputes as his son said it himself! not the other way around that yr claiming to be ''true''.

Bye Bye Kiddo........This forum is for pakistanis.

You couldn't behead a ripe watermelon if it fell on your knife. I just like to suggest you do either one of these things:
1. Go shoot some little girl to feel more "jannati"
2. Blow yourself up in a crowded market to get a first class ticket to jannat.
3. Relocate to North Waziristan and pray that a drone strike doesn't fall on your head.
4. Blow up mosques, Temples, churches and gurduwaras to make this sarzameen pak from kafirs like me.

Your pick, I'll let you choose. Hell you can even go for a combo to get bonus jannati points.
You couldn't behead a ripe watermelon if it fell on your knife. I just like to suggest you do either one of these things:
1. Go shoot some little girl to feel more "jannati"
2. Blow yourself up in a crowded market to get a first class ticket to jannat.
3. Relocate to North Waziristan and pray that a drone strike doesn't fall on your head.
4. Blow up mosques, Temples, churches and gurduwaras to make this sarzameen pak from kafirs like me.

Your pick, I'll let you choose. Hell you can even go for a combo to get bonus jannati points.
OK i will do it but first take yr Prophet's head out of cum-mot:rofl: Or start following a decent person.:lol:

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