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British pensioner facing three years in Pakistan jail after being tricked into reading the Koran in

What if he has his own version? Everyone now has their own version of meaning of everything.
Taliban and sects have their version of Shria. Every renown Aalim has their translation of Quran and so on.
But this news is hiding something.
Translation may vary but versions cant...There is a remark difference! So you want to equate his version to that of the Taliban?
I doubt Taliban ever read the translation...they just utter the Arabic and wait for some Mullah for explanations....Since they count TV, internet and media a fitnah there is no chance of them ever doing their own research....

Plus, like I said I have even heard non Muslims read the Quran in Arabic or even the translation, mind you the recitation never told me if the Quran they were reading was Sunni or Shia...So please refrain from over-exaggeration!

If Ahmedis have their own version...say so...I dont know about them nor any of my limited research showed me any such thing...
or it is ''true'' according to u because it suits yr fantasies?

British doctor, 72, beaten and jailed in PK after filmed reading the Koran

Old news and was debated.

@Jungibaaz please close the thread.

But is it true whether I want it to be or not. I prefer it wasn't. Unlike your fellow co-religionists, I don't fantasize about beheading and torturing people to get to heaven. And yes it's old news, persecuting minorities in Pakistan is so old news, Pakistanis prefer the latest round of conspiracy theories thrown out by frenzied mullahs.

There is no law who bound you to not read holy books of other religions and I am not talking against him.

Are you serious? This thread contains the case of an Ahmadi convicted of "acting" like a muslim only because he was reading the holy Qur'an and now you say there is no law like that? Are you ok?
Wow These Mullahs are learning new tricks to hunt Ahmadi Muslims where ever they go and do. Hes a British Citizen i hope the British Government does something about the safety and well being of the old man.
But is it true whether I want it to be or not. I prefer it wasn't. Unlike your fellow co-religionists, I don't fantasize about beheading and torturing people to get to heaven. And yes it's old news, persecuting minorities in Pakistan is so old news, Pakistanis prefer the latest round of conspiracy theories thrown out by frenzied mullahs.
But it is ok to have a different version of the Quran? Does it seem like a bible to you that you can produce versions by editing it? Just curious! That itself is far out of Islam and then you want to be called Muslim is just like one saying Jesus is my savior now let me pray in the Masjid!

For your information not everyone who isnt an Ahmedi fantasizes as you proclaimed! But we all sure share the same GOD, Prophet and Quran!

Wow These Mullahs are learning new tricks to hunt Ahmadi Muslims where ever they go and do. Hes a British Citizen i hope the British Government does something about the safety and well being of the old man.
It is strange...why they make it their personal agenda to hunt them....basically on property disputes!

or it is ''true'' according to u because it suits yr fantasies?

British doctor, 72, beaten and jailed in PK after filmed reading the Koran
Even this was on property disputes:
His son, one of seven children in Britain and Australia, said the family suspected someone was trying to steal his father's dispensary

Read more: British doctor beaten up jailed in Pakistan for 'posing as a Muslim' | Mail Online
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But it is ok to have a different version of the Quran? Does it seem like a bible to you that you can produce versions by editing it? Just curious! That itself is far out of Islam and then you want to be called Muslim is just like one saying Jesus is my savior now let me pray in the Masjid!

For your information not everyone who isnt an Ahmedi fantasizes as you proclaimed! But we all sure share the same GOD, Prophet and Quran!

It is strange...why they make it their personal agenda to hunt them....basically on property disputes!

Even this was on property disputes:

There is no different version of the Qur'an. Translations may be a little different, but then again even the more famous translators have translated the Qur'an with their interpretation. I believe jaanbaaz posted the holy Qur'an from an Ahmadi website. Check it out and tell me how it is any different to the other sects Qur'ans.
There is no different version of the Qur'an. Translations may be a little different, but then again even the more famous translators have translated the Qur'an with their interpretation. I believe jaanbaaz posted the holy Qur'an from an Ahmadi website. Check it out and tell me how it is any different to the other sects Qur'ans.
I went through a little bit....If there is no differences then why do they have a Quran on their own site? Usually Muslims only go to separate fikh just for Hadith or even minor to that for fatwahs or opinions not to read the Quran....

So founf out 1 is Ahmedi by reading the Quran has no bearings?
Fair enough...That is what I said in my post too!
I went through a little bit....If there is no differences then why do they have a Quran on their own site? Usually Muslims only go to separate fikh just for Hadith or even minor to that for fatwahs or opinions not to read the Quran....

So founf out 1 is Ahmedi by reading the Quran has no bearings?
Fair enough...That is what I said in my post too!

Wow, you are really pulling at straws here aren't you? It's now bad if Ahmadis put the Holy Qur'an on their website? And as the question of why? Well maybe because Ahmadis like me when they are away from home want to be able to read it on their phones? What's wrong with it??
Wow, you are really pulling at straws here aren't you? It's now bad if Ahmadis put the Holy Qur'an on their website? And as the question of why? Well maybe because Ahmadis like me when they are away from home want to be able to read it on their phones? What's wrong with it??

I had to laugh hard at the question as to why we have the Quran on our website. People argue for the sake for argument and their egos.
Wow, you are really pulling at straws here aren't you? It's now bad if Ahmadis put the Holy Qur'an on their website? And as the question of why? Well maybe because Ahmadis like me when they are away from home want to be able to read it on their phones? What's wrong with it??
Did I say its bad? Wow...you people really have issues! We have many softwares to cds to ipods to youtube...you name it...
I never knew we should leave the elderly men whose life are at stake t o get personal attacks in?

My question was regarding someone feeling obliged to post the Quran...so I asked based on that...

I had to laugh hard at the question as to why we have the Quran on our website. People argue for the sake for argument and their egos.
I had a good laugh that you felt obliged to post it up!
Did I say its bad? Wow...you people really have issues! We have many softwares to cds to ipods to youtube...you name it...
I never knew we should leave the elderly men whose life are at stake t o get personal attacks in?

My question was regarding someone feeling obliged to post the Quran...so I asked based on that...

I had a good laugh that you felt obliged to post it up!

You are arguing for the sake of your ego. Because you don't want to be defeated right? I merely posted it because some members were spreading Takfiri propaganda here.
You are arguing for the sake of your ego. Because you don't want to be defeated right? I merely posted it because some members were spreading Takfiri propaganda here.
My ego is not as big as yours...please stick to the thread title I am trough with you people! No matter what I will say it will be a :tup: for you so here you go :tup:
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