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British pensioner facing three years in Pakistan jail after being tricked into reading the Koran in

Hi. You are in the U.K. right?

Do you have Indian friends? Are they better than the lot we have here in here :-)

Please stop :S

Yeh Im in the UK. One of my oldest friend is a Sikh guy from school days, good people the lot of them. Strange as it may sounds, the Indians and Pakistanis I know here are far more courteous and tolerant than people on PDF. I guess the internet brings out the worse in people when they are anonymous.
Yeh Im in the UK. One of my oldest friend is a Sikh guy from school days, good people the lot of them. Strange as it may sounds, the Indians and Pakistanis I know here are far more courteous and tolerant than people on PDF. I guess the internet brings out the worse in people when they are anonymous.

it's funny while reading this thread. An Ahmadi will probably have full rights in Britain. ( I think) They won't care which god/gods you pray to etc.

They even allow you to come to their country and challenge their own laws based in Magna Carta.

They allow you to committ fraud, Marry their Women and criticise their foreign policy, culture, laws endlessly.

But evil, evil west right? I am sure all the Indians and Pakistanis who are clamoring to get there would agree to.

@Pakistani Exile

What are you waiting for, this amount of tolerance is unforgivable, it is time to islamise those kafirs!
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It's time to scrap these idiotic laws and put the extremist scums behind the bars.

Many tried and are now a few feet below the ground.

Its a step by step process for this unfortunate country. Before trying to retract such laws, you need Pakistan rid of the al queda elements, leader of which was killed in an Army cantonment around 24 months back.

The Islamic radicalization has its roots deep within the Pakistani society and has a strong fortress like base. No one in Pakistan has the will or the money to arrange a break in.

The best we all can do is to keep talking about it and wait for a miracle, chances of which may be not more than 1 in a million.
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