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Pakistani Emperor’s Grave In Myanmar

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Yes like me I am born in USA to Pakistani parents but that is different from Mughals because American is a nationality but not a racial group. Indian is both nationality and race. Mughals were probably as Indian as everyone else by the year 1857 so yeah its a different story if hindus don't accept them today.
Are indians a race? no man......if indians are a race then Usa is a race too.......bacause india (if you are talking about subcontinent india) has historically been invaded by foriegners, and those inveders later on setteled in those areas, like when Alexander came to invade most of his generals were deputed here and they later on did marriaqges to loals and setteled here....even today india is made up of historically and racially very different comunities....... a race takes birth when a society gets birth, a society of people who have very very common and interdependent intrests, features, sometime religion and many other things......... problem is we have been taught a very different story of history of subcontinent....and it has been convinced that Indian subcontinent belonged to Hindus and they had an empire here before 5000.....but if we look closely then we will know that they were not just hindus but people of different religions and most of them were the incestors of foriegn invaders that setteled in india...... and those were empires that vanished with time.....then there were different empires including mughals with the passage of time.....now if they say that all subcontinent is included in india then they are following their incient extremist idea of Akhand Bharat.......just like jews says that israel is our land because 4000 years ago we had an empire here.......and with this logic i think we can and we should claim india because our people (Mughals and other muslim emporers) invaded india and included in muslim empire......and india (for past several 100 years) is made up of extremly different societies and by no way one can call india a Race today.....
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