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  1. Type59

    India has accelerated work on Chabahar Port, likely to be declared operational by May: CRS

    Look at China train route to Europe, despite having speed advantage, its still cheaper to send by sea. China has direct train land route, no ship involved. India has to load a ship then unload at Iranian port for onwards journey. The costs will be higher.
  2. Type59

    India has accelerated work on Chabahar Port, likely to be declared operational by May: CRS

    Ports are a longterm investments. Once port is built, it will take decades to become widely used. You act like India has products that no other country makes? plenty of competition.
  3. Type59

    India has accelerated work on Chabahar Port, likely to be declared operational by May: CRS

    Shorter does not mean better. Large ships can carry more at cheaper rates then land route. Land route has its uses, time will tell on how successful project is. Bookmark my post and see results in 20 years time😉
  4. Type59

    UAE plugs in first nuclear power plant

    Project is huge. 5000mw generated by 4 reactors once completed. UAE population is provided with cheap electricity, hence why per capita usage is high. If government raises prices to eliminate subsides, electricity usage will fall. Other way is energy conservation, the population needs the...
  5. Type59

    India has accelerated work on Chabahar Port, likely to be declared operational by May: CRS

    Blue line can go through black sea! Russian and Central Asian ports can be accessed there. Whoever created map has no clue.
  6. Type59

    Tesla sold 35,478 vehicles in March, smashing China monthly sales record

    Market big enough for many players. If want greener transport does not matter who dominates.
  7. Type59

    UAE plugs in first nuclear power plant

    Impressive, soo by 2022 or 2023 a quarter of all energy produced is gonna be from nuclear.
  8. Type59

    British Pakistani signs Professional contract with Manchester United

    With a name like Zidane, he had no choice to play football.
  9. Type59

    Sad To See" South Africa Release Players For IPL Amid Pakistan Series : Shahid Afridi

    He's expressing an opinion. Nevertheless, we won, improved our rankings, got a trophy and improved team confidence.
  10. Type59

    Imran Khan - This is plain silly of you to say .....

    Its okay to disagree with IK. His statement is half true, but also half wrong.
  11. Type59

    22 Indian security personnel killed in Naxal attack in Chhattisgarh

    Good analysis. Disagree on machine gun because is still an improvement for naxals. Any weapon is useful to them.
  12. Type59

    World Bank raises India’s GDP growth forecast to 10% in FY22

    Maybe post less you might achieve happiness. China ranked higher in 2021 report. Having a full stomach is very important for happiness, evidence points to widespread hunger in India. https://www.oneindia.com/international/un-world-happiness-report-2021-india-ranks-139-out-of-149-3233007.html
  13. Type59

    World Bank raises India’s GDP growth forecast to 10% in FY22

    Standard Indian response. If that is the case why European countries dominate list? Heavily taxed nations like Norway and Sweden are near top. Indians are unhappy due to social, economic and political failures. Only a minority is gaining from growth.
  14. Type59

    Maoists hold Indian CRPF elite cobra commando hostage, after ambush that killed 22 Indian troops

    More like instability is an issue. Afghanistan and Burma come to mind. The drug profits then give an incentive to continue undermining law and order.
  15. Type59

    Number of newborns in China drops 15% in 2020 as coronavirus weighs

    I read Chinese government is gonna raise retirement age. Makes sense, UK has done it, I personally think other countries have to do same. I think people exaggerate impact of an aging population. Encouraging people to live healthier is a policy governments should promote.
  16. Type59

    Three-way talks over Ethiopian dam fail in Kinshasa - statements

    Ethiopia is a weaker position then 6 months ago. The war in North of country is still ongoing, Sudan has seized some land and other ethnic conflicts have erupted. Ethiopia might be more accommodating of Egyptians wish in slowly filling up dam.
  17. Type59

    Maoists hold Indian CRPF elite cobra commando hostage, after ambush that killed 22 Indian troops

    Associating drugs with communism? How did you come to that conclusion.
  18. Type59

    World Bank raises India’s GDP growth forecast to 10% in FY22

    Every year same story, "high growth". Its what the average Indian thinks that counts. Every year Indians state their unhappiest in South Asia. If economy is booming why not on par with European countries?
  19. Type59

    Godfather of Hindutwa, Ideal of RSS, Sarvarkar's Mercy Petitions to British Victoria Matha

    They in power now. The benefits of power they are free too loot country.
  20. Type59

    Dassault Paid 1 Million Euros To Indian Middleman In Rafale Deal !

    Corruption is widespread in India. Modi and his party indulge in it too. I think criminality is encouraged by RSS look at Baba Ramdev. He railed against congress for being corrupt then accepts free land despite being a billionaire. Hypocrisy is in indian mentality.
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