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Maoists hold Indian CRPF elite cobra commando hostage, after ambush that killed 22 Indian troops


May 29, 2012
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United Kingdom

Indian government sending negotiators to discuss release
2019 India negotiates release of Pilot shot down by Pakistan

2020 India negotiates release of multiple Indian POWs captured by China after intrusion

2021 India negotiates release of captured commando with naxals

Indians becoming experts
I just wanted to praise the Naxals for their splendid courage, ideological rectitude, and tactical brilliance.
You don’t want a militant communist movement mate. Latin America is a great example of the violence at scale that follows.
You don’t want a militant communist movement mate. Latin America is a great example of the violence at scale that follows.

Associating drugs with communism? How did you come to that conclusion.
This is pretty shameful for India, then again Modi is pretty shameless.
Chinese really did help to hide Indian blushes when they caught Indian pows in Ladakh recent

Nothing was leaked out by China photos or videos of there capture

what a shame, China quietly sent Indian POWs home
The product that CHina can not sell to the West are dumped in India. Literally tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars of product. No way China wants to humiliate India when they are slurping up anything Chinese.
Associating drugs with communism? How did you come to that conclusion.
I did not. Most communist movements started around the 50s in Latin America and the drug trade started in the late 70s and 80s. I am only focusing on the violent communist movements that ravaged through a lot of nations. The association of violence with a communist takeover is what I am trying to highlight (multiple other examples exist as well to reflect on the causality between the two)
I did not. Most communist movements started around the 50s in Latin America and the drug trade started in the late 70s and 80s. I am only focusing on the violent communist movements that ravaged through a lot of nations. The association of violence with a communist takeover is what I am trying to highlight (multiple other examples exist as well to reflect on the causality between the two)

More like instability is an issue. Afghanistan and Burma come to mind. The drug profits then give an incentive to continue undermining law and order.
Maoists with bows and arrows defeat Indian special forces regularly. Are these special forces like 'special' down syndrome forces or something?
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