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Three-way talks over Ethiopian dam fail in Kinshasa - statements


Feb 25, 2021
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KINSHASA/CAIRO, April 6 (Reuters) - Egypt's foreign ministry said on Tuesday that the latest round of talks with Ethiopia and Sudan over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) in Kinshasa have ended with no progress made.

Delegations from the three countries were meeting in the Democratic Republic of Congo hoping to break a deadlock in negotiations over a project Ethiopia says is key to its economic development and power generation.

Egypt fears the dam will imperil its supplies of Nile water, while Sudan is concerned about the dam's safety and water flows through its own dams and water stations.

Before the meetings began, Egypt had said they represented the last chance to re-start negotiations before Ethiopia begins to fill the dam for the second year in a row after seasonal rains begin this summer.

Sudan's foreign minister Mariam al-Sadig al-Mahdi told reporters on Tuesday that Ethiopia's insistence on such unilateral moves represents a violation of international law.

Ethiopian water minister Seleshi Bekele did not respond to texts and calls seeking comment.

Sudan and Egypt were aligned on a proposal to include the European Union, United States and United Nations in the negotiations, as an addition to current African Union mediators.

Egypt said Ethiopia rejected the proposal during the meeting, as well as other suggestions to re-start negotiations.

"This position reveals once again Ethiopia's lack of political will to negotiate in good faith," Egypt's statement said.

Sudan, which is also locked in a border dispute with Ethiopia, had hosted Egypt for air force training exercises that concluded on Saturday.

Last week, Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said there would be "inconceivable instability in the region" if Egypt's water supply were affected by the dam.

"Without a new approach to negotiations, there becomes space for Ethiopia to impose a fait accompli and put all the peoples of the region in grave danger," said al-Mahdi. (Reporting by Hereward Holland in Kinshasa, and Mahmoud Mourad, Nadine Awadalla, and Nafisa Eltahir in Cairo; Editing by David Goodman and Jonathan Oatis)

S- https://finance.yahoo.com/news/1-three-way-talks-over-131109800.html

No progress was made in the Kinshasa Talks yet, which took place with the Nile Sharing agenda. The tension between the parties continues to increase.

Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; He explained that no progress has been made in negotiations with Ethiopia, and all proposals and alternatives submitted to Ethiopia are rejected.

Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ethiopia is violating international law by making this a fait accompli, and we hope that the president of Congo will end these endless negotiations as soon as possible.

China is one of the countries that support Ethiopia economically. I wondering that What kinds of assurances did Ethiopia got from which countries?
For many years we have been hearing the next wars will be fought over water...we may actually see that happen soon....
was it not possible for the Egyptians to have just stopped this dam from being built from the start. avoiding this messy situation now!!!
KINSHASA/CAIRO, April 6 (Reuters) - Egypt's foreign ministry said on Tuesday that the latest round of talks with Ethiopia and Sudan over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) in Kinshasa have ended with no progress made.

Delegations from the three countries were meeting in the Democratic Republic of Congo hoping to break a deadlock in negotiations over a project Ethiopia says is key to its economic development and power generation.

Egypt fears the dam will imperil its supplies of Nile water, while Sudan is concerned about the dam's safety and water flows through its own dams and water stations.

Before the meetings began, Egypt had said they represented the last chance to re-start negotiations before Ethiopia begins to fill the dam for the second year in a row after seasonal rains begin this summer.

Sudan's foreign minister Mariam al-Sadig al-Mahdi told reporters on Tuesday that Ethiopia's insistence on such unilateral moves represents a violation of international law.

Ethiopian water minister Seleshi Bekele did not respond to texts and calls seeking comment.

Sudan and Egypt were aligned on a proposal to include the European Union, United States and United Nations in the negotiations, as an addition to current African Union mediators.

Egypt said Ethiopia rejected the proposal during the meeting, as well as other suggestions to re-start negotiations.

"This position reveals once again Ethiopia's lack of political will to negotiate in good faith," Egypt's statement said.

Sudan, which is also locked in a border dispute with Ethiopia, had hosted Egypt for air force training exercises that concluded on Saturday.

Last week, Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said there would be "inconceivable instability in the region" if Egypt's water supply were affected by the dam.

"Without a new approach to negotiations, there becomes space for Ethiopia to impose a fait accompli and put all the peoples of the region in grave danger," said al-Mahdi. (Reporting by Hereward Holland in Kinshasa, and Mahmoud Mourad, Nadine Awadalla, and Nafisa Eltahir in Cairo; Editing by David Goodman and Jonathan Oatis)

S- https://finance.yahoo.com/news/1-three-way-talks-over-131109800.html

No progress was made in the Kinshasa Talks yet, which took place with the Nile Sharing agenda. The tension between the parties continues to increase.

Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; He explained that no progress has been made in negotiations with Ethiopia, and all proposals and alternatives submitted to Ethiopia are rejected.

Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ethiopia is violating international law by making this a fait accompli, and we hope that the president of Congo will end these endless negotiations as soon as possible.

China is one of the countries that support Ethiopia economically. I wondering that What kinds of assurances did Ethiopia got from which countries?
China has $1.8 billion investments in Ethiopia.. that's all..
was it not possible for the Egyptians to have just stopped this dam from being built from the start. avoiding this messy situation now!!!
Yes it was possible.. but Egypt wanted Ethiopia to benefit .. it was in good faith.. but bad decision..Since Ethipians call the Nile River, the traitorous river for Ethiopia. And they made a dam and intent building more dams to block the treacherous water that insult them and go to Egypt..

Now they are planning to sell the Nile water to Egypt and Sudan ... and in the end there are people who are expecting this to be solved by negotiations ... and saying it is Egypt fault!

Among the Ethiopian intransigence is, other than its rejection of any binding agreement .. Ethiopia does not recognize Sudanese and Egyptian shares of the Nile waters as they are by International law... Now what about the dry period, as stated by the former Egyptian Minister of Irrigation Muhammad Nasr Allam ..He said, Ok, Ethiopia, can we agree on a Drought period share .. Ethiopia said No .. Egypt has shown flexibility in reducing its share in drought a lot, because it will already decrease with or without the GERD dam .. After the dam, Egypt agreed to a smaller share, and asked to agree on a number .. Ethiopia refused again.,It says no one obliges me .. Egypt also offered flexibility In a drought period, asking Ethiopia to open the dam gates and produce electricity, but certainly less than in the Ethiopian flood and rain period. Egypt offered to replace Ethiopia as well with electricity with the same megabyte in the drought period, so it will get the same amount of electricity produced in the rain and flood period .. Egypt obligated itself that the electricity for Ethiopia remains productive and stable. Dry or rain cases .. Ethiopia refused obstinately saying that it is Ethiopian sovereignty and the water is our water..and rejected any agreement on operating rules even for the drought period .. because its goal was originally to sell water ... Their goal is to control The Nile as they want regardless of International laws governing shared water resources..

Ethiopia announced a long time ago, after the Renaissance Dam, it will build two more dams ... Their goal is to seize more than 140 billion cubic meters of water .. Meaning nothing will reach Egypt for four years ... It is like a water nuclear bomb to destroy Sudan too .. Since the dam is around 20 kilometers from the borders of Sudan ... meaning the neck and the soul of Sudan is under Ethiopia's will.. So for any case of war, it is sufficient for Ethiopia to cross the filling with 10 billion billion cubic meters from the Nahda Renaissance Reservoir and the other dams to destroy Sudan completely..

These are just a few drops from the sea of disagreement now between Sudan, Egypt vs Ethiopia,

If this comes to war.. It is going to be a war for life and existence between Sudan and Egypt against Ethiopia..This is mainly the talk of Egyptians and Sudanese people on the social media..and in line with their governments talk..
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Ethiopia is a weaker position then 6 months ago. The war in North of country is still ongoing, Sudan has seized some land and other ethnic conflicts have erupted. Ethiopia might be more accommodating of Egyptians wish in slowly filling up dam.
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