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  1. T

    Slow modernisation of capabilities a big concern: IAF chief

    how does it add nos even today we have about 650 ac even in 2035 by these figs we will have only 675 also sqds ae now made up of 20 ac = 16 line ac + 2 sqd reserves + 2 trainers so only 34 sqds even by 2035
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    Post Ratings Review Board.

    @Chak Bamu @WebMaster hey guys pl have a review of the 4 -ve ratings i received yesterday
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    Russia gets approval to export 5,000MW to Central Asian states, Afghanistan and Pakistan

    while this is a game changer and good development there are no free lunches - nothing is really cheap or free my friend
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    Women should not wear jeans,Women in jeans against Indian culture claims Indian singer K.J. Yesudas

    atleast we in india only issue statements and express opinion on dressing we dont issue fatwas
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    Women should not wear jeans,Women in jeans against Indian culture claims Indian singer K.J. Yesudas

    go take a trip to khajuraho read kamasutra they too were a part of indian culture show me one text where it is written what should be worn and not worn dressing in ancient times was according to materials available, methods and tools to process them, comfort and local conditions if you...
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    Slow modernisation of capabilities a big concern: IAF chief

    yes i can see rafale bhakti and rafale arti
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    one air base is needed at the base supplydepot for siachin
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    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    ok will take care in future for all nationalities
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    Slow modernisation of capabilities a big concern: IAF chief

    dont confuse ToT with licensce to mfg ToT means giving the knowhow of selected technologies nothing to do with building more rafales Licensing for mfg means - right now we can build 108 rafales if we need to build more we have to pay extra and then obtain permission to build more and then...
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    IAF Offers To Spend $12B To Break Monopoly

    not a good move this will instead of giving competition to HAL will be morale breaker for them After all these years toiling and taking abuse form everyone just when the time came to reap rewards they are being kicked aside ? the 1st thing is the Govt issued RFI for replacement for Dorniers...
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    HAL upgrades LCA project to boost production

    of course both simply cant be compared what i am comparing is the developmental status just let us know when you sort out all of f35s problems and make it a problem free AC do you beliive in reincarnation / rebirth ? if yes then that day will probably arrive in your next birth
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    HAL upgrades LCA project to boost production

    ok then pl tell when the F35 s all probelms are resolved
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    Slow modernisation of capabilities a big concern: IAF chief

    pl read up on Su34 it is not dedicated strike fighter it is FIGHTER BOMBER pl look it up
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    HAL upgrades LCA project to boost production

    as such there is nothing to worry about it The point is they knew they were getting these planes still they dont have the staff ready but it only shows the poor planning and management at IAF - the very 2 attributes which we accuse DRDO / HAL etc of having BTW they are not accepting the...
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    Slow modernisation of capabilities a big concern: IAF chief

    Yes you are right in this comparision but then if i put the the figures for Su30mki besides Rafale what will happen which will have higher load range armament ? ok deep strike role then we have su34 built specially as a strike fighter / FIGHTER BOMBER it has all range payload armament and...
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    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    smar tguys the japs why should they take teh UDTA TEER backsides on this one
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    Post Ratings Review Board.

    @Chak Bamu @WebMaster pl review the 4 -ve ratings i got today thanks
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    Slow modernisation of capabilities a big concern: IAF chief

    ok now lets keep enthu aside lets begin how do you define light medium heavy ? it is true the name is LCA but the changes in IAF requirements ASQRs over the years have made LCA TEJAS today a true multirole Aircraft and not a LIGHT FIGHTER JAguar darin upgrade is not complete and if i...
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    HAL upgrades LCA project to boost production

    DRDO ready to deliver AEW&C to Air Force | idrw.org That is the whole point of indain AWACS - 360 degree coverage and longer range large no of traget tracking and engagement
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