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  1. N_Al40

    Natural gas: An underrated driver of Saudi hostility towards Iran and Qatar

    This was a very eye-opening article for me
  2. N_Al40

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Israel has a known history of Psychological Warfare Ops. through media; take it with a grain of salt Patriot Missiles Are Made in America and Fail Everywhere The evidence is in: the missile defense system that the United States and its allies rely on is a lemon. On March 25, Houthi forces in...
  3. N_Al40

    Qaher F313 l News & Discussion

    Meant to this Iranian Year, 1397 (20th March 2018 - 20th March 2019)
  4. N_Al40

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    I heard that the deal for SU-30SM is done, but has not been announced yet due to political reasons. Is that true?
  5. N_Al40

    Saudi Arabia claims Iran is arming Houthis with Sayyad-2C SAMs

    The claim is that the Sayyad-2C is being used as a quasi-ballistic missile launched from a Badr-1
  6. N_Al40

    Saudi Arabia claims Iran is arming Houthis with Sayyad-2C SAMs

    Unknown, though some have speculated via RC Boats (as insane as that sounds)
  7. N_Al40

    Saudi Arabia claims Iran is arming Houthis with Sayyad-2C SAMs

    This was his take on the presentation before the Sayyad-2C SAM was looked at closely: Interesting
  8. N_Al40

    Saudi Arabia claims Iran is arming Houthis with Sayyad-2C SAMs

    So after KSA put on display the supposed Sayyad-2C SAM, most experts and political analysts called bluff and dismissed it, as they did with Niki Haley's Iranian BM presentation to the UN. Now the Sayyad-2C SAM is being viewed more closely...and it now looks authentic. Bear in mind that despite...
  9. N_Al40

    Israel willing to resort to military action to stop Iran acquiring nuclear weapons: minister

    Honestly brother, this is what I think sometimes...
  10. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Saudi's are now claiming that Iran has sent Sayyad-2C AD missiles to the Hothis!!
  11. N_Al40

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    LOOL...this is just too much!!
  12. N_Al40

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    YOU ARE?! Your work is fantastic!! Kheyley aley mashallah zendavashin! Absolutely love your page, I check it constantly, glad that you're posting again more frequently
  13. N_Al40

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Now this is interesting... All these years, I (and probably some of you on here) had assumed that with regards to Iran's small Fast Attack Craft (FAC) strategy against US Aircraft Carriers (AC); they would fire their anti-ship missiles creating havoc before retreating to re-arm or to cause a...
  14. N_Al40

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Thanks bro!! I'm by no means in the slightest a military guru or anything of the sort, I just pulled together this conclusion based on what I've read and using basic facts and simple logic e.g: (BMs destroy Al-Udeid Airbase = No jets to fly + no communication center = no way of striking Iran)...
  15. N_Al40

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    I feel you're being slightly pessimistic about the damage Iran could do in a war. The only shot Iran has at actually winning (regardless of how slim the chances are) in a hot war, is if launches a full-scale surprise attack (Pearl Harbor Style) against the US 5th Fleet via AshBMs, fast attack...
  16. N_Al40

    Iranian Chill Thread

    1.) How does he know this? 2.) Can someone put a bullet to his head?
  17. N_Al40

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Was thinking the same thing, but don't forget that they have now been told to rein in their non-military activities.
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