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  1. opinion786

    Partition was a mistake

    Partition was the best thing that happened for Pakistan! And, maybe for India too. Now we must concentrate on our economic well-being and providing the best of facilities to our public and groom our country. Pakistan is a country blessed with wonderful natural resources and intelligent...
  2. opinion786

    What flawed Democracy?

    Democracy is not being allowed to evolve and mature, BECAUSE its being run by Corrupt & Immoral people, who have feudal backgrounds, who have suppressed the people in their own villages & constituencies, and those who run their personal business EMPIRES at State expense, and those who operate...
  3. opinion786

    What flawed Democracy?

    I read this somewhere, and I agree. Democracy in our countries ...... run and OWNED by feudals and businessmen mafia..... Feudal GOD-FATHERS running DEMON-CRAZY ! Any system is implemented after the construction/development is completed. Then let people chose whatever system they like...
  4. opinion786

    Bilawal Bhutto more ‘influential’ than Bush

    The latest is that his rating have DROPPED and his ratings are equal to MUSHARRAF ! Following behind is General kiyani.....
  5. opinion786

    Sharif's Brother staged Drame "Refued Personal security on state's expenses"

    Definately it's Nawaz game. He chalked up this plan of lawyers movement with ex-ISI Hameed Gul. Nawaz fiananced the whole movement and Hameed Gul organized it. Clever RAW financed agents 'civil services' like Asma Jehamgir, also joined the movement to benefit their masters RAW. The deal was...
  6. opinion786

    MQM Sold theirselves again.

    I read your illogical insistence and I answered them. MQM won in Karachi and they have every right to appoint people there. Similarly, MQM did not have the right to appoint people in interior Sindh after 2002, as PPP won there.
  7. opinion786

    Dr Shoib Suddle appointed Sindh IGP -as "Seer pey Sawa Seer"

    I hope so! Pakistan should move forward.
  8. opinion786

    Dr Shoib Suddle appointed Sindh IGP -as "Seer pey Sawa Seer"

    Suddle's appointment to Karachi paticularly & ESPECIALLY..... and not to anywhere in Sindh seems like another era of violence. Sad very Sad. Sanity should prevail ! Even if we don't like MQM, we should not create turmoil in Karachi, as that would put the whole economy on back-foot...
  9. opinion786

    Great Disappointment for MQM as failure to enjoy desired Ministries!!!

    This is exactly what I've been trying make people see. Even if we don't like MQM, we should not create turmoil in Karachi, as that would put the whole economy on back-foot. It has been tried twice before to crush MQM though the operation cleanup during Nawaz era and PPP, which killed above...
  10. opinion786

    MQM Sold theirselves again.

    First of all, MQM has every right to appoint officers for Karachi. Like Nawaz has every right to appoint officers for Lahore. MQM DID NOT change the officers of the rest of the Sindh. They remained the same! The recent changes by new CM Qaim Shah, are only directed towards karachi.... and...
  11. opinion786

    Militants hiding in Pakistan might plan attack on US: Bush

    International Regional Conspiracy and Pakistan’s standing Written by Afreen Baig Pakistan First : International Regional Conspiracy and Pakistan’s standing When President Musharraf took over, Pakistan was on the verge of default and bankruptcy, with less than a billion dollars in its...
  12. opinion786

    Militants hiding in Pakistan might plan attack on US: Bush

    The USA is evidently building its case against Pakistan, in the hope that after few months of media trial, and after the USA public is assured that a direct attack on Pakistan was unavoidable... they'll be allowed to target PAK using one excuse or the other. Musharraf since 9/11 (almost 7...
  13. opinion786

    Horrific wave of violence in Karachi, 7 killed

    First of all, this perception created by media is false. What benefit will USA gain by merely LOOKING at few names in a list? Those names may even be wrongly INVENTED to misguide foreign intelligence. How will lists help USA track down militants in PAK, knowing that ONLY PAK army operates INSIDE...
  14. opinion786

    Horrific wave of violence in Karachi, 7 killed

    Don't exaggerate and say that you've been in MQM. Seems like you have closed your eyes to all other Bhatta khor and terrorist armd groups of Karachi, that why you're so sympathic to haqiqi. Yes, maybe you belong to Haqiqi, you see their 200 (exaggerated figure) but you fail to accept the...
  15. opinion786

    Horrific wave of violence in Karachi, 7 killed

    Well then COMPLETE your knowledge about COMPLETE Karachi, and don't bring up RANDOM & BIAS examples against MQM. First, visit COMPLETE Karachi ..... and know that: 1- ANP takes bhatta in Sohrab Goth and adjoining areas. 2- PPP takes bhatta in Malir, Baloch colony and Lyari areas. 3-...
  16. opinion786

    Horrific wave of violence in Karachi, 7 killed

    Every house & business in Sohrab Goth and adjoining areas pays Bhatta to ANP, and every house & business in Shah Faisal pays bhatta to Haqiqi and every house & business in Balouch Colony pays bhatta to PPP and every house & business near Lalo kheth pays bhatta to MQM...... So it doesnt matter...
  17. opinion786

    Musharraf, Jintao vow to bolster defence and trade: three agreements signed

    Great ! Pakistan Zindabad! Hoping the long lasting friendship of Pakistan and China go on and they also agree on IPI and newly hopefully IPC pipeline. PAK has to continue their strategic partnership with China and Saudia.
  18. opinion786

    Horrific wave of violence in Karachi, 7 killed

    First of all, one should learn courtesy and avoid being personal by using the word "YOU" It's easy to be abusive.... and be baised. Yes, all terrorist should be hanged. Let's start by hanging the initiaters "State Terrorist activites" that conducted "Extra-JUDICIAL MURDER" testified by...
  19. opinion786

    MQM Sold theirselves again.

    Yes, I agree that MQM is a terrorist party.... and so should it BE. ... to counter the 'State Terrorism' practices forced by Nawaz Sharif complicit & GUILTY of extra - JUDICIAL MURDER !!! If a political party wants to survive in Karachi... they should be terrorist....in order to counter the...
  20. opinion786

    Altaf Hussain is Pakistan's top most terrorist, says Imran Khan

    This is wrong perception and wrongly propogated by Nawaz & Co, that Army dismantled MQM. And, even wronger that Musharraf allowed MQM to flourish. The ISI with understanding of Army made the MQM to counter the vote bank of PPP in SIndh in 1980's The Operation cleanup that was started in...
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