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Musharraf, Jintao vow to bolster defence and trade: three agreements signed



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Musharraf, Jintao vow to bolster defence and trade: three agreements signed

SANYA (April 12 2008): President Pervez Musharraf and his Chinese counterpart on Friday vowed to enhance co-operation in defence, energy and trade, and hoped that these would be further strengthened with the coming into power of a new government in Pakistan.

The talks here at China's southernmost city of Sanya covered a wide range of issues with particular focus on Pak-China bilateral relations, besides discussions on regional issues and international developments. Following the round of formal talks, the two leaders also witnessed signing of two Memorandums of Understanding and an agreement.

These included an MoU between the Ministries of Water and Power of the two countries, and on co-operation in sports. The third was for co-operation in the area of engineering, sciences and technology. President Musharraf and President Hu Jintao had over half an hour long restricted meeting, where the former was accompanied by Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defence.

Later the two sides went in for delegation level talks that reflected convergence of views on regional and global issues. President Musharraf in his initial remarks termed Pak-China relations as time-tested and broad-based, and added that these have permeated down to the people's level.

The Chinese President described President Musharraf as an old friend, who has visited China eight times in as many years, and said that it was a manifestation of the strategic partnership between the two countries. President Musharraf thanked President Hu Jintao for the cordiality and warmth extended to him by the Chinese leadership.

Earlier, President Musharraf, who arrived here on Thursday night, was presented an impressive formal welcome ceremony at the picturesque Sanya city, in the Hainan province. With the backdrop of Yalong Bay on the South China Sea, a smart contingent of the People's Liberation Army, comprising the three services, presented him a salute. The President reviewed the guard of honour.

President Hu Jintao received President Musharraf and national anthems of the two countries were played. Minister for Defence Ahmed Mukhtar, Foreign Affairs Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Higher Education Commission Chairman Dr Atta-ur-Rehman, Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Dr Muhammad Akram Sheikh and Trade Development Authority of Pakistan Chairman assisted the President during the talks.

China is a major source of investment in Pakistan and has been supporting the country in various sectors, particularly infrastructure development, energy, roads and dams and, in this regard, a Pakistan-China Joint Investment Company has been working since 2007.

Bilateral trade between the two countries has touched $6.8 billion. Pakistan and China signed a free trade pact in 2006 and hope to raise two-way trade to $15 billion within the next five years. Pakistan-China Joint Five-Year Economic Plan was signed in November 2006, and the Free Trade Agreement, operational since last year, has bolstered the economic co-operation between the two countries.

Both countries have maintained long-term exchanges and multi-level co-operation in many areas, particularly defence. President Musharraf's visit is aimed at further promoting exchanges and bilateral co-operation for the development of strategic co-operative partnership of the two countries. Pakistan was the first Islamic country to recognise People's Republic of China on January 4,1950. Diplomatic relations were established between the two countries on May 21, 1951.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Great ! Pakistan Zindabad!

Hoping the long lasting friendship of Pakistan and China go on and they also agree on IPI and newly hopefully IPC pipeline.

PAK has to continue their strategic partnership with China and Saudia.
This could be the final visit to China by Musharraf, therefor I'm convinced we'll see some very productive deals.

China might offer finance for 4 new reactors in Chashma, Khushab and Karachi. :pakistan::china:
Pakistan and China to sign 16 pacts during Musharraf's visit

ISLAMABAD (April 12 2008): Pakistan and China are going to sign 16 framework agreements and Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) during President Pervez Musharraf's visit for enhancing co-operation in a number of key areas with focus on bringing more Chinese investment in energy sector.

A Memorandum of Understanding will be singed between the Ministry of Water Resources of China and the Ministry of Water and Power of Pakistan.

OTHER AGREEMENTS INCLUDE: Cooperation in the field of management of natural disasters; an agreement on sports co-operation between the general administration of sports of China and Sports Ministry of Pakistan;

A MoU for co-operation on architectural design, research and constructions between CDA and the consortium of China Architecture Design and Research Group and Chinese Academy of Sciences Architecture Design and Research Company Ltd;

Agreement between Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, government of Pakistan and the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of China for co-operation and collaboration for promotion of high efficiency Irrigation system in Pakistan;

Agreement between Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, government of Pakistan and the Ministry of Agriculture of China on Water Saving Irrigation;

MoU for co-operation in engineering and technical sciences between the Chinese Academy of Engineering of China and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Pakistan; framework agreement for co-operation in the field of information, media and broadcasting between Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, government of Pakistan and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television of China;

MoU on co-operation in the field of information between Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, government of Pakistan and the State Council Information Office of China;

MoU on financial sector co-operation between Pakistan and China; agreement between the Ministry of Science and Technology of government of Pakistan for establishment of Pak-China S&T Forum;

A framework agreement will be signed for co-operation in the field of minerals between the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources of Pakistan and National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of China;

MoU for co-operation in the geological, mineral and energy sector between Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources of Pakistan and the government of China; agreement on co-operation in cricket between Chinese Cricket Association, China and Pakistan Cricket Board, of Pakistan and framework agreement on Environmental Protection Co-operation between the State Environmental Protection Administration of China and the Ministry of Environment of Pakistan.

A bilateral agreement will be signed between the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and the Chinese Ministry of Education for the establishment of University of Engineering, Science and Technology Pakistan (UESTP) including a Technology park.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
we are friends.most important thing is that we hv common idea in the field of economy and peace of world.
China assures help for development projects

BEIJING (April 14 2008): China on Sunday assured full support in financing of various ongoing and planned infrastructure development programs in Pakistan as it believed that an economically strong Pakistan would bring prosperity to its people and strengthen the region.

Governor China Development Bank Chen Yuan who called on President Pervez Musharraf here, evinced keen interest of his bank in providing funding for several development projects in Pakistan.

He said the CDB could provide support for Bhasha-Diamer Dam, the proposed rail link along the Karakoram Highway that may also have an oil and gas pipeline, besides development of additional facilities at the Gwadar Port.

President Pervez Musharraf said the Pakistan-China joint infrastructure development ventures would not only strengthen ties between the two countries, but also help bring stability and prosperity to the region, by enhancing transit trade and greater interaction among the regional countries.

Over the past decade, CDB has issued an accumulated total of 1.6 trillion RMB in loans to more than 4,000 projects involving key fields of infrastructure, and basic and pillar industries, mostly in China.

The Joint Investment Company between Pakistan and China was established in November 2006 to implement the joint economic cooperation plan. The company is working as a window of the China Development Bank for evaluation of joint ventures between the two countries.

Minister for Defence Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar, Minister for Foreign Affairs Shah Mahmood Qureshi also attended the talks. Later, Chairman CPPCC Jia Qinglin hosted a banquet in honour of President Pervez Musharraf and his delegation.

Pakistan and China have made substantial progress towards entering a Transit Trade Agreement, expanding the scope of Free Trade Agreement, besides identifying new areas of cooperation to further strengthen their multi-faceted ties.

The President who is on a six-day visit to China to hold wide-ranging talks with its leaders made significant headway on a host of issues during the several rounds of talks with the Chinese leaders including President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao.

President Pervez Musharraf who arrived here in China's capital after attending the annual Boao Forum for Asia and holding talks with President Hu Jintao at Sanya, in Hainan Island met Premier Wen Jiabao at the Prime Minister Office - Zhong Nanhai. The two leaders reaffirmed their resolve to further strengthen their ties in all spheres.

President Pervez Musharraf said he was here in China to see its progress and rapid development. "We rejoice the success, achievements and progress of China that remains our time-tested and all-weather friend," President Musharraf said. Premier Wen Jiabao said the visit of the President would further promote the friendly ties between the two countries.

He said the two leaders have had several meetings over the past several years that signified the excellent relations the two countries had. Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi told APP that in several rounds of talks the two sides also discussed the need for adopting "corrective mechanism" to offset their trade imbalance.

He said the two countries have agreed on a five-year trade and economic development plan, and the projects falling in this category will get concessional credit.

Both the countries also identified several new areas, where they can extend cooperation through the already existing mechanism. Pakistan and China signed a free trade pact in 2006 that covers goods and investments and are looking at ways to add the segment of Trade and Services besides raising the two-way trade to US 15 billion dollars much before the stipulated time.

Bilateral trade between the two countries is around US 7 billion dollars. The two countries also inked three more agreements on cooperation between the Ministries of Finance, town planning and construction and Pakistan Television Corporation and the China Central Television (CCTV) for enhanced exchanges and television joint productions.

The agreement on finance aims at bringing the banking sectors of the two countries closer in policy making, information exchange, planning and co-ordinating while dealing with international financial institutions.

Another agreement between the Capital Development Authority and the Chinese Academy for Architecture and Design will assist the body in construction and assisting in building designs, landscaping and town planning.

The agreement between the two state-owned television channels aims at increasing joint-productions, exchange of technical expertise. Pakistan and China earlier inked three agreements at Sanya on Friday following two rounds of formal talks between President Pervez Musharraf and President Hu Jintao. These included an MoU between the Ministries of Water and Power of the two countries to extend cooperation in managing water resources and hydel power, another on cooperation in sports and culture and the third for cooperation in the area of engineering, sciences and technology.

Under the agreement a consortium of Chinese universities will help set-up a modern international level university in Islamabad. During the talks the two sides also discussed in detail the possibility of materialising the proposal made by President Pervez Musharraf of building a rail link along the Karakoram Highway for linking the Gwadar port with China. A Chinese firm has already conducted the feasibility study and has submitted its report to President Hu Jintao.

President Musharraf in his talks with the Chinese leaders said that when completed the project could claim to be the ninth wonder of the world and would go a long way in further boosting trade and commerce ties between the two countries. The feasibility of having a fibre cable connectivity between the two countries for enhanced data, voice and video traffic also came under discussion. The two countries also reviewed the prospects of building an oil and gas pipeline along the KKH to meet the future energy needs of the two countries.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Long live friendship of Pakistan and China. China is our one true friends. China has never commented on our internal political situation and has supported anyone who is in power. If only we had more friends like China.:china::pakistan:
good to hear

if only our muslim "brothers" helped us half as much as the chinese we could use some more and cheaper oil about now but where are the saudis now ?
Seems like your not informed about the Saudi grant recently. Its easy to blame right?
Musharraf pushes China to build IPC oil, gas pipelines

* President vows security for Olympic Torch relay
* Seeks Chinese and Russian help on stability in Afghanistan​

BEIJING: President Pervez Musharraf said on Monday that he was lobbying Beijing to build oil and gas pipelines linking Pakistan with western China, as the two longtime allies expand commercial ties.

China is sharply increasing oil and gas imports to fuel its booming economy, and Musharraf said he hoped it would see Pakistan as an “energy and trade corridor” to the Middle East.

“Pakistan is very much in favour of a pipeline between the Gulf and China through Pakistan, and I have been speaking with your leadership ... about this,” Musharraf told a student audience at Beijing’s Tsinghua University.

“I’m very sure in the future – Inshallah – it will happen,” he said. He acknowledged the challenges of building a pipeline that would have to cross soaring mountain passes up to 15,000 feet high.

“Technical experts thought it might not be possible at such heights,” he said, adding, “But experts say [an] oil and gas pipeline could be pumped upward up to the border, and that the larger distance in China would be down flowing. So technically it’s very feasible.”

Olympic torch: Musharraf condemned protests that have marred the Beijing Olympic torch relay and vowed to maintain security when the flame arrives in Pakistan on Wednesday. “There is no one in Pakistan, not one man, who would like to do anything against the interests of China,” he said.

The relay’s European and US legs were marred last week by protests in London, Paris and San Francisco, directed mainly against China’s ongoing crackdown on violent unrest in Tibet.

Musharraf reiterated his position that Tibet was a part of China and an internal affair that should be handled by Beijing, free of foreign interference.

In an interview with the China Daily on Sunday, Musharraf accused Western leaders and media of politicising the Olympics by criticising China’s human rights record and crackdown in Tibet, CNN reported.

“First of all, we consider Tibet an inalienable part of China ... [If] anyone is harbouring or abetting the separatists, we condemn that,” he said.

“You cannot superimpose the human rights and democracy environment of a Western country onto other countries,” Musharraf said, adding, “That is the error that the West and the Western media makes. This does not work at all and this must stop.”

Afghan stability: Musharraf said he would welcome a Central Asian grouping that includes China and Russia working alongside NATO to bring peace and stability to Afghanistan. “In a joint cooperative effort, if the SCO [Shanghai Co-operation Organisation] can do something, yes indeed it should come forward and co-operate toward the security of Afghanistan ... I’m for it,” the president said.

But, he added, “If the SCO can come along, then we would need to ensure that there is no confrontation with NATO.”

Separately, the Chinese defence minister, Chinese Exim Bank president, China Investment Corporation chairman and the China International Investment Corporation CEO met Musharraf and assured him of China’s support in the ongoing and future ventures in all areas.

Musharraf later arrived in Urumqi on the last leg of his visit to China. agencies/daily times monitor

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Does anybody knowwhat the proposed cooperation in defence ranges round?What is on the cards?
Thanks in advance
New free trade accord with China soon: Musharraf

URUMQI, April 15: President Pervez Musharraf said on Tuesday that Pakistan and China were close to signing another Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on trade and services that would further boost their economic and commercial ties.

Addressing the China Xinjiang-Pakistan Economic Forum in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang autonomous region, he urged closer cooperation in trade and commerce and investment.

The president informed the business leaders that there was immense scope for investment in Pakistan in the energy sector, particularly in coal-powered and solar and hydro-electric plants.

He said Pakistan and China were also discussing proposals to set up more nuclear power plants to help meet the requirements of fast expanding economy.

He said Pakistan had proposed an integrated border management regime and transit trade agreement.

The president said that in view of close ties between the two countries, special investment zones would be created in Pakistan for Chinese entrepreneurs.

Inviting Bank of China to enter Pakistani banking scene to help business communities of the two countries, he said several foreign banks were operating in the country.

He said Xinjiang could vastly benefit from its proximity to Pakistan.

He said Pakistan and China had already embarked on a plan to upgrade the Karakoram Highway for allowing all types of heavy traffic. This would be besides a rail link connecting Pakistan Railways with China Rail.

“We can even have fibre optic link and oil and gas pipeline along the same route that will bring the two countries closer,” the president said.

Xinjiang Governor Nur Bakari and Vice-Governor Masood Qureshi and members of the Pakistani delegation attended the meeting.

Meanwhile, according to a joint statement issued simultaneously from Beijing and Islamabad at the end of President Musharraf’s six-day state visit, China has expressed its readiness to assist Pakistan for the development of energy, mineral and mining sectors, extend cooperation in financial sector and upgrade communication and transportation links.

“Both sides agreed to further strengthen defence cooperation and enhance collaboration between their respective defence industries,” the statement said.

“China expressed its full support for Pakistan’s efforts to preserve its sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and expressed appreciation for Pakistan’s important role in promoting peace, stability and security and its contribution to counter terrorism.”

Pakistan reiterated its full support to the ‘One China’ policy and the return of Taiwan to the motherland. It also condemned and rejected the “three evil forces i.e. secessionism, separatism and terrorism”.

During the visit, President Musharraf held official talks with President Hu Jintao in Sanya, met NPC Standing Committee Chairman Wu Bangguo, Premier Wen Jiabao and CPPCC Chairman Jia Qinglin in Beijing as well as the leadership of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region in Urumqi.

The president was accompanied by Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Defence Minister Ahmed Mukhtar, Higher Education Commission Chairman Dr Atta ur Rehman, Chairman Trade Development Authority Tariq Ikram and Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Dr Akram Sheikh.

The two countries signed 10 memoranda of understanding on water, cooperation in engineering and technological sciences, finance, research and exchange of TV news.

They also agreed to set up Pakistan Culture and Communication Center at Tsinghua University, and promote economic and trade cooperation between the Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region and Ministry of Commerce of Pakistan.

The countries also decided to encourage international investment and establish relations of friendship and good neighbourly cooperation between Xinjiang and the NWFP.

Does anybody knowwhat the proposed cooperation in defence ranges round?What is on the cards?
Thanks in advance


This might answer your question:

Defence spending exceeds budgetary allocation

ISLAMABAD (April 16 2008): Procurement of Swedish military technology, and JF-17 Thunder aircraft from China for Pakistan Air Force has increased Defence budget by 27 percent to Rs 350 billion from Rs 275 billion allocated in the 2007-08 budget, official sources told Business Recorder here on Tuesday.

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, in his briefing to the Cabinet a few days ago had disclosed that the government had spent additional Rs 38.5 billion on procurement of defence equipment and aircraft under the Armed Forces Development Program (AFDP) for which not a single penny was allocated in the 2007-08 budget.

"Previous government did not allocate a single penny under AFDP in the budget but later on projected Rs 75 billion for this purpose, of which Rs 38.5 billion has already been paid to procure early warning system from Sweden and JF-17 Thunder from China," sources said.

An official of Finance Ministry confirmed that the government had projected Rs 75 billion over and above the allocated defence budget for procurement for military hardware, of which Rs 38.5 billion has already been paid.

"PAF has seriously lagged behind over the years, mainly due to various geo-political and economic constraints. In order to redress this capability deficit, PAF has very carefully evaluated the hi-tech options against well-defined air staff requirements," sources said.

It is not clear when it was decided to purchase these very expensive items: at the time of the budget, when this item was deliberately kept out to show a lower deficit or at a later time by the PAF for which approval must have been sought by the President.

Attempt was made to contact Secretary, Defence, Kamran Rasool, and PAF spokesman Sarfraz Ahmad, but no response was received. The government had allocated Rs 275 billion for defence in the federal budget, of which Rs 170.2 billion has already been spent during July-February against the projections of Rs 167.5 billion.

On April 12, 2006, federal cabinet had decided to purchase 98 hi-tech aircraft from the United States and China besides missiles and other equipment to improve the capabilities of Pakistan Air Force (PAF). When the proposal had been approved, PAF's combat fleet consisted of around 350 aircraft.

The bulk of its inventory comprises old Mirages and Chinese-origin A-5, FT-6 and F-7 aircraft. With the exception of F-7 PGs, most of these aircraft are more than 20 years old and are scheduled to retire between 2008 and 2015.

Foreseeing this retirement schedule and the known difficulties associated with replacing all old aircraft with western equipment, PAF embarked upon the co-development of JF-17 aircraft. The induction of JF-17 had been planned so as to have a systematic replacement of the retired fleet.

According to an official document, exclusively obtained by Business Recorder, mixed package of hi-tech aircraft and equipment, being purchased from USA and China, is as under: FC-20 aircraft (36), SD-10 BVR missiles (300), F-16 A/B, ex-Pakistan (26), F-16 C/D (18 with an option for 18 more), BVR, 500(American), targeting pods 18 and joint direct attack munitions (500). The expenditure on the entire package would be met from PAF share in Armed Forces Development Program (AFDP-2019), the document says.

The Cabinet, according to the document, has allowed PAF to set up Joint Working Group (JWG) with CATIC for procurement of 36 FC-20 aircraft. The government would also help PAF in securing long-term credit financing for the FC-20 aircraft from Chinese government, besides allowing PAF to initiate a Letter of Request (LoR) for the F-16 package and equipment through the Defence Ministry.

While the US F-16 C/D and Swedish Grippen qualified against the PAF requirements, the Chinese FC-20, in its present state, lagged behind due to the lack of advanced avionics systems and weapons. For the future, however, PAF termed it as a good option with very promising growth potential to become one of the frontline fighters to face the challenges of the 21st century, the sources maintained.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
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