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Dr Shoib Suddle appointed Sindh IGP -as "Seer pey Sawa Seer"


Apr 2, 2008
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The Establishment Division has appointed the highly- educated but rather controversial former DIG Karachi Dr Muhammad Shoaib Suddle, as the Inspector-General of Police, Sindh, replacing the much-criticised Azhar Ali Farooqui. He has also been promoted to grade-22 in the Police Service of Pakistan prior to his posting in Sindh.

Dr Suddle, the country’s first PhD holder in criminology, was heading the National Police Bureau in Islamabad.

Doing well as the DIG Karachi in 1996, he was transferred from the city amidst controversies.

As the DIG Karachi during the second stint of Benazir Bhutto, he was the key official in overseeing the notorious “Karachi Operation” for more than a year when the leadership of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement complained that scores of its "activists" had been killed in extra-judicial encounters.

Another important post Suddle held in the recent years was that of Inspector-General of Police in Balochistan when chieftains of anti-government tribes had resorted to a rebellion against the rule of Islamabad.

Sources in the government said Asif Ali Zardari and his team negotiating for a coalition government in Sindh has taken into confidence the leadership of the MQM about the appointment of Dr Suddle in Sindh so that the ongoing parleys between the PPP and MQM do not reach a point of no return.

Observers say that maintenance of law and order and security situation in Karachi would be a daunting task for the new chief of the provincial police, especially in the immediate backdrop of spate of violence and killings in the city on April 09. Another major issue would be the elimination of cell phone snatchings that have gripped the city, as according to PPP sources, the very next day of the April 9 massacre, Suddle was made to fly from Islamabad to Karachi to meet Zardari at the Bilawal House. Suddle was reluctant to accept the assignment for the reason that he was to retire in a few months time and also because of the fact that his working might spoil certain political negotiations being carried out by the PPP. However, Asif Ali Zardari, while setting his priorities right, expressed his resolve that he wanted peace in Karachi and would not compromise on this issue. The newly-appointed IG Sindh wanted to take over his new role in Karachi next week but was asked to immediately fly to the provincial capital.

A source in Islamabad quoted Suddle as saying that he would be leaving for Karachi without having any bias against any party or group. "I don't have personal enmity with anyone. My target would be only criminals irrespective of their influence and connections," Suddle was quoted as saying.

The appointment of Dr Suddle has come in the midst of reshuffling of officials of Sindh and the Karachi Police up to the level of DIG as the People’s Party government takes charge in the province.

Observers believe that the appointment of Dr Suddle in Sindh is more a political affair than an issue of meritorious governance.
Well this was expected. Suddle was Mr.10% partner in crime, when Murtaza Bhutto was killed. Suddle bailed out Mr.10% then, now Mr.10% is returning the favour.
Suddle's appointment to Karachi paticularly & ESPECIALLY..... and not to anywhere in Sindh seems like another era of violence. Sad very Sad.

Sanity should prevail !

Even if we don't like MQM, we should not create turmoil in Karachi, as that would put the whole economy on back-foot. Pakistan will suffer. But, it seems that some people are bias & avengeful, to an extend that they would put Pakistan's security & safety at STAKE!

It has been tried twice before to crush MQM though the operation cleanup during Nawaz era and PPP, which killed above 15,000 (almost 7000 innocents). But, it all failed and considerations for MQM grew. MQM's past 2-3 year work as City Nazim in CDGK as earned them further votes and support. Let's accept reality.

A party whose support exists in Public CANNOT be wiped off ! Make Sense PPP! PML-Q and Musharraf.... in the best interest of Pakistan... converted MQM towards a peaceful, constructive and developmental work. That was utmost visionary.

Just becuz we dislike NAwaz.... doesn;t mean we can carry an operation cleanup against them in Lahore and kill innocents. That's unpractical and very treacherous!

Peace in Karachi means 'Peace in Paksiatan' and 'Economic boom for Pakistan'.

Musharraf realised this and for SAKE of Pakistan... accepted their existence. Sane choice.

If PPP intends to destabilize Pakistan, :devil: on directives of USA.... then the best way is to destabilize Karachi. Create havoc in Karachi. Kill MQM workers.... they're definately going to kill back.... there goes our growth & stability. :pakistan:
Lets not get too alarmist over this.

The background to his appointment has not been accompanied by inflammatory statements by either the PPP or MQM. Their efforts and building a coalition in Sindh may not work out, but that doesn't mean the PPP is going to try a repeat of the past.

Zardari has gone out of his way to mend fences with the MQM. I don't think the PPP will be the first to let the dogs loose here.
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