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Sharif's Brother staged Drame "Refued Personal security on state's expenses"



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Mar 27, 2008
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Sunday, April 13, 2008
LAHORE: Muslim League-N (ML-N) chief, Mian Nawaz Sharif, while turning down the government security offer involving an expenditure of over Rs30 million from the exchequer, said that he didn’t consider it proper spending such a big amount from the exchequer for his security.

ML-N released handout said that Punjab caretaker government in a memo sent to Mian Nawaz on April 9 had offered providing security to him and his brother Shahbaz Sharif at government expense, which would on the whole cost Rs30.3 million. Punjab interior ministry memo said that the security of the houses of Mian Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif would incur an expenditure of Rs5.3 million, barriers Rs12.3 million, close circuit monitoring and check-posts would cost Rs12.7 million.

Mian Nawaz Sharif rejecting the offer said that President Musharraf’s wrong policies have made every Pakistani insecure, but he didn’t consider it proper spending such a huge amount from the government exchequer for his personal security.


While the facts are other then he shows as stated above, as he is now trying to impose his impression as a loyal politician in the prepration for by election to reach the destination of next primiership.
its really amazing that, he still taking nation as "stupid" and play such drama in such bogas way, that: when they got power in punjab, then they have planned to stage this drama, while he has already enjoyed all perk and packages "Mufta" provided by govt; as similier he did always in past.

He always enjoy even wasted Nation's money when ever he got chances to enjoy public money, as quoted By Mr.Ardeshir Cowasjee Mentioned his artical titled
"Betrayers of our trust" published on Sunday 2nd may 1999 at "Daily Dawn"

As for 'entitlement' and 'discretion,' we can do no better than to read what Senator Shafqat Mahmood wrote in a Karachi daily yesterday on the subject of Mian Nawaz sharif, former chief minister of Punjab, and twice our prime minister:

"When he was, in his own words, the Prince of Punjab, his executive style was reminiscent of a medieval lord rather than a modern chief executive of a Third World poverty stricken province. He increased his discretionary grant - spending money given to the Chief Minister by the provincial treasury - from Rs one lac to Rs 9 crores per annum. And this he distributed with gay abandon. I was then Additional Secretary Finance in the Punjab, and the details of his expenditure passed through my hands. He would go around with pockets full of money. If a waiter served him well in a restaurant, he would give him a twenty thousand rupee tip. A barber who pleased him would get Rs one lac. The Lahore Gymkhana pavilion attendants, where he played cricket, got similarly large amounts. All, we must remember, state money not his own.

"Many of you may think that I cannot be serious. Believe me, I am. The records are available in the Finance Department of the province for all to see. There were thousands and thousands of entries to nameless, faceless people who had caught his fancy for one reason or another. He was munificent and large-hearted. He gave and gave. There is no doubt in my mind that he enjoys dispensing these favours. He was equally large-hearted with state land. Hundreds, indeed thousands, were given plots not only in Lahore but in Rawalpindi and many other cities of the provinces. Most of these were legislators, including many who are now luminaries of his cabinet and his party. But, this generosity was not confined to them. Many others, including social acquaintances, civil servants, and personal attendants were the lucky beneficiaries."


This is enough to understand these damn political stunts /drama artists that, how these senseless peoples play with nation. This is not only the issue of Just only Nawaz, but unfortunatly we have all politicians are selfish and senseless, (exceptions are there but may be a very few), and no one care about country. Allah may bless us whole nation and wish he may award us a Leader to take our country towards the sky of great successes in the world. Aameen!
hmmm......... I agreed upon above report about this person!
If I am not wrong and peoples remember that, he was the same who and his allians stormed on superium court to stop justice .............. Now is asking for CJ just again for his own interest!
Definately it's Nawaz game. He chalked up this plan of lawyers movement with ex-ISI Hameed Gul. Nawaz fiananced the whole movement and Hameed Gul organized it. Clever RAW financed agents 'civil services' like Asma Jehamgir, also joined the movement to benefit their masters RAW.

The deal was that ex-CJP will be turned into a hero and when he'll strike off cases against Nawaz, no one will object to his decisions. Nawaz is ony hell bend upon revenge!

When these same sick & corrupt politicians are in opposition, they demend SECURITY for themselves, bullet proof car and VIP police presence.

But now Nawaz has removed the security for Pervaiz Elahi and his family. Someday, Nawaz goons are going to come and beat the whole family of Elahi up, and later make a committee to investigate the matter. Sher Afghan got beaten up... who was arrested???

Aitzaz Ahsan PRAYED and IMPLORED the media men to shut-off their cameras and not record the incident. He knew his colleagues:

The person who was beating Dr. Sher Afgan was ASHRAF GAMOT ADVOCATE, Aitezaz’s own close associate.

The person who was punching Dr. Sher Afgan was MUHAMMAD SAEED ADVOCATE. Again Aitzaz's close associate.

The person who dragged Dr. Sher Afgan from the collar was MUHAMMAD AZHAR ADVOCATE of SCBA .

The person who managed this whole drama was LATIF SARA ADVOCATE. Aitzaz's close friend
^Obvioulsly, this is the whole drama, but the prize goes to our "azaad" media.
They were the most influential factor in brainwashing the people of Pakistan.

They call themselves "neutral"??, huh!!

Whole world knows the difference b/w right and wrong in Pakistan, but if someone dosent know, then its the people of Pakistan themselves.
These people should get nothing from the government of Pakistan. They have so much money they can make their own arrangements. Why should we pay for their security. Enough money is already being wasted, and I stress the word wasted on these politicians. The same politicians who are worth billions of rupees. They should be reminded of when Laiquat Ali was shot he was worth only 100 rupees, when Nazimuddin was removed from office he didn't have a house and Quaid-I-Azam never used money of the state, he used his own money. Our politicians and this includes all of them can learn something from these men of honour.
These people should get nothing from the government of Pakistan. They have so much money they can make their own arrangements. Why should we pay for their security. Enough money is already being wasted, and I stress the word wasted on these politicians. The same politicians who are worth billions of rupees. They should be reminded of when Laiquat Ali was shot he was worth only 100 rupees, when Nazimuddin was removed from office he didn't have a house and Quaid-I-Azam never used money of the state, he used his own money. Our politicians and this includes all of them can learn something from these men of honour.

I further add to your words that, Liaquat Ali khan had only Rs:100/= as his final asset, while he was a worthy and wealthy Nawab b4 partition but he never claim for any single penny nor any small plot of land against his huge property he had left in india, which was his legal right (Note: specially in the circutances where most of the lower class peoples submitted fales claims and got huge properties and became artificial billinior landlords but dont have the mentality and ethics, this is also a main reason that Pakistan and Pakistani nation facing continue problems), even mostly pakistani doesn't know that, he has a Palace in Dehli, which he had gifted (with out charge a single penny)to Pakistan to establish embassey, which is in same premises till date.

sardar Abd U rub Nishtar was also one of the great secrifiser, honest dedicated and nation loving person, when he left his post, he did not have any place to do pratice as adovcate, and ultimatly one of his friend given a small portion in loby of his office to Mr. Nishtar to start his practice...... and many more, whom we have lost.

Unfortunately, after that time we havn't got any Leader, but have lot of politicians and who always play politics with the nation, multiply their bank balances and properties globally, I dont find any of of them as leader who take the nation towards the sky of success and dignity.
The problem is with the system and with ourselves that we are no-more able to produce heroes and honest leaders, not good muslims and not even good human beings, a slow poisoned nation nothing else and no savior.


The next generation is hope. Musharraf is the present. Bilawal is the start. Zardari is the past. Nawaz is lost.
Why cant we produce one more honest and dedicated leader. I mean we have produced the greatest leaders, but why has it stopped. We need honest leaders to continue to lead people like us. We need a leader, who will that leader be? In the near future I see no one.
Why cant we produce one more honest and dedicated leader. I mean we have produced the greatest leaders, but why has it stopped. We need honest leaders to continue to lead people like us. We need a leader, who will that leader be? In the near future I see no one.

Dear mujahideen,

Leadership is a personality of qualities based on humanities and responsibilities.
"A Great leader never set himself above his followers except in carrying responsibilities & caring the community"

The person who never present him self for selection to lead, but he just guid and encouraging the fellows accordingly to his maximum extent in view of the best of his knowledge and strengths.

As such I have mentioned in the reply of another post that, "We as an individuals and as a nation to get rid of present difficult scenarios, we shud be optimistic but realistic, we shud care & respect each other as per our basic Islamic principle, Keen to learn and open to educate others, have to work hard on emergency basis regardless of day & night in each of our respective fields with all of our sincerities for better and dignified recognitions as Pakistani and Muslims", and then we may be able to identify the right person to lead us.

"Humein Andhon mein kana raja nahi chahiye" as we are facing since long, we need dedicated honest person to lead.

Hope you may now understand that, we have to make every efforts to be developed ourselves as a brilliant and educated (not just the certified or degree holder) and responsible nation and capable to recognize the person who ultimately lead us towards dignified & glorious successes.

"Wabasta reh shajar sey, Umeed -e - bahar rakh"

Wish Good luck to all of us :pakistan:Pakistani :pakistan:!!!
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