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Great Disappointment for MQM as failure to enjoy desired Ministries!!!



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Mar 27, 2008
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Latest from KARACHI 1915 PST, Sunday, April 13, 2008 : Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Rabta Committee said that MQM will now sit on the opposition benches, seeing the non-serious attitude from Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leadership.

Dr Farooq Sattar said that his party has serious reservations over the appointment of new Sindh IG Police Dr. Shoaib Suddle.

His appointment shows that PPP leadership is not serious in negotiations and reconciliation process between the two parties, he said, adding the failure of negotiations lies with PPP leadership.

This decision has been endorsed by MQM chief Altaf Hussain, he said.

‘We hope that PPP government will respect this MQM decision to sit on opposition benches,’ he said.

‘If it is thought that we could be suppressed, we want to clarify that this is not 1995, this is 2008,’ Farooq Sattar, adding that his party and party workers are ready to pass every hard ordeal, however.

‘I urged all the MQM workers to contact and serve people and inform them about the situation,’ he said.

On this occasion, he responded a query and rejected the idea that MQM asked any ministry from the government, saying the negotiations did not reach that far, as the talks were aimed at seeking the best working relationship.
Not a good sign for Pakistan's economy...as long as there are such issues in Karachi, Pakistani economy would be held hostage to violence.
I hope the MQM and the PPP dont resort to violence to fix their problems, like we have seen in the past.
Not a good sign for Pakistan's economy...as long as there are such issues in Karachi, Pakistani economy would be held hostage to violence.

This is exactly what I've been trying make people see. Even if we don't like MQM, we should not create turmoil in Karachi, as that would put the whole economy on back-foot.

It has been tried twice before to crush MQM though the operation cleanup during Nawaz era and PPP, which killed above 15,000 (almost 7000 innocents). But, it all failed and considerations for MQM grew. MQM's past 2-3 year work as City Nazim in CDGK as earned them further votes and support. Let's accept reality.

A party whose support exists in Public CANNOT be wiped off ! Make Sense PPP! PML-Q and Musharraf.... in the best interest of Pakistan... converted MQM towards a peaceful, constructive and developmental work. That was utmost visionary.

Just becuz we dislike NAwaz.... doesn;t mean we can carry an operation cleanup against them in Lahore and kill innocents. That's unpractical and very treacherous!

Peace in Karachi means 'Peace in Paksiatan' and 'Economic boom for Pakistan'.

My verbal support to recognise and accept MQM as political party, should not be wrongly taken for anything, but people should see past bias and realise that MQM got votes averaging 100,000 in each constituiency.

Musharraf realised this and for SAKE of Pakistan... accepted their existence. Sane choice.

If PPP intends to destabilize Pakistan, :devil: on directives of USA.... then the best way is to destabilize Karachi. Create havoc in Karachi. Kill MQM workers.... they're definately going to kill back.... there goes our growth & stability.
In my view MQM made a mistake by having decicion in hurry, to be sitting in opposition, and offer open ground to the PPP and there IG, and lot of further misconceptions.

This is Politics, where power play with us, and if we had the crown of unlimited power and joy, then 2nd time the same crown cud be on other head.
In demeoratic proccess, we shud be quit and calm and try to get maximum opportunities with the prior understanding of minimum when the crown on other head.

They should settle the matters (other then the issue of Saddle's posting) and join hand with PPP govt for the sake of province specially for Karachi peace betterment. Additionally, by sitting in treasury seats they can have better access for close monitoring of IG's stepings, and upto some extent they have powers to influance IG's where they will observe IG's stepings wrong ways.

As The decicion MQM taken to be opposition, its too early they can decied the same any time in future when they feel uncomfortable by experience that, they are not influencial in govt collision.
Well, Its a big lesson to Just not for Mr. Altaf, but to all of his workers to understand the democratoic process. There is a big differnce in between "syndicate" and "polical party".

Dont be disappointed, stop threatening to innocent public and destrying their settle business just becuz they cudn't fulfill your unlimited requirments like donations etc, and re-call Allah by the bottom of the heart, realise mistakes and respects peoples, and then if you will tackle brilliently, then Almighty Allah will give you another chance to be seated.
Well we must wish them all the best
As today the talks on restoration of deposed Judiciary, fails and the Collusion between PPPP and PMl-N may be finished as resources said. MQM now have another chance as expected, to enjoy ministries in central Cabinet.
As today the talks on restoration of deposed Judiciary, fails and the Collusion between PPPP and PMl-N may be finished as resources said. MQM now have another chance as expected, to enjoy ministries in central Cabinet.

I believe that it would be better for the nation as PPP, PML-Q, and MQM unite.

Of course i dont know how long PPP will resort to yes sir ties with every party.
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