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  1. Air Wolf

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Aatish bazi ka samaan.
  2. Air Wolf

    PAC And HAL Good Paint Job or Workmanship

    Or to be paraded around on top of trucks
  3. Air Wolf

    JF-17B Updates, News & Discussion

    It's AM. He never became chief :-)
  4. Air Wolf

    Congress MP: Fortunate to have never gone to Pakistan, proud to be Indian muslim

    Ever heard "Dum kati lomri"...translation "The fox who got his tail cut"
  5. Air Wolf

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    The radar friendly special grey paint of the nose cone. Prototype 3000 was all yellow.
  6. Air Wolf

    Pakistan-China Joint Air Force Exercise "Shaheen-IX 2020"

    Maybe the upgrades have some strings attached.
  7. Air Wolf

    Will Pakistan Recognize Israel?

    Pindi will not risk the wrath of the people. They know very well and have admitted openly on several occasions that all the power they enjoy comes from the unconditional support of their countrymen. Not accepting Israel is so much ingrained in people's minds, it can't be scratched out. Most...
  8. Air Wolf

    Pakistan finally given up on Saudi Arabia?

    Listen to today's interview of PM with anchor Imran khan. Pay special attention to what he was trying to say between the lines on the subject of pressure from some countries to let Nawaz go and to accept Israel. It is very clear that a silent understanding between the two countries has already...
  9. Air Wolf

    Will India attack Pakistan before the US elections

    Not directly and not soo soon. Indirectly its already ongoing through proxies.
  10. Air Wolf

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    No he didn't. RIP English comprehension. He is referring to a future scenario where it might happen.
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