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  1. S

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    USAF can achieve 75% mission capability for F-16 in a best-case scenario. This is based on publicly available data. For a month long campaign anything more than 60% for Indian Rafale's would be miracle.
  2. S

    Usage of "Indian Subcontinent" should be banned, Say "Asian Subcontinent"

    Instead of denying it you should reclaim the word, greek indo / indus was about you guys, the population around the banks of indus. While the supposed indians should call them self something else.
  3. S

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    All critical electronics is generally shielded from EMP. Not sure about infrastructure in south asia, but fighter jets etc. are all covered. https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/19_0307_CISA_EMP-Protection-Resilience-Guidelines.pdf
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    World Exclusive: F-16 Block-52 Flying With J-10C

    Blended wing don't always generate lift or provide structural rigidity, sometimes it is just space for fuel etc. Fighter Design is very complex business, I would not comment on designer's choice without complete understanding of their perspective.
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    Bill tabled in US house to declare Pakistan state sponsor of terrorism

    Mindless exercise to justify campaign contributions from Indian community. This is not going anywhere.
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    A time will come, Pakistan will Get J-20 as well - Sheikh Rasheed

    Siding with Russia was probably forgivable, having S-400 no way jose. Back in Mushraf era, I remember PAF chief (Mushaf Mir probably) said that we will by FC-10 and FC-20. I have always assumed that by FC-20 he meant J-20.
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    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Don't see JF-17, now that Block 3 is inducted, I was expecting Block 1 and 2 will join the exercise.
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    All it means is that USAF values its relationship with PAF regardless of political environment. Anything beyond that is just rumors. For release of CSF or any tech (Bar F-22/F-35) to PAF, USAF is for sure not an obstacle but a facilitator.
  9. S

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    The relationship between these two countries is symbiotic, there is a two-way mimicry in Armed forces of both countries. Pakistan has provided much needed help to China in the 20th Century. They both provide a physical escape to each other from potential blockades, Sino-Pak Arc creates a...
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    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    Amram's are maintained by US contractor, shelf life is extended as needed.
  11. S

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Both use 2 WP 6 engines which was copy of RD9B
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    North Korea's latest missile reached Mach 10: Seoul

    Why would Pakistan want this type of attention? May be an SLV but this is about it.
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    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    Relations remain viable even after decades if both parties see wroth in each other. Pakistan could have been South Korea and US would love to be friends with Pakistan.
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    Pakistani American experimental test pilot of USAF

    I have worked with Isamili Engineer's from Pakistan and they seem to be fine and content, even resistant to any thoughts of immigration.
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    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    USAF do not consider F-16 + AIM120 C5 equal to J-10 + PL15E, there is a lot of concern in USAF top brass about the capabilities of PL-15.
  16. S

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    PAF uses 12 aircraft / squadron for aircraft types with higher rate of availability, 18 aircraft / squadron for aircraft types with lower rate of availability, my understanding is that F-6 and A-5 squadrons in past used to have 18 aircrafts and Mirages were somewhere in between 12 - 18. Let's...
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    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    Active cancellation can be effective in cases where carefully planned mission has to deal with a single radar site, any current active cancelation system will fail miserably (as stealth) in dense environment where multiple ground based and airborne radars are in operation. So it has its value in...
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    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    If it was in the realm of possibility to achieve limited stealth by means of some electronic and or electromagnetic means why would nations spend hundreds of billions in developing actual stealth airframes, ram coatings and passive sensors, French are master of creating hype and up selling their...
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    Made-in-India stealth fighter project set to take off in 2022

    Extreme care is needed in application of this organic coating, little too much application and entire plane will transform in to plasma state.
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    Current theories on the possible alternate forms of life out there in the universe

    Awesome, you will enjoy it, I have watched it twice. It is amazing how an intelligent discussion about life forms quickly devolved in to ghosts and mythical creatures. 8-)
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