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North Korea's latest missile reached Mach 10: Seoul


Nov 4, 2011
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North Korea's latest missile reached Mach 10: Seoul

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A TV at a Seoul railway station shows a news report about North Korea's latest missile launch on Jan. 11. © AP
YOSUKE ONCHI and KAORI YOSHIDA, Nikkei staff writersJanuary 12, 2022 04:17 JST

SEOUL/NEW YORK -- North Korea's missile launched this week was "more advanced" than the previous test, reaching an estimated top speed of about 10 times the speed of sound, according to the South Korean military.

and when fat Kim sits on it can reach Mach 100

also in the same news North Korea worn the World Cup today

Kim scored 99 goals

he never managed 100 because he became "tired"

North Koreans cried a entire river for his sacrifices for the Motherland
Pakistan should learn something from North Korea. NK has ICBM's, SLBM and hypersonic missile. Pakistan has none of the 3.
Pakistan should learn something from North Korea. NK has ICBM's, SLBM and hypersonic missile. Pakistan has none of the 3.
North Korea is also starving, Pakistan not!
Pakistan should learn something from North Korea. NK has ICBM's, SLBM and hypersonic missile. Pakistan has none of the 3.
Why would Pakistan want this type of attention? May be an SLV but this is about it.
NK giving west the middle finger. Seems like sanctions are working perfectly :rofl:

The more you sanction NK the stronger they get!
It’s not the speed but the maneuverability that is key. The test last week did a 120 km turn to the right over a 700 km flight. It fell below South Korean and Japanese radars which was interesting, and slim Kim (he’s losing weight, not as fast as pompeo, but he’s doing it) will have to catch up to DF-17 levels of maneuverability if he is to hope to evade South Korean or Japanese or American ABM systems.
NK giving west the middle finger. Seems like sanctions are working perfectly :rofl:

The more you sanction NK the stronger they get!

I admire NK but wish it becomes more leftist. Your flags show you from there. Are you really ?
I dont know why are you bringing India into the discussion? I think you need to open your eyes and see my flags. To hell with India.

You replied din't you... Keep out..... Comprehension must be quite short in your part of the world.

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