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North Korea's latest missile reached Mach 10: Seoul

You replied din't you... Keep out..... Comprehension must be quite short in your part of the world.
I replied to the initial post of Pakistan following the tracks of North Korea and you decided to jump in with all about India this and that? Comprehension isn't the issue here it's your idiocy. Follow your own advice and keep out!
I replied to the initial post of Pakistan following the tracks of North Korea and you decided to jump in with all about India this and that? Comprehension isn't the issue here it's your idiocy. Follow your own advice and keep out!

Shut the F up and don't reply first you butt in then scream... Now shooo.... If Comprehension was a commodity I'd make a killing with nitwits like you around.
Shut the F up and don't reply first you butt in then scream... Now shooo.... If Comprehension was a commodity I'd make a killing with nitwits like you around.
Listen A hole, I have been dealing with the likes of you for a long time. Living in Canada and enjoying the perks of a developed nation while asking Pakistan to follow N Korean trajectory, what a class A idiot you turned out to be. Now be a good boy and follow your own advice to F off. Moron!
Listen A hole, I have been dealing with the likes of you for a long time. Living in Canada and enjoying the perks of a developed nation while asking Pakistan to follow N Korean trajectory, what a class A idiot you turned out to be. Now be a good boy and follow your own advice to F off. Moron!
LMAO.... I can understand your takleef Moran No place to foam at mouth... Now shooo.
Listen A hole, I have been dealing with the likes of you for a long time. Living in Canada and enjoying the perks of a developed nation while asking Pakistan to follow N Korean trajectory, what a class A idiot you turned out to be. Now be a good boy and follow your own advice to F off. Moron!

Sounds like one of those ladyboy commie soy sipping muricans.

ICBMs are the biggest waste of money possible at the moment. A submarine launched missile is far better, and it is currently under development (will be operational soon IA), because Pakistani strategists are not delusional.
NK giving west the middle finger. Seems like sanctions are working perfectly :rofl:

The more you sanction NK the stronger they get!
Bro you really from North Korea?
North Korea is also starving, Pakistan not!
Well bro you are right. North Korea is starving and is far poorer than Pakistan. But that does mean we should not be developing those. North Korea has a gdp ppp smaller than Faisalabad yet look at their nuclear arsenal. Puts Pakistan to shame. I know how vulnerable Pakistan is to sanctions. So I can understand why our leadership prefer to keep it "lowkey".
Why would Pakistan want this type of attention? May be an SLV but this is about it.
Attention? What do you mean by "attention"? SLV should be tested as soon as possible. Would send a strong message to the world that Pakistan can build ICBM anytime we want. Nobody can say that they feel threatened by a SLV test.
ICBMs are the biggest waste of money possible at the moment. A submarine launched missile is far better, and it is currently under development (will be operational soon IA), because Pakistani strategists are not delusional.
A submarine launced missile can also be a ICBM.
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and when fat Kim sits on it can reach Mach 100

also in the same news North Korea worn the World Cup today

Kim scored 99 goals

he never managed 100 because he became "tired"

North Koreans cried a entire river for his sacrifices for the Motherland
Another indept intellectual insight on international affairs from PDFs most prominent Think Tank Analyst 🙄
It'd be really interesting to see how North Korea organized their R&D to pull this off. I get they have the fiscal resources (by starving the population), but still, having money doesn't always equate to persistent capability growth.

@JamD @kursed
It'd be really interesting to see how North Korea organized their R&D to pull this off. I get they have the fiscal resources (by starving the population), but still, having money doesn't always equate to persistent capability growth.

@JamD @kursed
If you really want to do these things you can do them. You could argue that we don't want these things badly enough.
Why would Pakistan want this type of attention? May be an SLV but this is about it.
Since when has Pakistan bothered about attention, you can use this on some small third world nation but not Pakistan today.
North Korea's latest missile reached Mach 10: Seoul

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A TV at a Seoul railway station shows a news report about North Korea's latest missile launch on Jan. 11. © AP
YOSUKE ONCHI and KAORI YOSHIDA, Nikkei staff writersJanuary 12, 2022 04:17 JST

SEOUL/NEW YORK -- North Korea's missile launched this week was "more advanced" than the previous test, reaching an estimated top speed of about 10 times the speed of sound, according to the South Korean military.

Never understood North Korea really. They say that they want to be off the American radar, but when Uncle Sam starts focusing elsewhere, they start beating their drum again for more free aid. This never-ending cycle of blackmailing South Koreans and the Japanese has to end.

Defending their country is one thing, holding other two countries as hostage is something totally different.
Never understood North Korea really. They say that they want to be off the American radar, but when Uncle Sam starts focusing elsewhere, they start beating their drum again for more free aid. This never-ending cycle of blackmailing South Koreans and the Japanese has to end.

Defending their country is one thing, holding other two countries as hostage is something totally different.
Maybe North Koreans should point their missiles at India so that they can be on the Indian radar?

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