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  1. silverox

    China Belt & Road spending dips in H1, with no investment in Russia

    Two years ago, I said on this forum that One Belt One Road is a failed plan, just a waste of Chinese money, there was a Pakistani ID that disagreed with me, of course, Pakistanis got the money, but Pakistan is still stuck financial crisis. It seems that the money China can never get back.
  2. silverox

    Pentagon opposes Pelosi's Taiwan trip due to Chinese warning

    Instead of attacking Taiwan, it is better to attack India, which I have always believed is the real threat to China.
  3. silverox

    China's 28nm DUV lithography machine was delivered in 2021

    I hope that SMIC can win the technology war. I spent 400,000 RMB to buy SMIC's stock, and I lost 300,000 RMB. I was deeply trapped. It was the United States that caused my economic loss.
  4. silverox

    GLOBALink | Turkish young man chases dream in NW China

    Don't be naive, these Turks may be spies. The Turks have the arrogant dream of the Great Turkic Empire and want to build a TURAN Empire from the Adriatic Sea to the Yellow River. In 1992, Turkish President Demirel said that Turkey's interests extend from the Adriatic Sea to China's Yellow River...
  5. silverox

    Chinese celebrating assassination of Shinzo Abe

    if modi, i will cheers again, Who remembers the Indian who fell to his death, I was so happy at the time, great
  6. silverox

    How Armenia lost the war

    Armenians lack a clear understanding of the world. They dare to buy Indian radars. Facts have proved that the weapons made in India are garbage.
  7. silverox

    Chinese Vivo officials flee India

    india good job
  8. silverox

    India again asks China to withdraw troops from friction points

    China and India should abolish the 1994 bilateral agreement to ban the use of guns and artillery on the border. India and Pakistan exchange fire every day on the border and shoot each other, which has not caused much harm to India., when China and India have different views on the border,Fight...
  9. silverox

    KFX/IFX News and Development

    Now the point of view of the new forces making cars is, I won't say it, it's an industry secret
  10. silverox

    Vietnam benefits from manufacturing exodus from China

    India is the worst destination for economic investment, the government, media, labor groups, various NGOs, political parties, all factors are not conducive to the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors. Who says India must be the hegemon of South Asia? If Bangladesh is developed...
  11. silverox

    Vietnam orders media to promote its ocean strategy

    The Philippines has no rights over the Nansha Islands, and the territorial scope of the Philippines is limited by the 1898 Treaty of Paris, the Treaty of Washington, 1900 and the Anglo-American Treaty of 1930. Neither includes all or part of the Spratly Islands. The Philippines and Vietnam just...
  12. silverox

    Bangladesh tries to secure wheat from Russia as India stops exports-sources

    u son of bitch slumdog black skin fatty
  13. silverox

    Free Tibetans living in India

    Why the Indian stories of Tibetan women being raped are not heard
  14. silverox

    ‘China-centric bloc’: Why India doesn’t want Argentina and Iran to join BRICS grouping

    Indians are the most troublesome in any group. For example, India has joined the quad against China, but at the same time maintains trade with Russia and does not participate in sanctions against Russia. This is just an example of India.
  15. silverox

    Census 2021 shows India overtakes China in migration, nearly half of all Australians have overseas-born parent

    I hate your avatar, this disgusting slavery flag, why don't pakistan forums ban the ID of this slavery flag
  16. silverox

    Turkiye now backs NATO expansion to Finland and Sweden

    The Kurds have been betrayed again.
  17. silverox

    Census 2021 shows India overtakes China in migration, nearly half of all Australians have overseas-born parent

    Of course, those countries founded by the Anglo-Saxons massacred and genocidalized the indigenous peoples had fewer people, more land, more resources per capita, and a richer life. The benefits cannot be occupied by the descendants of the bad guys, all the people of the world have a share
  18. silverox

    Officials: 46 migrants found dead inside 18-wheeler in San Antonio, 3 in custody

    Is your brain stupid? What I said about eating meat is a metaphor. Didn’t you learn metaphors when you were studying in school? Americans themselves say they are 99%, and the remaining 1% have 99% of society's wealth. Rich Americans eat meat, others eat soup,As long as the United States...
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