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‘China-centric bloc’: Why India doesn’t want Argentina and Iran to join BRICS grouping


Nov 4, 2011
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‘China-centric bloc’: Why India doesn’t want Argentina and Iran to join BRICS grouping​

Sources have told Hindustan Times that India is wary about the expansion of expanding Brics (Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa) bloc. As per sources, India does not want new memberships to skew the 16-year-old bloc towards any particular power centre.

People aware of the matter said, "The Indian side is understood to be wary of the inclusion of new members who could gravitate towards a power centre and make the bloc more China-centric.

There are also concerns about possible moves to include countries such as Pakistan in the name of bringing in emerging economies." This comes after Argentina and Iran applied for membership of Brics just hours after the conclusion of the latest summit on June 24. However, there was no immediate response from Indian officials on this.
Indians are the most troublesome in any group. For example, India has joined the quad against China, but at the same time maintains trade with Russia and does not participate in sanctions against Russia. This is just an example of India.
Absolutely right, it's time to kick out the spoiler India from BRICS while at the same time adding more like minded new members to form new BRIC +.
China alone accounts for over 70% of the total BRICS GDP, how can this group not to be " China centric"?
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