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  1. kinsr

    Pakistan to induct S400 and Pantsir-S1 SAM and Igla-S ManPAD Systems for Air Defence

    Ok ... Since can't see those pics in hq hence can't say much bout them. Rest aside, won't loose my sleep over it. Pakistanis are over zealous in this regard. Have seen many offering, evaluations, supposed deals being bandied on PDF as gospel truth, since the day I joined this forum. Yet to...
  2. kinsr

    Pakistan to induct S400 and Pantsir-S1 SAM and Igla-S ManPAD Systems for Air Defence

    Russians didn't want to let go of an opportunity to earn some moolah out of some obsolete underperforming, low on life, engines. Last time the Russians missed out on J7/F7 where the Chinese sold the copies of Russian MiG 21s. There is nothing game changer about those engines. By the way...
  3. kinsr

    Pakistan to induct S400 and Pantsir-S1 SAM and Igla-S ManPAD Systems for Air Defence

    Yawn... Wake me up when something materializes. Chinese already ordered a follow on order of 100 RD93 for you. Till then keep gloating about the strategic acquisition like Mil Mi35(operated by even ANA). By the way... Those posters look merely educational posters about various SAMs for general...
  4. kinsr

    Pakistan to induct S400 and Pantsir-S1 SAM and Igla-S ManPAD Systems for Air Defence

    Complete Hogwash.... When has Russia been selling offensive/strategic platforms to Pakistan? Pakistan cant even secure an independent deal for RD93 for its JF17s while they are already using 70 of them and about 100 more expected. Have the Pakistanis even been able to get a MRO facility with...
  5. kinsr

    Eid becomes heart breaking in Kashmir, brutality of Indian police against prayers

    Square dancing is a very much a Han trait from eastern china, rather than something orignal from Xinjiang
  6. kinsr

    Eid becomes heart breaking in Kashmir, brutality of Indian police against prayers

    Hey can post some pics of Eid-ul-azha being happily celebrated in Xinjiang ..... It will shut the mouths of many Indians... Can you please?
  7. kinsr

    Chinese company building biggest Afghan embassy in Pakistan

    Even then, why not a Pakistani Construction company? Its just a multi storied building and any local Pakistani Construction company can build it, and also must have been good for the Pakistani Economy.
  8. kinsr

    Chinese company building biggest Afghan embassy in Pakistan

    Why does it need a Chinese company to build just a building in Pakistan, aren't there any Pakistani company, good enough for the task? Also, is the embassy being built with Chinese aid?
  9. kinsr

    India very "worried" about beating from China in Ladakh: Indian media

    Idhar se jaat bhaiyon ko bhej do latth le ke .... Bas unse itna kehna hoga ki chiniyon ko pelne se reservation milega.... Dekho Beijing tak hindustan mein kheench layenge...
  10. kinsr

    Pakistan to soon deploy a nasty surprise for Indian Aircraft Carriers.

    As expected... [emoji4] [emoji4] [emoji4]
  11. kinsr

    Pakistan to soon deploy a nasty surprise for Indian Aircraft Carriers.

    Instead of commenting on my capabilities kindly keep the discussion to the point I had raised. Kindly point me to where I said a saturation attack on Pakistan. Probably you confused "a barrage" with a "saturation attack". I guess i should have a used "a volley" rather than "a barrage"...
  12. kinsr

    Pakistan to soon deploy a nasty surprise for Indian Aircraft Carriers.

    How is Pakistan going to defend its coastal batteries against inland threats from India. A barrage Brahmos will take out largely all major radar installations. PN will be half blind already. Now coming to AWACS, how good will be the detection ranges in a jamming prone environment. Other than...
  13. kinsr

    Fears WAR IMMINENT between two major nuclear powers

    You can even quote 65 and 71 as well... IAF had remained stagnant since then...
  14. kinsr

    China says India building up troops amid border stand off

    What were the Chinese planning to bring on that class 40 road, right upto Indian/Bhutanese border? I am sure it must be something heavier than those Hummer copies that Chinese drive. It's akin to aggressive posturing by Chinese, so India and Bhutan are well within their right to protect...
  15. kinsr

    Make India an enemy and you will lose your lifeline, Chinese experts caution Beijing over Doklam

    Did you mean Han dominated world order? Lets see the Chinese Enemies Japan -- they are coaxed by their white masters Vietnam -- they are whites too ... coaxed into enmity with the Chinese. Philippines ---again coaxed in to enmity by their white masters. Mongolia --- again threatened by white...
  16. kinsr

    Is bullet train coming to your city? Read this to find out

    HSR via Jaunpur and Sultanpur while bypassing Allahabad/Kanpur???.... Something is seriously amiss with the planning...
  17. kinsr

    India must move back: China

    The Chinese should be resolving the boundary dispute with the Bhutanese Govt. What has India got to do regarding the boundary dispute in this case. It doesn't concern India. Once the Bhutanese Govt is satisfied with Chinese position they will ask the GoI to move back it's troops, which have...
  18. kinsr

    India shouldn’t involve in two-front conflict with China, Pak: Chinese media

    You have no idea how wars are fought. What were the Vietnamese Economy/Manufacturing capabilities compared to the US? Was US able to achieve its objective? What were the Afghan Economy/Manufacturing capabilities compared to Russians/US/British? And above all those nations had a rich...
  19. kinsr

    JF-17 For Myanmar Air force spotted at CAC

    How many RD93 engines have been ordered till date? Or the WS13 engine mature enough to be exported and/or fitted on to JF17s.
  20. kinsr

    JF-17 For Myanmar Air force spotted at CAC

    Are JF-17 and FC-1 different planes? Can you please point out the differences. Also, I wanted to know, if Pakistan procure export orders then what will pakistan supply FC-1 or JF-17.
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