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Chinese company building biggest Afghan embassy in Pakistan


Jul 12, 2014
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ISLAMABAD: A leading Chinese company will build the Afghan embassy complex in Islamabad that will cost nearly 17 million US dollars, Xinhua reported.

Afghanistan's deputy foreign minister Nasir Ahmad Andisha joined the Chinese ambassador to Pakistan Sun Weidong and Afghan ambassador in Islamabad Omar Zakhilwal at the ground-breaking ceremony of the building in the diplomatic enclave.

Andisha said the new Afghan embassy will be his country's biggest embassy in the world which also reflect Afghanistan's quest for good relations with Pakistan. He also thanked China's help in the construction.

Today in concordance with our Independence Day, laid foundation of Afghan embassy complex in Islamabad-to be the largest of our embassies.

Ambassador Zakhilwal told the ceremony that the construction of the embassy is likely to be completed within two years.

An official of the Anhui Construction Engineering Group told the gathering that the new Afghan embassy compound covers a total land area of 23,800 square meters with complete facilities such as ambassador's residence, residential diplomats apartments, consular section and other required buildings.
Omg, Modi ne inko Parliament building bana kar di aur iska ye silha? :o:

Pakistan ko abhi isolate karo. :buba_phone:
dont know how i feel about this. Afghanis have openly declared us as enemies

wasn't a afghan soldier crossing flags on a pakistani supply truck a few days ago. thats what afghan reality is they are not loyal to anyone not even their own mothers and fathers.
dont know how i feel about this. Afghanis have openly declared us as enemies

wasn't a afghan soldier crossing flags on a pakistani supply truck a few days ago. thats what afghan reality is they are not loyal to anyone not even their own mothers and fathers.

Durrand line issue is because of their past "secular ethnic nationalist" kings and even now Kabul puppets are payed by western aid. Once islam take route in Kabul elite like it did in Taliban era then they will forget about pointless durrand line and also stop interfering in Pakistan.

Kabul elite becoming proper muslims in near future will automatically improve relations and they will stop looking at India for aid against Pakistan. Once elite mindset is changed then population at large will also change with it.
Why does it need a Chinese company to build just a building in Pakistan, aren't there any Pakistani company, good enough for the task?

Also, is the embassy being built with Chinese aid?
Why does it need a Chinese company to build just a building in Pakistan, aren't there any Pakistani company, good enough for the task?

Also, is the embassy being built with Chinese aid?

It is well known that the Northern Alliance government of Afghanistan will not accept any help from Pakistan due to their utter humiliation in the Afghan civil war, and so they accept this embassy from the Chinese.
It is well known that the Northern Alliance government of Afghanistan will not accept any help from Pakistan due to their utter humiliation in the Afghan civil war, and so they accept this embassy from the Chinese.

Even then, why not a Pakistani Construction company? Its just a multi storied building and any local Pakistani Construction company can build it, and also must have been good for the Pakistani Economy.
Even then, why not a Pakistani Construction company? Its just a multi storied building and any local Pakistani Construction company can build it, and also must have been good for the Pakistani Economy.

The NA Afghan stooges cannot allow themselves to be seen to have accepted anything from Pakistan or allowed any benefit to be transferred to Pakistan through the employment of a Pakistani company.
Actually its bad news ... who is funding and they should have spent that money to help Afghan refugees to bring home... I have a feeling that RAW agents will be found at a later date in that complex.
dont know how i feel about this. Afghanis have openly declared us as enemies

wasn't a afghan soldier crossing flags on a pakistani supply truck a few days ago. thats what afghan reality is they are not loyal to anyone not even their own mothers and fathers.
Afghanistan is not a unified homogenous nation like Pakistan India Iran China etc.
Its a hotch potch of different groups with different interests and in different circles of influence.
And the most anti Pakistan sentiment you see is monstly the Indian And American money speaking.
Provide them with monetary support and then see how hostile lala land turns into Brotherhood neibour
Durrand line issue is because of their past "secular ethnic nationalist" kings and even now Kabul puppets are payed by western aid. Once islam take route in Kabul elite like it did in Taliban era then they will forget about pointless durrand line and also stop interfering in Pakistan.

Kabul elite becoming proper muslims in near future will automatically improve relations and they will stop looking at India for aid against Pakistan. Once elite mindset is changed then population at large will also change with it.
Even the Afghan Taliban did not accept the Durand border. Besides what makes you think they exemplified proper Islam?
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