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Is bullet train coming to your city? Read this to find out


Nov 1, 2010
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NEW DELHI: The government's pet project of bullet trains is gaining momentum. The High Speed Rail Corporation (HSRC), which has been conducting feasibility studies for several bullet train projects, has submitted a final feasibility report for Delhi-Amritsar project and draft report for Delhi-Kolkata corridor to the Railways ministry.

"We have proposed to start construction of Delhi-Kolkata corridor by 2021. The other projects are also on long routes. It will take 15 to 20 years to complete the corridors once the construction starts," said MP Singh, CEO of HRSC.

HSRC is working with various consultants from different countries. It is likely to submit all the feasibility reports to the ministry by year-end. Indian Railways has already formed a company, National High Speed Rail Corporation, for Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train project

Below is the list of high-speed corridors. Check if your station falls in any of these:

Delhi-Kolkata : The 1,474 km corridor will have 11 stations: Greater Noida, Aligarh, Lucknow, Sultanpur, Jaunpur, Varanasi, Buxar, Patna, Dhanbad, Asansol, and Burdwan. The distance will be covered in 5.54 hours. HSRC has submitted a draft final report to the ministry. It will submit the final report by October this year after incorporating ministry's suggestions. The work is likely to start by 2021.

Delhi-Mumbai : This is an extension of Mumbai-Ahmedabad corridor. The stations falling between Delhi and Mumbai are: Gurgaon, Jaipur, Udaipur, Baroda and Surat.

Mumbai-Chennai : This project will have a cord connecting it to Goa. Pune, Bengaluru and Tirupati will be the stations on the route.

Mumbai-Nagpur : The final report for this project is expected by October. There are four stations on this route: Nasik, Aurangabad, Akola and Amrawati.

Delhi-Amritsar : This will have three stations: Chandigarh, Panipat and Ambala. The train will cover 458 km in 2:30 hours, around four hours less than the current time taken by express trains.
While the country like UAE is into Hyperloop, India is wasting money with obsolete technology.

Hyperloop goes faster than a plane with 1200 Km per hour.
This is the future technology being worked out.
Delhi-Amritsar should be made 1st imho cuz it's the shortest (therefore quickest to build) and will be mostly used by NRIs who can afford $50 USD tickets easily. Then Delhi-Bombay should b built to link the economic and political capitals together.
HSR via Jaunpur and Sultanpur while bypassing Allahabad/Kanpur???.... Something is seriously amiss with the planning...
In the last thing, other than Delhi Amristar, the other plans were to link the Golden Quadrilateral. DelHi-Kolkata, D-M, M-C, C-K.
Other than this, C-B, B-H , H-C should also be linked. They will be damn profitable. 6 trips to and fro on saturdays and sundays are enough to cover the entire costs for a week :D
While the country like UAE is into Hyperloop, India is wasting money with obsolete technology.

Hyperloop goes faster than a plane with 1200 Km per hour.
This is the future technology being worked out.
Hyperloop's proposal: Mumbai to Pune in 25 minutes in a levitating pod
Los Angeles-based Hyperloop, which is developing the concept of futuristic travel in a near-vacuum, has approached the transport ministry for land
Alnoor Peermohamed | Bengaluru December 7, 2016 Last Updated at 08:32 IST

Gadkari invites Tesla to test run 1,100-km/hr Hyperloop on Mumbai-Pune ExpresswayHigh-speed rail is a mistake for India: Bibop GrestaIndia woos Tesla with land offerNext stop for Elon Musk: New age buses and trucks?A colony on Mars

The travel time between Mumbai and Pune, about three hours by train now, would be cut to 25 minutes if Hyperloop Transportation Technologies has its way.
The Los Angeles-based company, which has designed a new way to move people, has asked the transport ministry for land to run a pilot project of its high-speed transportation service.

Hyperloop is a concept where a pod-like vehicle travels through a near-vacuum that's contained within a tube. It can theoretically touch top speeds of close to 1,200 km an hour even when not running on full steam, using less energy than conventional modes of transportation. It is being heralded as the future of high-speed passenger and freight transportation the world over, with futurists such as Elon Musk backing the concept.

“We use a custom electric motor to accelerate and decelerate a levitated pod through a low-pressure tube. The vehicle will glide silently for miles with no turbulence,” says its website. “We tested our motor in May, 2016, and will test the full system in early 2017. We're developing routes in five countries. The goal is to be moving cargo by 2020 and passengers by 2021.”

Bipop Gresta, chairman and chief operating officer of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, says he met Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari and made a formal proposal to set up a pilot project in the country. "We're not asking for money right now, we're asking for land. If they want to put money, we can do a public-private partnership. But if they don't want that, we have private investors. In the second case, we need to have land that is meaningful and not something in the middle of nowhere."

If the proposal goes through, Gresta says he estimates it will take eight months to do a feasibility study. It might take an additional 28 months from the time all the permits are acquired to roll out the transportation service.

Unlike traditional high-speed rail networks that need vast stretches of land for arrow-straight tracks, Hyperloops can be built alongside highways. The technology consumes much less energy owing to the lack of air resistance within the tubes.

Gresta says the concept will be an ideal fit for India, which lacks high-speed rail and air connectivity. "India is a country that has a very particular situation. It has a high density of population, lacks infrastructure and a political environment that is willing to invest in innovation," Gresta had said on the sidelines of Carnegie India's Global Technology Summit in Bengaluru on Tuesday.

Hyperloop Transportation Technology already has a 25-member team in India that is working on technology, mechanical engineering and other roles for its global ambitions. Further, the company is looking to partner with Indian educational institutes to have them solve engineering problems.

The company is also in talks with at least two Indian firms for outsourcing some part of its manufacturing and other technology services. Gresta did not divulge the details on the companies.

“We’re not selling transportation, we're selling time,” says the company’s website.
it could be coming to our city , chinese bullets i mean
It will take 15 to 20 years to complete the corridors once the construction starts," said MP Singh, CEO of HRSC.

Is he mentioning all corridors or one corridor will take that much time.
I mean we are slow and dumb, but we cant be that slow and dumb.
While the country like UAE is into Hyperloop, India is wasting money with obsolete technology.

Hyperloop goes faster than a plane with 1200 Km per hour.
This is the future technology being worked out.
first of all, even the cost effectiveness of a bullet train is unknown.
hyperloop is an overkill. Do u have any idea how much it costs?
Has UAE started hyperloop project at all?
Is he mentioning all corridors or one corridor will take that much time.
I mean we are slow and dumb, but we cant be that slow and dumb.
individual of course
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