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India must move back: China


May 9, 2017
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India must move back: China

  • Foreign Ministry says stand-off can be ended at an early date if this happens
    China on Wednesday signalled its intent to end the stand-off between Indian and Chinese troops in the Doklam area at an early date, if Indian forces withdraw to what it called the “Indian side of the boundary”.

    Adopting a less harsh tone than in the recent past, when it had characterised India’s alleged intrusion into Chinese territory as a “betrayal” and insisted that the withdrawal of Indian forces was a “precondition” for talks, the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Wednesday said: “We once again require India to withdraw the border troops to the Indian side of the boundary and properly settle this dispute at an early date.”

    Responding to remarks by the former National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon during an interview with The Hindu, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang said the current face-off was different from the past.

    “China has pointed out many times the illegal trespass of Indian border troops of the mutually recognised border line into China’s territory. This is different in nature from the frictions that happened in the undefined sections of the boundary. The Sikkim section has special historical background and this is the only defined boundary between China and India. And this is different from the undefined boundary in the east, middle, and west,” he said.


    “According to the 1890 convention, the boundary has been defined and both Chinese and Indian governments have recognised this. And this convention is effective for both countries.”

    The stand-off is happening near the western tri-junction of India, Bhutan and China.

    “The Sikkim tri-junction is basically the watershed between the Amo (also called the Torsa river) and the Teesta rivers in the Chumbi Valley, so it is clear, and parts of it have been settled. Since 1960, when this was discussed, both sides have constantly said that this boundary is not such a problem. But the tri-junction remained to be settled, and that is a part of the issue,” Mr. Menon said.

    Separately, asked to comment on whether China was ready to engage in the resolution of the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan, in the wake of the recent exchange of fire across the Line of Control (LoC), Mr. Geng said: “China is willing to play a constructive role in improving relations between India and Pakistan.”

    Kashmir issue

    Significantly, he also highlighted the Kashmir dispute outside its bilateral context, by pointing out that it had attracted the attention of the “international community”. Besides, Mr. Geng flagged the exchange of fire across the Line of Control (LoC) as a factor undermining “regional stability.”

    “Both India and Pakistan are important countries in South Asia. The conflicts occurred near the Line of Control, Kashmir. This will not only harm the peace and stability of the two countries but also the peace and tranquillity of the region.”

    The spokesperson hoped that “the relevant sides can do more things that are conducive to the peace and stability of the region and avoid the escalation of tensions”.


@NeonNinja @Khan Sahab @PaklovesTurkiye @Zibago @django @DESERT FIGHTER @Imran Khan @Zarvan @The Sandman @Narendra Trump @Spring Onion @haviZsultan @Windjammer @Umair Nawaz @Areesh @Azlan Haider @Moonlight @Burhan Wani @shahbaz baig @snow lake @MUSTAKSHAF @IceCold @KN-1 @Hassan Guy @Jf Thunder

@Muhammad bin Hamid @S.Y.A @Arsalan Zaheer @Major Sam @newb3e

@Taimoor Khan @friendly_troll96 @Mahmood-ur-Rehman

@Hareeb @Green Angel @Awi @abrar khan

@Kash_Ninja @Rafi @M.SAAD @Mrc
No we won't, we will keep holding Chinese territory while the Chinese can only whine and cry.
Another day and another begging/threat.
Is it a fresh warning/threat or an old one?.....I am losing track of it..!
Obviously we know where this is going. The goons cannot be reasoned with. But we still try. Sadly, 55 years may have been too long a time of peace for some. They want another beating. Hopefully this time you don't flee as fast as your grandpa's did;)
The Chinese should be resolving the boundary dispute with the Bhutanese Govt. What has India got to do regarding the boundary dispute in this case. It doesn't concern India. Once the Bhutanese Govt is satisfied with Chinese position they will ask the GoI to move back it's troops, which have been on assistance call by the Bhutanese.

I guess that's why such a silence from Indian Govt. The Chinese should be talking to RGoB rather than India.
This toning down shows that the Communist party hacks are not entirely bereft of brain matter. The same cannot be said for the Chinese and their Pakistani brethren on PDF who continue to amaze us with their intellectual bankruptcy and pompous jingoism.
Obviously we know where this is going. The goons cannot be reasoned with. But we still try. Sadly, 55 years may have been too long a time of peace for some. They want another beating. Hopefully this time you don't flee as fast as your grandpa's did;)

Chinese memory seems to be as fragile as its products, otherwise how come it forget the brutal thrashing it got from us just 50 years ago!
Chinese memory seems to be as fragile as its products, otherwise how come it forget the brutal thrashing it got from us just 50 years ago!

Do you seriously think they have recorded that thrashing in any of their red books?
Their self inflated Rambo istyle attitude means crap when the first bullets hits in the face.

I am very certain they are even more pathetic than the terrorists we kill each day in Kashmir.
Do you seriously think they have recorded that thrashing in any of their red books?
Their self inflated Rambo istyle attitude means crap when the first bullets hits in the face.

I am very certain they are even more pathetic than the terrorists we kill each day in Kashmir.

I was seeing some pics of joint training of Chinese soldiers with Pakistani army, those Chini soldiers were like kiddies with plumpy red chicks, and still at awe of holding an assault rifle, and their commander was round like a pumpkin! They all looked quite novice and......soft. :) I guess they recruit just about anybody from high schools & colleges.
Obviously we know where this is going. The goons cannot be reasoned with. But we still try. Sadly, 55 years may have been too long a time of peace for some. They want another beating. Hopefully this time you don't flee as fast as your grandpa's did;)

Its cool, we opened up some burial spots for your lads next to the ones there from 67. This is Nathu La and Cho La area after all ;)

But in the end you gonna not even do anything but bray a few times till your big govt meeting or whatever and then take the loss of face (that you invested into) like a champ.
sound like both China & India are stuck and there is yet no result..

1. i am really Concern if Bhutan request India to interfere.. so there should be an Official statement/Agreement with India by Bhutan please share with me if any.. (Dont Quote the crap of News)

2. India has shown the Concern about Siliguri Corridor which is in my opinion it's just a lack of trust between China & India... otherwise siliguri Corridor is miles far away from Sikkim border and there are many barriers in term of rivers, difficult terrain and many hurdles that ensure the safety of both sides naturally so Siliguri Corridor should not be a concern from Indian side if china just want to construct a road.

3. China has ambition to link with Nepal & Bhutan as china already wanna link among many countries using OBOR that is why China is building this Road too... and India already denied any participation in OBOR.. so looks like it's geopolitics war rather then misunderstanding between both Countries..

in my opinion India should join OBOR.. and China should play a constructive role to join Bhutan as well as Nepal in this bigger project.. India is moving toward two front bit by bit because of India's unwarranted concerns & and it's not good for regional connectivity and prosperity of the region.

@Kiss_of_the_Dragon @waz @wiseone2
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