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  1. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    I said a few months ago that the new F4 ++ with a new cell, new electronics, new cockpit, new radar and a new engine is a reality. And I love as always the process of announcing Iran that deceives everyone. But they always give clues. You sincerely believe that the new engine is not in test...
  2. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Iran officially settles in the club of 4 greatest power in air defense system of the world
  3. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    It's definitely 2 different radars
  4. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    it seems that Bavar 373 is going to surprise us by its radar components, I can not wait to see. Another rumor is that the Kowsar fighter would have a link with Bavar 373. Is this possible? False rumor? Maybe Kowsar could be the direct defender of the system but maybe it's not true? I do not know...
  5. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Do not forget the Iranian pantsir:wave:
  6. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    it's a new, more technological missile with a new function. Sorry to tell you but it's like that ... Do you have any other information about it? And I know it's missile of S-200 HELLO!:girl_wacko:
  7. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Absolutely and his mystery is also his new missile
  8. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    The USA has a bomb that holds in the hands and able to destroy the planet Jupiter. They are strong these Americans and especially they are not idiots:crazy_pilot::crazy_pilot::crazy_pilot:
  9. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    An article of an American lost in space who speculates but knows absolutely nothing. It smells of fear !!
  10. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Thank you for your intelligent comment. Exactly Iran is incredible in radar diversity. It can be said that Iran is part of the club of the 4 largest power network air defense system in the world. Russia The USA China Iran With the official arrival of Bavar 373 and an Iranian pantsir. Iran will...
  11. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    My god! Iran does not need the S-400. And for the famous S-300 PMU the truth is that it is not a PMU2 but a PMU3 or better still a S-300 IR. The S-300 of Iran is unique in the world include elements of the S-400 and even S-350 Vityaz ... With the arrival of Bavar 373, Iran becomes autonomous...
  12. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    It's really anything because Iran does not need the S-400
  13. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    it seems that this radar would be very powerful for detection and for electronic warfare. it would be a new, new generation radar. I think his name is Navid ... Who would have more detail on the forum?
  14. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    I find this drone really special with propeller in the front. I do not know what it is for but it looks promising and I like its shape.
  15. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Frankly, it's delusion here !!! Iraq 2003 is not comparable to Iraq 2003, there are not serious people here. Whether you like it or not with the arrival of Bavar 373 soon, Iran is the club of the 5 largest air defense of the world. The number of different radar and air defense system is hugely...
  16. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    It must be kept in mind that Iran is often further in their military technology than in their official announcement processes. I think you'll be even more excited that when he's going to present the Kowsar armament, this is to be followed ... Now, I can not wait to see the Bavar 373 coming up soon
  17. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Frankly ! Sorry to say it but TheImmortal is the most stupid of this forum and does not control his subjects. Iran does not need S-400s or S-500s that are not yet active in Russia. Bavar 373 will soon be officially released and Iran is already working on Bavar 373 II. Bavar 373 will surprise the...
  18. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    False! I have the pictures from the back of the radar and this one really has different
  19. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Hum hum ? Looking at this radar presented in this parade, we see a folded section on each side and here on the pictures of the Maraj-4 there are not these folded sections. This radar seems to me to be different from the Maraj-4
  20. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Look well above the nose, it's new!
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