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    More Salami-Slicing Brings China Much Closer To the Siliguri Corridor in West Bengal

    Sir what will be the final map after India is taken care off?
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    GSP+ scheme of EU: Country faces prospect of suspension

    TLP is being sponsored into becoming something that which it is NOT. Only to be taken down by the state. Something similar happened in Lal Masjid incident. GSP + Status is also at RISK IF WE ARE TO RESTORE DEATH PENALTY. France is too important to be ignored.
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    South Korea Defence Forum

    Sir can you explain, if possible, how does GaN radar of Kfx stack up against GaN of Saab's Gripen Fighter?
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    Anger flares anew as China moves closer to raising retirement age

    Something similar should happen in Pakistan, in both in the civilian and military domains. 60 is too young to retire. 65 for now and then slowly increased to 70. Early retirement NOT before 50 years or 25 years of service whichever is comes first, in which case the pension would be halved.
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    ISI, Rangers Officials To Be Removed From Post on KHI Incident: ISPR

    Officers / Brigadiers / Sector Commanders can't act without knowledge / permission of their DGs specially after Midnight. What action was taken by ISI Officers / Brigadiers / Sector Commanders of PUNJAB RANGERS in 2014 in Model Town incident In Lahore when innocent Civilians were killed by the...
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    Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

    I wish I would have been there to witness such an amazing atmosphere, warmth and love. What is Pakistan doing over there COVERTLY? Feels like we are in a cricket match in which we are about to win the World Cup. Proud to be a Pakistani :)
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    Current Account Records A Huge Surplus of Over $800 Million in July-Aug 2020

    This surplus is a deception and nothing to celebrate about. It has happened because repayment of loans amounting to billions of dollars were delayed due to the Corona Virus till December 2020. After that dollar is going to cross 170.
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    Featured Ex PN Chief Zafar Mehmood Abbasi highlighted PN modernization

    Sir have we managed to develop materials technology that can withstand hypersonic speeds?
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    FIR sought against Ayaz Sadiq over comments on Abhinandan

    The way he spoke, considering his age and his political seniority, his calmness and body language, makes me feel some truth to his statement
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    BREAKING: Washington announces $2.4 billion-sale of 100 Harpoon coastal defense systems to Taiwan

    The aim is not to defeat China, that is not possible but to make sure that counter damage to China would be extensive enough so that China will rethink about its strategy of taking over Taiwan in the future by force. Question is how much China is willing to bleed to unite with Taiwan?
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    Featured Iran expresses readiness to accept Pakistani investment in Chabahar

    Pakistan or more specifically Gawadar port, risks getting sanctioned by the US , if any Pakistani company, state owned or private, is seen doing business with Iran?
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    Featured FATF satisfied with Pakistan progress but maintains grey list status for now

    If Pakistan knows that it has to fulfill all the demands put forward by FATF, then why is Pakistan dragging it's feet and not immediately full fill all the demands?
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    COAS takes notice on Karachi incident - DG ISPR

    It's difficult / impossible to believe that DG Rangers Sindh acted without taking his senior, the Karachi Corps Commander into Confidence. For the first time in many years, DG Rangers Sindh would be changed / transferred under Political Pressure? The pressure is coming when BIG provinces are...
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    Featured Commander Iraqi Air Force, along with his delegation visited Air Headquarters & JSHQ

    PAF for hire? PAF can help Iraqi AF just like it is helping Nigerian AF?
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    What is wrong with this Ad, and why is it banned?

    Maybe controversy has been created to promote the brand? More objectionable dances can easily be seen in TARANG adds, tea whitener or milk specially made for tea.
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    What kind of behaviour Pakistani Dramas are trying to promote?

    Oh man. I thought she was sober. Ways of Earning money have gotten too extreme PUBLICLY. Truth is coming out regarding the changing trends of CORPORATE CULTURE in Pakistan.
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    Defending Sind

    Ofcouse there are ways to counter S 400 but are we as advanced as the US in maneuvering missiles in eneny territory with sustained electronic jamming?
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    Defending Sind

    Indian advance under the cover of MOBILE S - 400s and other similar SAMs being inducted ( Both foreign and domestic ) are going to give a QUALITATIVE EDGE to which there currently is NO Counter available within our resources. Counting on the incompetence and bad luck of the enemy, to win a...
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