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GSP+ scheme of EU: Country faces prospect of suspension


May 21, 2010
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan may reportedly face possible suspension of trade incentives available under Generalized System of Preferences plus (GSP+) scheme of European Union (EU) if any “coercive” action is taken against France, well informed sources told Business Recorder. According to a reported agreement signed on a plain paper between the representatives of Government of Pakistan (GoP) and Tehreek-e- Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), the French ambassador may be expelled from Pakistan in two or three months, through a decision of Parliament, Pakistani ambassador to France recalled and a boycott of French products.

According to the GSP plus criteria, the EU can suspend the scheme any time, if it finds that the recipient country is not following the agreement in “letter and spirit.”

Two weeks earlier, the EU and Pakistan held detailed discussions on strategic dialogue. The EU extended financial support of €150 million to help address the Covid-19 pandemic in Pakistan. And Pakistan has budgeted estimates of $25.373 million project loan from France for 2020-21. France has disbursed $25.3 million so far for different projects including $21.14 million for Power Transmission Enhancement Investment (PR TR-IV) project which was not budgeted.

France disbursed $0.30 million for 48 MW Jagran HPP-II, AJK and $3.89 million for Rehabilitation of Mangla hydropower project in the current financial year so far. However, no amount has been disbursed of the $21.18 million budgeted estimates for capacity building of AJK power development organization, 34.5 MW Harpo HPP Skardu (co-financing Kfw), extension of water resources Faisalabad city phase-II, Warsak hydropower project-II, Dargai HPP, Chitral hydropower project and Heritage & Urban Regeneration in Walled city of Lahore.

The government has also budgeted $0.152 million grant as‘AFD Support to PPIB for tariff-based bidding and review of feasibility studies and capacity building’, but no amount has been disbursed in the current fiscal year so far.

The EU's delegation to Pakistan and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan have not offered comments on the agreement.

The EU has already started parlays on new criteria for GSP plus for the beneficiary countries from 2023. The GSP plus incentives available to Pakistan will expire in 2022 and Pakistan is hopeful that incentives will be extended after 2022.

Analysts argue that in the event that the government follows through with its agreement with TLP France and other European countries can also give a tough time at the FATF meeting scheduled to be held in February next year.

Pakistan imports from France were of $420.09 million during 2019, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. Pakistan’s imports from France - data, historical chart and statistics – were last updated this month. The key items being imported from France are pharmaceutical products- $ 110.21 million, machinery nuclear reactors, boilers $ 53.04 million, organic chemicals, $ 37.77 million, dairy products, eggs, honey, edible products, $ 28.35 million, aircraft, spacecraft, $ 26.44 million, miscellaneous chemical products $ 18.87 million, electrical, electronic equipment $ 18.61 million, iron and steel $16.82 million, optical, photo, technical, medical apparatus $ 16.80 million and plastic.

Earlier, a campaign was also launched in Islamic countries, including Pakistan, to boycott French products in response to highly unreasonable controversial comments made by French President Emmanuel Marcron subsequent to the be heading of a teacher who had shown the blasphemous cartoons to his pupils. The data shows that Pakistan’s exports to France were of $442.48 million during 2019. Pakistan's exports to France during the first four months of current fiscal were recorded at $ 127 million. France has also made investment in Pakistan in different sectors, including oil and gas sector.

Self respect versus GSP+... Tough choice .
Self respect versus GSP+... Tough choice .

Why would Pakistan take any action against France? Pak has already conveyed anger at the official level, I don't think so we will go any further.
World is a global village now and no country can afford to stay disconnected from another. If Pakistan choses to kick out french ambassador at behest of TLYP then we would be encouraging these extremists to further their agenda. We barely got rid of terrorism scourge so giving space to these extremists who treat Islam like a joke would be a fatal mistake. This new unique brand of mullahs who insult other sects shouldn't be allowed to go into mainstream politics. Khadim rizvi is joke who in same sentence takes name of our dear prophet and then throws ugliest form of abuse against others.
Self respect versus GSP+... Tough choice
Things are not as black and white as you would like to make. Pakistan protested to highest level, did the French recalled their ambassador just as they did from Turkey? No! They have not. This should tell you a thing or two.
As for recalling our ambassador, we dont have one to recall in the first place.
Hussain gave his life but did not accept a humiliation.

We Pakistani don't deserve more than Hussain to live. Better to die of hunger than to compromise on honor of our beloved Prophet.
TLP is being sponsored into becoming something that which it is NOT. Only to be taken down by the state.

Something similar happened in Lal Masjid incident.


France is too important to be ignored.
Any ways, the common people of Pakistan will not become sinful. All the sin of not responding to the criminal act of France is upon those who have brought Pakistan into such weak state by borrowing more and more.

We are in fact saving French Christians from a nuclear war and their govt wants Christians to be bombed by doing such acts. Probably French President is a filthy Zionist Jew who wants a war between Muslims and Christians.
Choices like these are the reason why the West has dominated the east for the past 3-4 centuries. A compromise of self respect may seem lucrative in short term yet it proves detremental in the long run.
World is a global village now and no country can afford to stay disconnected from another. If Pakistan choses to kick out french ambassador at behest of TLYP then we would be encouraging these extremists to further their agenda. We barely got rid of terrorism scourge so giving space to these extremists who treat Islam like a joke would be a fatal mistake. This new unique brand of mullahs who insult other sects shouldn't be allowed to go into mainstream politics. Khadim rizvi is joke who in same sentence takes name of our dear prophet and then throws ugliest form of abuse against others.
How is standing up for the honour of the Prophet(pbuh) extremism?, has any country other than France endorsed blasphemy on a state level, no, never, its only France. It is like they are slapping ur muslim identity right in the face and u propose getting down on knees for economical benefits? There is a red line for every self respecting civilization, once it is crossed it doesnt compromise, what u are advocating is slave talk.

We compromised on the Nawaz Shareef case in return for Arab economic assistance, how did that turn out? economic coushin for a few months and then anarchy that is now threatening the very state and its national security. You now propose to compromise on something that is more important than life itself to any muslim that is worth a nickel for some Europeon pounds? This is exactly the mindset that has kept Pakistan wrapped up in shadows for so long. Compromise with corruption, compromise with children getting raped because the EU hates death penalty, compromise with national security, compromise with traitors, compromise with every evil possible. Aurangzeb let the East India company stay after there first attempt at siezing power was defeated, he let them stay for economic benefits and the rest in history. If u cannot understand this than may Allah have mercy on u.
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Self respect versus GSP+... Tough choice .

not at all. If that is the choice, for most debtor nations & especially Pakistan, it'd be easy as they know they cannot eat respect. They have shown that repeatedly in the past such as the Malaysia visit.
However, it is indeed a trade-off but more like trying to show being relevant vs GSP+.

Macaron with his latest proposal to regulate how Islam will be practiced in France, has shown leadership that none of the so called Islamic countries have shown.
The economic affairs ministry’s estimates had shown that Pakistan can get $613 million worth of temporary relief from Saudi Arabia, $309 million from China, $23 million from Canada, $183 million from France, $99 million from Germany, $6 million from Italy, $373 million from Japan, $47 million from South Korea, $14 million from Russia, $1 million from UK and $128 million from the US.

Pakistan loans money from France, and also get grants. I am skeptical of govt determination to boycott france. Ofcourse, empty words will be sold to foolish public.

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