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Featured FATF satisfied with Pakistan progress but maintains grey list status for now

If Pakistan knows that it has to fulfill all the demands put forward by FATF, then why is Pakistan dragging it's feet and not immediately full fill all the demands?
I agree with you all FATF has become a political tool. However, we must work to get 6 demands completed. Also it would be good to see what those are.

They have already been implemented. The 6 months extension is for them to see if they work or not. That is why they are partial completed. Passing the law is one part, impelementing it and see it in action is the other part.

The three nation that voted against Pakistan, rapistan, its puppet Afghanistan, and for some reason, Thailand. Why Thailand? That is a question.

Why isn't Afghanistan in the black list, the snakes really do deserve Taliban.
Also it looks like people of Thailand need Pakistan's help in getting free from dictator.

They have already been implemented. The 6 months extension is for them to see if they work or not. That is why they are partial completed. Passing the law is one part, impelementing it and see it in action is the other part.

The three nation that voted against Pakistan, rapistan, its puppet Afghanistan, and for some reason, Thailand. Why Thailand? That is a question.

We should try to convince KSA and Bangladesh atleast if not all who abstained vote to support us...

Thailand voting against us is odd but now we know how we have to deal with em in future...

We should also have engaged Afghanistan
ok i wish they force pakistan to improve economic and banking system of 21th century . everything must be electronic transactions .i support FATF even i know its dirty game nothing more .
very true.
Stop CPEC projects. That is the only motivation of this list

They cannot do shit about CPEC. CPEC is here to stay and it is growing as we speak.

A hundred FATF's don't equal one CPEC.
They have already been implemented. The 6 months extension is for them to see if they work or not. That is why they are partial completed. Passing the law is one part, impelementing it and see it in action is the other part.

The three nation that voted against Pakistan, rapistan, its puppet Afghanistan, and for some reason, Thailand. Why Thailand? That is a question.

They are waiting to see how Afghanistan peace talks work out.
Why isn't Afghanistan in the black list, the snakes really do deserve Taliban.
Also it looks like people of Thailand need Pakistan's help in getting free from dictator.
FATF satisfied with Pakistan progress but maintains grey list status for now

Pakistan case was taken up on the last day of FATF's ongoing meeting between October 21 and 23.

Fahad Zulfikar Updated 23 Oct 2020

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has decided to maintain Pakistan's status on its 'grey list' of countries with inadequate control over curbing money laundering and terrorism financing, media has reported.

Talking to media via video link, the FATF President Marcus Pleyer said, “The plenary has decided to keep Pakistan in 'grey list' until February 2021 despite the country has successfully complied with 21 out of 27 points of action”

The global watchdog reviewed Pakistan’s progress on the 27-point action plan for addressing anti-money laundering and terror financing.
“Pakistan has to do more,” said the FATF President. "To date, Pakistan has made progress across all action plan items and has now largely addressed. As all action plan deadlines have expired, the FATF strongly urges Pakistan to swiftly complete its full action plan by February 2021."

Commenting on a query about whether Pakistan in safe from the black list or not, he said, “Let me clear, Pakistan is in the gray list, the country has made great progress and the government has cooperated too. We hope by our next deadline they would address the remaining six points of action.”

FATF-related rumours

In an attempt to undermine Pakistan and Saudi Arabia's ties, anti-state elements circulated rumours on social media platforms on October 22 that Saudi Arabia has voted against Pakistan in the meeting of the FATF, creating widespread alarm among the people. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has rejected the news terming it as baseless.

The fake news trended on top on twitter as people questioned its authenticity. Most twitter handlers said that the news could not be true as the voting will be held on October 23 while some termed it a move to damage ties between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

Later, a statement issued by Foreign Office categorically rejected the story terming it as false.

The FO stated that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia enjoy strong fraternal ties and the two countries have always cooperated with each other on all matters of bilateral, regional and international importance.

Inclusion in grey list

Pakistan was placed on the FATF grey list in June 2018 and was given a plan of action to complete by October 2019 or face the risk of being placed on the blacklist along with Iran and North Korea.

In October 2019, the FATF decided to keep Pakistan on its grey list till February, giving it time to implement the 27-point action plan.
The task force directed Islamabad to take more measures for complete elimination of terror financing and money laundering while expressing serious concerns over the lack of progress in addressing terror financing risks.

The FATF met again in January this year in Beijing where Pakistan provided a list of actions taken to implement the action plan.
Later in October, Pakistan received another extension on the “grey list”, as the FATF plenary session decided to continue all countries under scrutiny for Terror Financing and Money Laundering until October 2020.


Understand that enough sweetener is added to the news title to sound it comforting...but thing to ponder is....If my examiner is satisfied with my performance, why has he failed me?..or why I am not promoted to next level, and continue to be in the same class for past 2 years?
What are the final 6 requirements?

believe me, u dont want to know , the remaining 6 items,

with 4 extensions , already from fatf

we r where we were in 2018...

even malaysia and saudia voted against us.

we didnt even get 12 votes from 39 countries,

so much for bright diplomacy......
believe me, u dont want to know , the remaining 6 items,

with 4 extensions , already from fatf

we r where we were in 2018...

even malaysia and saudia voted against us.

we didnt even get 12 votes from 39 countries,

so much for bright diplomacy......

????? We have 6 FATf improvements yet to make

What's the problem, what are the areas

We can finally wangle ourselves out of this and it would be a great achievement that we have overhauled areas of our legal and financial regulations and laws that were blocked by corrupt parties
????? We have 6 FATf improvements yet to make

What's the problem, what are the areas

We can finally wangle ourselves out of this and it would be a great achievement that we have overhauled areas of our legal and financial regulations and laws that were blocked by corrupt parties

well if you want a visit to sumali elaka jaat?
maybe they can tell u the remaining 6 items, which since 2 yrs, r still there.
well if you want a visit to sumali elaka jaat?
maybe they can tell u the remaining 6 items, which since 2 yrs, r still there.

Yeah but 21 items have been completed

Who had that helped????

It's obviously PAKISTAN

Who were against law changes?
Our corrupt opposition politicians

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