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  1. P

    The Washington Post: Video of Sikh leader’s killing shows coordinated attack

    The western powers will be haunted by the terrorist Hindus more and more in the coming months and years because the world powers supported these Indian Hindu terrorists in grabbing the power and controlling one of the largest countries in the world. Even under the control of ostensibly secular...
  2. P

    Can Justice Qazi send all Hum-Khiyal Judges to home??

    Yes, of course. Pakistan Supreme Court needs to be cleaned by removing the shit that the outgoing crook Bandial has spread all over. Allegedly solid evidence of corruption is present against some SC judges but that crook Bandial protected those judges. Some junior judges were moved up to the SC...
  3. P

    Pakistani Made Grad rockets not Good

    Look at the imbalance in the fire power between the two warring sides and how desperate Ukrainians would be to get anything. Something is better than nothing. No wonders they bought twenty or thirty years old ammu too. They want to buy anything (in terms of these shells) available in the market.
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    Failed Rescue Operation in Battagram

    You need to use your brain before starting such a stupid thread. Do you really understand what actually happened, how difficult the situation was and what was possible/safe to do and not to do. It was not a simple operation that you send a chopper and pick up all those who were trapped in the...
  5. P

    For Pakistan: Disaster looms amid Drop in Rupee, Foreign Reserves, Remittances & High Inflation

    The free fall of Pak rupee is not due to the imbalance in exports and imports. It's because of mafias. I was in Lahore during this summer. One day I withdrew a few thousand dollars from my roshan digital account. The bank manager asked me if I would like to exchange these dollars with Pak...
  6. P

    PDF Pakistanis, can we unite?

    There is only one way that PDF Pakistanis (in fact all Pakistanis for that matter) can unite and that is to support the rule of law in Pakistan. We see our judges, generals, politicians, etc. every one is bending the law of the land to exploit the already broken system in their favor. Their...
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    Pakistan has Integrated its Own Standoff Weapons with Turkish Baykar Bayraktar Akıncı: Turkiye Urdu

    I believe future air wars will heavily involve UCAUs rather than piloted planes. And I think most successful future UCAV will have a relatively smaller size but a big punch. Today's UAVs are very simple designs and of low capabilities than those of future wars. Using AI algorithms, future UCAVs...
  8. P

    $255M for Akash SAMs: Armenia Signs Another Arms Deal with India

    Has this system been deployed in India too? If yes, did it achieve any kill? Or it's just another example like Tejas drummed up for export while IAF rejected it multiple times until the plane was shoved through its throat?
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    Enemy ( establishent ISI GENERALS) are creating rift between people and army.

    Yes, no turning back now. Please al least return to Pakistan to participate in the fight against the root cause. What are you waiting for?
  10. P

    Pakistan jumps up 8 notches in military power

    Pakistan has to strengthen itself militarily for its survival. There is no other way around. Contrary to the thoughts of many here on PDF, the sole reason for Pakistan to keep existing so far is due to its military. We have an enemy nine times bigger than us and that enemy is hell bent on...
  11. P

    UAE: Ashraf Ghani emerges & apologises to nation!

    An American pet dog might be having more worth than this shameless sell-out traitor and war-criminal. This idiot foiled every effort that Americans initially made for Afghan national reconciliation before they started direct talks with Afghan Taliban with Pak help - that is, occupiers having...
  12. P

    General bakshi strikes again - part 3

    Like many Indians, this Indian general Bkashi pulls his claims from his own rear. I would rather leave them living in their own world of delusions and lies. That's ultimately good for us Pakistanis. Even though we know that Indians launder their lies by using coordinated networks of fake news...
  13. P

    Moeed yousaf's another brilliant interview to CNN

    That's a good interview but not good enough. I don't really understand why our officials are so defensive or even apologetic? Why don't we bluntly tell the reality to outside world. Taliban have successfully fought world's best equipped militaries for twenty years and finally defeated and...
  14. P

    Why is Iran upset with Pakistan?

    Iran ''abandonded'' Panjshir? Why are then Iranians fuming so badly? There must be something presumably bad happened for Iran in Afghanistan. We would like know that. You just exhibited your stupidity by addressing that member in such a way. Please come back to civilized world.
  15. P

    JF17s For New Afghan Air Force?

    Very well said, Bro. Many Pakistanis act childish when comes to Thunders. We need to be realistic. Afghanistan needs more of internal stability, harmony, and development. For that, Afghanistan needs national reconciliation and to integrate itself into the regional economic/trade activity. Once...
  16. P

    When an Indian channel invites a wrong Afghan to the show.

    I am very disappointed by coward Pak leaders. The miserable way these leaders have failed in highlighting the reality and facts. In reality, it's India's state policy for many decades now to use terrorism as a military tool against Pakistan (and the irony is that Indians at the highest levels...
  17. P

    Pak's Lashkar-e-Taiba shifting base into country, Afghan government tells India

    Kabul puppet regime has no credibility whatsoever. It consists of shameless sell-outs and traitors who were helping occupying forces in killing Afghans. Indian government lives in falsehood and has been caught red-handed while running a massive web of falsehood for laundering lies, and spreading...
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    Assam, Mizoram CMs in heated Twitter exchange as border tensions flare up

    India is an unnatural country consisting of countless number of ethnic groups with totally different cultures, languages, opposing interests, and ethnic goals. This country has been artificially glued togather by military might for last 70 years. That is bound to fail as people are getting more...
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    afghan army chief cancels visit to india...india not sending troops

    Coward Indians can only use Afghanistan and puppet Kabul regime for using terrorism against Pakistan and that too under the protection of some other power (i.e. first Soviets and then NATO forces). Hindu cowardice is a well established and historic fact. Indians have no balls to send their...
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    Featured Former Diplomat’s Daughter Beheaded Over Breakup In Islamabad

    Every act of crime has two aspects. First being the one on the victim or victim's dear ones (e.g. children losing their father or mother). Second, and equally important, is the effect on the society as a whole. This particular crime by that bloody criminal has a more profound effect on the...
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