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JF17s For New Afghan Air Force?

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This sort of support is way down the line as @Blacklight rightly points out. I would say a lot of more important military, economic, and diplomatic support can be given between now and then, that is far more impactful.

This is of course conditional on their relations with us, aligning their goals with ours, and their own international credibility as a legitimate state.

Pakistan and Afghanistan will probably become natural allies one day, one possible roadmap of which that I can readily foresee is negotiating new economic projects with the Afghan government, courtesy the Chinese. Pipelines, rail and road links, mining infrastructure, routes to Central Asia.

We have a lot more to offer them than mere hardware, and the need is more imminent elsewhere.
It is crucial for Pakistan that a strong Afghanistan emerges and in that way strengthening your left side means more security for you and stability in your economical flow.. If Pakistan was to be attacked by a large coalition and you have weakened your left side it will come back to bite you in the azz.. Strengthening Afghanistan is crucial for Pakistan...
Yes but this does not mean you give them advanced aerial platforms or massive armor regiments…….. keep them on gunships levels and maybe some older f-7pf but that’s it

Yes but this does not mean you give them advanced aerial platforms or massive armor regiments…….. keep them on gunships levels and maybe some older f-7pf but that’s it


But why? I don't understand the insecurity here they need advanced stuff as they don't wanna go thru another 3rd wave. You have to see life from their perspective.. A strong Afghanistan is bonus and also stragetic depth by ethbalishing installation on their territory. All this is part of a greater bait a known Idiot will once upon a time in the future attempt on this area but the key element is to prepare the bait so great once the fish falls in it falls completely and that fish is India these on the LOC border Insha-allah price will be heavy taking everything from them hence every miscalculation has a consequence..

But the calculations have to be right as you can alraedy see they are having all sorts of social uprising in India and populism that is out of control this stuff could spillover to your border sometime in the next 2 decades.. If you don't make the necessary preparation against them there won't be Punjab it is right at the cross roads. changing of all policies is necessary arming Afghanistan handsomely is an extra bonus and ethbalishing the stragetic depth once the fish takes the bait you catch it properly... But if you fail to predict how the world is gonna change in the next 2-3 decades you won't be able to adjust your politics right today.. Trust me on this when I say this all you have to concentrate on is the LOC border area while strengthening Afghanistan with everything... If you had a time machine to come back and forward you would have agreed with this..
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Afghanistan is surrounded by SCO countries. Why is it in a hurry to buy fighters?
It should invest first in education and then in infrastructure.
If the Taliban must want to buy fighters, I think K8, JL9 and L15 are better choices.
I actually think that once the taliban go into business of running Afghanistan various groups that have formed a temporary alliance will go feral at each other's throat and the country will go uder
It is crucial for Pakistan that a strong Afghanistan emerges and in that way strengthening your left side means more security for you and stability in your economical flow.. If Pakistan was to be attacked by a large coalition and you have weakened your left side it will come back to bite you in the azz.. Strengthening Afghanistan is crucial for Pakistan...
A weak Afghanistan is in Pakistan's favour
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I actually think that once the taliban go into business of running Afghanistan various groups that have formed a temporary alliance will go feral at each other's throat and the country will go uder

A weak Afghanistan is in Pakistan's favour

Maybe 30-40 years ago but certainly not today.. Do you know what lesser evil means? This is how interests are conducted by weighing cons and pros than you go ahead with it but considering how the world is moving the right bet is to beef Afghanistan up
What are the prospects of Pakistan selling new Government in Afghanistan JF17? As they build a new economy?

Edit: This thread seeks to project scenario where we fast forward 3-5 years.

Too volatile of a nation. Take a look at what happened to $ 82 billion spent on the Afghan army since 2002!!

Pakistan would be much better off economically to help rebuild Afghanistan, than selling weapons that could come back to haunt you. Past 20 years are an example. If at all required for Afghanistan's airspace safety, may be they can lease out an airport for PAF to conduct CAPs out of, kind of like what happens with the ME airforces?
What? I doubt they'll need the Jeff after they've got their hands on so much war booty.
Some pakistanis are more delusional then indians. Like wtf is up with pakistanis shoving jf17 in every scenario? What if mars has aliens would they buy jf17 from pakistan? What if sharks had money would they buy jf from pakistan? Pakistan barely had 5 to 10 percent technical contribution and they own it as if they invented the dam plane.
Very well said, Bro. Many Pakistanis act childish when comes to Thunders. We need to be realistic. Afghanistan needs more of internal stability, harmony, and development. For that, Afghanistan needs national reconciliation and to integrate itself into the regional economic/trade activity. Once that gets achieved, Afghans can then think of raising fighter squadrons. BTW, after regional economic integration, Afghanistan will most probably not need fighter jets in any case. Economic integration/activities have their own dynamics that work equally good in achieving national security goals, especially for a landlocked country.
Too volatile of a nation. Take a look at what happened to $ 82 billion spent on the Afghan army since 2002!! Pakistan would be much better off economically to help rebuild Afghanistan, than selling weapons that could come back to haunt you. Past 20 years are an example.

A stronger Afghanistan aligns with pakistan's future calculus
lf at all required for Afghanistan's airspace safety,
The Afghan Airspace can be very easily controlled out of the new Islamabad Area Control Centre, but I don’t think it would bring any good with us impending over the sovereignty of such a proud nation.
The Afghan Airspace can be very easily controlled out of the new Islamabad Area Control Centre, but I don’t think it would bring any good with us impending over the sovereignty of such a proud nation.

I meant an arrangement like it is with Qatar, KSA, etc instead of weaponizing them with jets.
why can't we all relax and give Taliban a breathing space before start selling anything. Opening thread to sell JFT to every country is so buchkana
What are the prospects of Pakistan selling new Government in Afghanistan JF17? As they build a new economy?

Edit: This thread seeks to project scenario where we fast forward 3-5 years.
The IEA government need to protect the skies of Afghanistan so an airforce is need of the hour.
Although they cannot afford to buy such expensive items as fighter jets at the moment.
So the best solution I guess will be if Pakistan and China donate some F-7s to them.
In return for emergency basing agreement.
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