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  1. J

    Ex- TTP Militants singing Pakistan National Anthem Before Pakistan Army in Waziristan

    Obviously I am an idiot if I suggest that as being a Muslim we have the duty to support/help other Muslims , yes I am an idiot because my post is emotional and it’s only because I care about our people and they are our people , yes I am an idiot because I am a patriot Pakistani, I will shed...
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    Ex- TTP Militants singing Pakistan National Anthem Before Pakistan Army in Waziristan

    Not funny ,, Pakistan needs to help these people they are Muslims brothers who have gone astray they need education, jobs health service etc.. what is the point killing each other we are not their enemies, it just reminds me when there was war in Syria you had different Muslims fighting each...
  3. J

    Double standard of western media.

    Very recently there was a news about this guy who threatened to kill the Queen.. No mention of his identity or his ethnicity and the whole thing was downplayed, the only thing that was mentioned that he was mentally unstable. Ofcourse the way he dressed up was if he was going to a fancy dress...
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Spanking new JF17THUNDER
  5. J

    [Opinion] Imran Khan has emerged as a capable leader and Pakistan is extremely lucky to have him

    He is without a doubt the greatest leader Pakistan has ever had..Definitely popular amongst western nations and possibly in the gulf too. He deserves to to get Noble price Since been in power only 3yrs ago face a shattered country : He resolved the Afghanistan issue with American s departing...
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    Arranged Marriages vs. Girlfriend/Boyfriend western culture

    Bro I would suggest that you get to know her in details eg her mentality, her attitude and personality. You could get lucky if she only desire you and respect you over everything else .
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    Arranged Marriages vs. Girlfriend/Boyfriend western culture

    She is always on the phone with her family in Pakistan, I alway encourage her to be close to her family as she so far away yet she always finds me wrong.😦😦 She don’t want to work as we have kids . It’s been 2 months she’s gone to Pak with kids as her dad got terminally ill , so she doesn’t know...
  8. J

    Arranged Marriages vs. Girlfriend/Boyfriend western culture

    Buddy I went to Pakistan and met this innocent girl when my sister attended the clinic while we were on holiday.I loved her caramel skin and her shyness following that encounter I told my sis to get more info about the girl and that I wanted her to be my wife.My sister gave green light after...
  9. J

    Why is Pakistan not developing like many countries

    If you were born in it , seen it as you were growing up ,seeing it on daily life from all the sectors of life I just guess that you becomes corrupt too which then can’t be separated from you. What Imran Khan wants to change is this life cycle of corruption which has been with us for the last...
  10. J

    Featured Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression

    Hi dude you are really funny , you have a redline ?what happened to the freedom of speech. Dont push your believe system on me. My redline is, that no one tells me what i can find funny. :usflag:
  11. J

    CNN Exclusive: US intel and satellite images show Saudi Arabia is now building its own ballistic missiles with help of China

    How weird is that they always always portrayed Iran the most evil country in the world.Well how about Israel the nicest country in the world. Pitching Muslims v Muslims alway been their strategy. The west considers the most evil as good and the most good is considered as evil.
  12. J

    Asian Champions Trophy 2021: India beat Pakistan in 7-goal thriller to clinch bronze medal in Dhaka

    Excellent performance from our team really good to see them progressing.We are just steps away from getting there .. 🇵🇰🏑:yahoo:
  13. J

    Uff Allah .. Saudi Arabia Main Musical Night | Salman Khan performs to thousands in Saudi Arabia

    This guy Salman Khan got no shame ,,killed a poor guy in his sleep while behind wheels and drunk..Oh yes called it an accident oh no wait it was his driver who was drunk no wait he wasn’t even there. Come on pure filth
  14. J

    future Hope, Junaid safdar nawaz join politics

    They keep saying they are Democratic (Jumorreiat) complete nonsense when you look how they want to keep hold on to the power..families are running the party ..Complete mockery of Democracy .
  15. J

    future Hope, Junaid safdar nawaz join politics

    Blood of a hound will always be a hound
  16. J

    Uff Allah .. Saudi Arabia Main Musical Night | Salman Khan performs to thousands in Saudi Arabia

    He is trying to save his own neck , the west has got him for Kashoggi s murder he knows that, so the deal is be like us or you are done. what happened with Sudan’s president Bashir what happened to him , remember the European union was gonna put him on trial for human rights unless he...
  17. J

    Computer, Laptops and Phones will have a Tabdeli and will face 17% GST from Next Year

    Hi just to let you we pay tax on everything in uk from car tax , tv licenses tax , income tax , council tax , value added tax ,inheritance tax, property tax, capital gain tax, Social security tax, Music tax (business premises).these are just some examples there are many more..
  18. J

    "Imran khan will lose next elections due to Tarin" Bilal lakhani

    Be a bitch than .. who’s stopping you that’s what India does.. so when Mushy sided with American than these journalists than were screaming their heads off that he sold out Pakistan to west. Media is sold out .. judges sold out,, elections commission sold out , Police and big corporations sold...
  19. J

    -Justice Wajihuddin Claims Imran is not an Honest Man

    Sorry to say not once I heard Nawas sharif or zardari open their speech With Koran Pak verses , Imran Khan always had tasbi in his hands ,, he has always spoken for the poor and against the thugs and feudal landlord or corruption. He wants to make Pakistan unique and proud nation where the other...
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