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Arranged Marriages vs. Girlfriend/Boyfriend western culture

Thats what matter

Why dont u ask her to work
Get her busy in something may be she can earn some money to spend haha
She is always on the phone with her family in Pakistan, I alway encourage her to be close to her family as she so far away yet she always finds me wrong.😦😦
She don’t want to work as we have kids .
It’s been 2 months she’s gone to Pak with kids as her dad got terminally ill , so she doesn’t know when she wants to come back..
I dearly miss my kids..

I wanna thank all of you guys for your friendship 🇵🇰🇬🇧👍👍👍
Haha I enjoyed reading about these social issues.

Personally my marriage will be arranged by my mother. She already has plans. :D

Oh, I know quite a bit about Islam.
Bro I would suggest that you get to know her in details eg her mentality, her attitude and personality.
You could get lucky if she only desire you and respect you over everything else .

AN-NISA (Women) verse : 3

If you fear you might fail to give orphan women their ˹due˺ rights ˹if you were to marry them˺, then marry other women of your choice—two, three, or four. But if you are afraid you will fail to maintain justice, then ˹content yourselves with˺ one 1 or those ˹bondwomen˺ in your possession.2 This way you are less likely to commit injustice.


There is no Surah in Quran which is named as Male/Men
in China there used to be arranged marriages in the 1800's and before. We've done away with that. Most of the time it was not good for both sides, it was too easy to become exploitive. If you're curious read 《呼伦河传》(Tales of Hulun River)by Xiao Hong, written in the 1930's, who describes the life of an arranged bride.

China in the old time is so cruel to women, do you know that small feet culture ? Even in the past Chinese Indonesian were also doing the same thing, I dont even want to seek the photo and posted in here
The vast majority of UK Pakistani weddings are now where boy and girl met i.e. love weddings. You do have the arranged stuff where people are arranged as well.
In arranged marriages, the girl and the boy do meet.
Its just that boyfriend/girlfriend is haraam.
@MultaniGuy, who is in your profile picture ?
It is Chaudhry Rehmat Ali. The man who formed the idea of Pakistan.
The vast majority of UK Pakistani weddings are now where boy and girl met i.e. love weddings. You do have the arranged stuff where people are arranged as well.
Its good to see you in good health @waz.
It is Chaudhry Rehmat Ali. The man who formed the idea of Pakistan.

Well, the idea of India not being a common homeland for Hindus, Muslims and Christians was first propagated by the Hindutvadis like Savarkar. Secondly, Rehmat Ali turned out to have an unfortunate late life :
After the creation of Pakistan

While Choudhry Rahmat Ali was a leading figure for the conception of Pakistan, he lived most of his adult life in England.

After the partition and creation of Pakistan in 1947, Ali returned to Lahore, Pakistan on 6 April 1948. He had been voicing his dissatisfaction with the creation of Pakistan ever since his arrival in Lahore. He was unhappy over a smaller Pakistan than the one he had conceived in his 1933 pamphlet. He condemned Jinnah for accepting a smaller Pakistan, calling him "Quisling-e-Azam".

Ali had planned to stay in the country, but he was expelled out of Pakistan by the then Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan. His belongings were confiscated, and he left empty-handed for England in October 1948.
Okay who cares. :P Your point being?

I suppose my point is that we shouldn't be so proud to have had the Partition when instead we could have had a bigger country comprising Pakistan, India and Bangladesh and maybe Afghanistan too as it was until not too long ago. A land with progressive political and socio-economic systems.
Okay who cares. :P Your point being?

Jamahir is a serial derailer. He goes to every thread and derails it by dragging off topic comments/questions and then keeps on talking few of his own favourite boring topics. You either don't take the bait and ignore his omments or simply report.
I suppose my point is that we shouldn't be so proud to have had the Partition when instead we could have had a bigger country comprising Pakistan, India and Bangladesh and maybe Afghanistan too as it was until not too long ago. A land with progressive political and socio-economic systems.

This thread is about marriage. What has so called "partition" to do with the marriage? :lol:
This thread is about marriage. What has so called "partition" to do with the marriage? :lol:

Honestly, I am thinking about complaining to Webbie in GHQ about this obsessive compulsive freak. He destroys my PDF experience by derailing every other thread with his typical mumbo jumbo.
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