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CNN Exclusive: US intel and satellite images show Saudi Arabia is now building its own ballistic missiles with help of China

@The SC
Next up the UAE when Halcon unveils their missiles.

Hope they collaborate on projects and development of missiles and exporting to other GCC countries.

Also, a satellite launch vehicle program could be very useful.

The Americans say they are not sure what type of missile(s) it is..we know there is the Grom2 TBM that KSA has the full technology of it..China also transferred technology now not missiles..What will come out of these tests and tech combinations will be a purely Saudi Missile or missiles..


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As the wisdom says: It is enough for one dog to bark, for all the dogs start to bark.

After the news of CNN, Wall Street published a detailed story:


Saudi Arabia has imported sensitive missile technology from the Chinese military and is manufacturing its own ballistic missiles, according to Saudi advisers and officials familiar with US intelligence, raising new fears of an arms race in the Middle East.

Saudi efforts to manufacture its own ballistic missiles are the latest in a series of moves by US allies in the Middle East to increase military cooperation with China in a direction that angered the Biden administration during a period of increasing hostility between Washington and Beijing.

Saudi advisers and an official familiar with US intelligence said that the Saudi government had requested assistance from the People's Liberation Army's missile force, and that those talks had moved to the stage of actually obtaining equipment from the Chinese military.

Saudi advisers and the official familiar with US intelligence said that the Chinese military also moved multiple batches of off-the-shelf Dongfeng missiles from around 2018 through the spring of this year.

One official familiar with US intelligence said the US is preparing to impose sanctions on Chinese entities responsible for missile transfers, but not on Saudi officials or institutions.

The Democrats Channel in America is in pain from Saudi Arabia

Ok, what is required of the Biden government?
Imposing sanctions on entities involved in producing these missiles and transferring technology to Saudi Arabia (China)

Good question, and Saudi Arabia
We can't, many in Congress feel that the administration will not respond
Because the relationship with Saudi Arabia in particular is very sensitive

* Next year, China and Russia will launch an alternative international currency exchange platform for Swift, so most of the West's sanctions will be useless ..
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Keep Pakistan out of this or try to remain out of discussion. This development has nothing to do with Pakistan. 😁

Nope, not at all...Pakistan has nothing to do with Saudi's nuclear program or underground bases :partay: Pakistan doesn't even know where KSA is, is it south America? :P
There is a German report that talks about a secret Saudi nuclear program.. It was launched years ago.. It was recently supported with the help of Chinese-Pakistani

It is mentioned that Pakistani nuclear scientists were transferred to Saudi Arabia over a period of 3 years under the pretext of performing Hajj before they disappeared.


The report also touched on the images taken by the Ikonos satellite about the construction of dozens of missile silos and a secret underground city in Al-Silil for the production of ballistic missiles.
The German report quotes the leaks of some Western intelligence services that the Kingdom secretly possesses components to build and develop new missiles at a base of more than 5,000 square meters in an Arab country.

*There are frequent references to secret Saudi production facilities abroad


Alsalil base :












* Al Watah base for the production and testing of missiles using solid fuel.
The base includes a state-of-the-art factory for the production of rocket engines

Experts say the facility is very similar to a Chinese facility in Lantian for the same purposes



From the beginning of the eighties until the mid-nineties, the Saudi missile program was entirely supplied by China
From the mid-nineties, the first attempts to manufacture local missiles appeared, and these tests officially appeared
And then It fell into a strange silence for nearly a decade and in the middle of the last decade, specifically after King Abdullah's visit to China.. This force expanded very significantly and increased the number of its missile bases, and in the past 4 years, the first signs appeared that Saudi Arabia had received technical assistance from China to establish missile production factories and plants, which are located in the middle of the newly established Saudi missile bases..

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How weird is that they always always portrayed Iran the most evil country in the world.Well how about Israel the nicest country in the world.
Pitching Muslims v Muslims alway been their strategy.
The west considers the most evil as good and the most good is considered as evil.
you are still living in that era bro ? era of friend and foe is gone 20 years ago . in today world there is common interest or no interest . countries only taking up national interests and trading even with arch enemies of past too . there is no friend mother brother sister uncle in Geo politics . only backward countries like think like this . even taliban have learnt interest base world .

Great comment. Even in families the era of brotherhood, family comes first etc has disappeared, its all about your own interests. Selfish and materialist world.
WMD or not this week iraq have paid last installemet 445mn$ to Kuwait from the total war damages 52bn$ . that 52bn$ was paid by Iraqi people because a stupid dictator have some adventure .
that is because he lost. if he had won, there wouldnt be any "damages".
had arabs not invited outsiders to their party, simple.
and whats wrong in that ? when a mad dictator firing missiles here and there like a monkey others have right to protect themselves sir . we have invoited many of outsiders they came or not is other story . USN fleet for east pakistan / jordanian fighter jets / poland's pilots / are few examples .
and whats wrong in that ? when a mad dictator firing missiles here and there like a monkey others have right to protect themselves sir . we have invoited many of outsiders they came or not is other story . USN fleet for east pakistan / jordanian fighter jets / poland's pilots / are few examples .
not the same as inviting an entire army. false equivalency. saudi kings were just pissed that they dont have the biggest army, and that someone can take away from them what they took from others.
had arabs not invited outsiders to their party, simple.
If Saddam would have taken Kuwait, he'd have controlled 1/4 of world oil production, the west would be paying $200 or $300 a barrel of oil..so they came there and waged war for their own interests..He couldn't take on all the Arabs either but he would have damaged oil facilities everywhere around him.. and that was of highest concern to the world at large..
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If Saddam would have taken Kuweit, he'd have controlled 1/4 of world oil production, the west would be paying $200 or300 a barrel of oil..so they came their and waged war for their own interests..He couldn't take on all the Arabs either but he would have damaged oil facilities everywhere around him.. and that was of highest concern to the world at large..
and what led to said invasion? wasnt he egged on earlier by the very same people for a fruitless decade long war?
and what led to said invasion? wasnt he egged on earlier by the very same people for a fruitless decade long war?
Please refrain from talk stemming from ignorance.. The Arabs supported him in his war with Iran to stop the Iranian revolution ideology from propagating everywhere in the ME.. after the war he started claiming Kuwait as a land belonging to Iraq and went up to the UN with his claims..but it did not work..after what Kuwait started to ask for its support money during the war with Iran which has provoked his anger and then ordered the invasion of Kuwait..

Now you can go back to post # 28 to complete the story..
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