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  1. On the Edge

    Minister releases Gandapur's purported audio leak, claims PTI bringing arms to capital

    yes the practice of carrying guns was changed after model town. Now forces are not issued lethal weapons anymore.
  2. On the Edge

    Minister releases Gandapur's purported audio leak, claims PTI bringing arms to capital

    I was talking about sitting govt's plan to counter protests if they get out of control, whichever political party the govt belongs to always deploys forces and these forces are not armed.
  3. On the Edge

    Minister releases Gandapur's purported audio leak, claims PTI bringing arms to capital

    obviously every sitting govt has a legal responsibility to have counter plans, and usually forces are not issued weapons to confront protests. But Gandapur asking for weapons is seriously alarming.
  4. On the Edge

    Minister releases Gandapur's purported audio leak, claims PTI bringing arms to capital

    I think its not a fake news, this gandapur guy has already admitted it Hope i am wrong but khan looks desperate for blood on the streets, they way he announced his long march date soon after AS shahadat, this should help khan followers open their eyes. IK keeps repeating that he wont go to D...
  5. On the Edge

    DG ISPR press conference

    All channels were showing live Janaza of Arshad Sharif Marhoom in split screen.
  6. On the Edge

    DG ISPR press conference

    lets not start the journey to getting personal, Dubious because of dubious judges like Baba rehmatay, imported advisors like Shahzad Akbar, and yes arsalan baita's social media campaigns. If they were not dubious then how come all of them are out of jails?
  7. On the Edge

    DG ISPR press conference

    both under a dubious and shaky judgements, with chors allowed to board planes and PM falling to thelr level by saying i will remove ACs from their rooms We have to understand, certain things have to be done in the right way, if not, even the real chors get cleaned in laundry machines. Its a...
  8. On the Edge

    DG ISPR press conference

    They wanted to call elections but IK thinks if he forces his wish of date of the elections, it will give him a big victory. Why cant he wait for elections next year??
  9. On the Edge

    DG ISPR press conference

    As per them, thy want to stay out, and i think they are trying to stay out (by=election defeats in Punjab to pdm and many other signs) but if IK keeps accusing them in his every speech, how long would they tolerate before giving their response. And when they respond, they will get accused of...
  10. On the Edge

    DG ISPR press conference

    I dont think there is any point of me to post links to his dozens of speeches where he keeps accusing army of supporting chors by being 'Neutral'. You can look for them on YouTube/twitter. When every major political party is chor and ghadar, its only IK left then, isn't it?
  11. On the Edge

    DG ISPR press conference

    not trying to change anything, pls dig his speeches of neutral, janwar, mir jaffar etc, should be enough to convince you,
  12. On the Edge

    DG ISPR press conference

    all his taqreers since he was ousted, according to IK, all major political parties are chors, that only leaves him
  13. On the Edge

    DG ISPR press conference

    So when they supported IK when they brought him into power, their political involvement was good but when they withdrew their support, their political involvement was bad. Not a very fair approach, wont you agree? Ik himself is on record saying that they should support him and him only. Sir, IK...
  14. On the Edge

    DG ISPR press conference

    Fully agreed sir about the controversial role of our military estab.'s role in our history but for once they are trying to stay out of politics, should we not give them this chance? Just because they are not helping IK anymore doesn't and shouldn't mean that they are supporting chors why cant...
  15. On the Edge

    DG ISPR press conference

    me not saying they are not chors, but we all saw what happened during ik's tenure, all alleged chors came out clean like a laundry machine..... The change is a long process, wont happen overnight and on naray bazee
  16. On the Edge

    DG ISPR press conference

    taking your logic forward, the only way to redeem itslef, army must bring IK back into power, must 'Assume' that each and eery other partty is a chor and must follow IK's uturns 24/7 for the rest of our lives sir g, first we need a law and justice system which proves criminals in non...
  17. On the Edge

    DG ISPR press conference

    lets admit, we dont know what happened to AS, whether IK has named estab or not, we all know where his firing guns are pointe to. What does Army get out of assassinating AS? What else could he have been working on which he hadn't said before about etab?
  18. On the Edge

    DG ISPR press conference

    all those asking questions that why did they have to do this unprecedented PC today, cant you see that Imran khan has been doing terrible anti state propaganda since he was kicked out and yet there was no proper response from the army top brass khan is now just playing dirtiest possible...
  19. On the Edge

    REUTERS: Uber exits five Pakistani cities, to continue services via unit Careem

    Unfortunately, our imran khan die hard loving brothers are still not over the fact that he is not the PM anymore. To them, everything is a sazish and done by Bajwa, Be it a car accident, gas leak, lose motions , aircraft engine failure, short circuit or even a car parked outside some ministers...
  20. On the Edge

    Pakistani Roads, Motorways and Highways

    he is the reason i visit forum
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