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DG ISPR press conference

India doesn’t need to do anything, the way things are going Pakistani people will be begging them to invade and liberate us from the duffers..
Their expressions in the presser said it all.. caught with their pants down, trying to pull them up and making an almighty balls up of it..
Nadim, who can believe this baby face is running ISI.. totally lacking any credibility. As for Iftikhar looks like a village idiot trying to come across as being intelligent.. How the hell do these idiots become generals..
saddened to say these bongay’s cannot even compare to the intellect and technical abilities of their counterparts in the Indian army..

Have some dignity. If you want to fight state institutions do it yourself. Let's not rely on the kafir to do it for you.

Besides it won't be required - the day people march on GHQ they'll be on the first flight to London.
No no sir, please don't change the goalposts now.

You said "Ik himself is on record saying that they should support him and him only."

Please show a single record where he said that the establishment or military should support him. Please.

Maybe his son can present it in his next McKinsey case study ;)

(Yeah, I know he isn't in McKinsey anymore)
I work at a competitor of McKinsey and seriously Bajwa is doing precisely everything wrong it seems..
The DG showed a confidential whatsapp message between two civilians in a press conference.

1- It now juust formally brings into public what most in the know already knew, they can read it.

2- In any civilized country this would have been a court case.

I still can't wrap my around what was the need to do this. If you want to clear your name from this murder, do it. Why bring the DG ISI in a hollywood style entry, with his facial expressions fit for a sitcom, and make a farce out of himself.

Then a personal pet peeve that why the heck is the DG ISI sitting in a suit and not a uniform, but that's for another time.

My suggestion to these guys would be to just shut the F up for 2 weeks and sit back. First the DG had to come on TV, then they launched Vawda, now this. What's next? This active attempt to clear themselves is making them look even more suspect.

The nutshell of this press conference was Salman Iqbal, ARY, IK bad. Journalists had already said this yesterday that this was going to happen. The govt hinted as much, and today it happens with Gharida Farooqi and Kamran Shahid on the front row!

They were used to be called saviours of the country. Yet thanks to IK they have proved that are just an old version of 12 graders. Can you still believe they can give solution to anything(even security).
I certainly cannot, and I feel bad for the genuine genius officer who will never be able to make it top.
No no sir, please don't change the goalposts now.

You said "Ik himself is on record saying that they should support him and him only."

Please show a single record where he said that the establishment or military should support him. Please.
the geezer came to do some psyops and you caught it in the act! you should give some leeway of 3 posts before pouncing :lol:
not trying to change anything, pls dig his speeches of neutral, janwar, mir jaffar etc, should be enough to convince you,

IK is saying call elections and let the people decide. He doesn't say he wants establishment to put him in power but probably knows that they can force PDM to call elections since they run the show behind the scenes.
They have already done this using FC & Rangers, same will happen again IF they failed at this stage than Martial is inevitable.

Army as an Institution has OFFICIALLY declared that they are major party in this political conflict & would oppose democratic process.

Rangers still had a civil cover of MOI. Martial law will be uncontrollable the way the sentiments are. If they want a repeat of 71 they can go ahead.
The way the GHQ has handled everything since April. I won't be surprised for any worst eventuality.
Honestly if half a million really thinks they can control a mob. They will be in for a nasty surprise.
So when they supported IK when they brought him into power, their political involvement was good but when they withdrew their support, their political involvement was bad. Not a very fair approach, wont you agree? Ik himself is on record saying that they should support him and him only.

Sir, IK has to go into parliament, develop his party into a proper political party which rises above a celebrity figure, we need decades of civilian rule, only then we will start to improve.
IK was winning more seats in 2018 than allowed to win. This was done to keep him on his toes the entire tenure. Problems between IK and establishment started when IK decided to bring ISI chief of his choice. He had all the authority to do that however current COAS imposed his own choice.

In other countries, it is called mutiny. IK didn't implicate him though.

IK never said they should support him and him only.. he said, no one should support corrupts at least. Was that too much a demand?

And when the marches happened in his tenure against him, he didn't stop any of them. But when he is using his democratic right, his supporters are being bombarded with expired tear gas? Army is fully committed to stop the march because now they think Pakistan is going through difficult times? IK spent much of his time in fighting corona and international oil prices.. these sorry faces didn't realize at that time and didn't advise PDM to not carryout any protests? Instead, they were meeting them continuously.

If they are true to their words, they should stop meddling in the affairs from TODAY.. and then we will all see how this PDM government falls down.
Please show me...I haven't come across any.

YOu are the one making the claim that all is on record. So where is the record?

If I say I am feeling cold, does not mean I am telling you to get me a heater. That is the sort of jump you are making.

So please, show the record where he said that the estab should support him.
I dont think there is any point of me to post links to his dozens of speeches where he keeps accusing army of supporting chors by being 'Neutral'. You can look for them on YouTube/twitter.

When every major political party is chor and ghadar, its only IK left then, isn't it?
We know kuch daal may kaala hai. I was willing to give army leadership benefit of doubt with regards to Arshad Shareef's killing but:

1. Why hold press conference close to janaza of Arshad Sharif?

2. IK suggested General Tariq Khan head cipher inquiry commission which TK agreed to but later backed out. Why?

3. Americans wasted hundreds of millions of dollars to investigate the fairy tale that was Russiagate. Why cant Pakistan form a commission on such lines?

4. IK is guilty of treason if he is lying about cipher. Why not hold an inquiry and expose him?

5. Why is the diplomat, who sent the cipher, still on the job?

6. Why did Athur Minallah allude to imposition of martial law if courts had not opened at midnight?

7. Why did Zardari say in public gathering that COAS asked for removal of IK's govt? How did Zardari know General Faiz was being made khudday line?

8. Why did you spend one week in DC after removal of IK's government? Why did COAS spend a week in the US along with spending time in the UK? What tangible monetary or strategic benefits has Pakistan received from these visits?

9. Last but not least, why should head of ISI stay on the job when he cannot even protect the sanctity of PM's office?

I don't know about you but for me, the chips fall in place if you consider that head of ISI is an American tuttoo.
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